Main Event – September 3, 2020: The Roll Continues

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: September 3, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton

It’s the second week in the Thunder Dome and they’re coming off a good start with a solid show last week. Last week’s show had a pair of higher than usual quality original matches but that has no bearing on this show whatsoever. That has always been a big part of Main Event’s problems, as you never know what you might be getting here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Humberto Carrillo vs. Akira Tozawa

The Ninjas are here with Tozawa, who shouts about NINJA POWER to start. Tozawa is sent to the apron where he can’t suplex Carrillo out but can get superkicked, right onto the pile of Ninjas for the save. Back in and Tozawa kicks Carrillo down but misses a middle rope spinning crossbody.

Carrillo grabs a snap suplex but it’s too early for the moonsault as Tozawa crotches him down. There’s the standing backsplash for two on Carrillo and we hit the double arm crank. Back up and Tozawa flips out of a German suplex attempt but gets chopped down. A tilt-a-whirl backbreaker plants Tozawa and a torture rack face plant gives Carrillo the pin at 5:38.

Rating: C. Carrillo mixing it up a bit is one of the best things that he can do as there is only so much you can get out of his limited promo skills/charisma. Then you have Tozawa, who has enough charisma that he could probably loan some of it out to other wrestlers. Tozawa is someone I have wanted to see more from for a long time now and the Ninjas deal is about as good as he has had in a good while. It’s better than nothing, though not that much.

Quick look at Keith Lee beating Randy Orton at Payback.

From Raw.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Keith Lee

The first of the three qualifying matches. The bell rings after the break and Lee cranks on the arm, including lifting Ziggler up by the hand. A hard catapult sends Ziggler face first into the buckle and Ziggler needs a breather on the floor. Back in and Ziggler takes him down by the knee and grabs a chinlock. That doesn’t last long as Lee gets up and runs Ziggler over as we take a break.

Back with Lee hitting Grizzly Magnum and throwing Ziggler into the corner. Ziggler hits a quick Fameasser for two and a neckbreaker into the jumping elbow gets the same. Lee gets up again and slugs away, followed by a pop up face plant. Ziggler tries to fight back but walks into the Spirit Bomb for the pin at 9:53.

Rating: C. Might have been a bit longer than it needed to be but Lee getting another win is a good sign. If nothing else you can put him in the triple threat later and have someone else take the fall to (probably) send Orton on to Clash. They’ve given Lee two big wins early on so the foundation is being set. Just don’t screw it up from here.

Quick look at Randy Orton beating Kevin Owens in seconds thanks to Aleister Black.

Video on Seth Rollins/Murphy vs. Dominik Mysterio/Rey Mysterio.

From Raw.

Dominik Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins

The third of three triple threat qualifying matches. Mysterio goes straight at him to start but gets sent to the floor. Back in and Seth stomps away but gets kicked in the face. They head outside with Dominik sending him into the announcers’ table and then diving off of it as we take a break.

Back with Dominik fighting out of an abdominal stretch but getting pulled down into a bodyscissors. That’s switched to a waistlock instead but Dominik fights up and counters a buckle bomb with a hurricanrana into the corner. The tornado DDT out of the corner into a standing moonsault gets two on Rollins and he rolls outside. That means a big dive from Dominik as the rest of the Mysterios are watching in the back. The 619 sets up the frog splash but Rollins rolls away, setting up the Stomp for the pin at 10:03.

Rating: C. Dominik is doing a lot better in the ring than probably would have been expected of him and to be fair they didn’t do something crazy here. I still don’t really care to see him in the ring, but at least they aren’t going completely overboard with someone who looks lost out there. The match was fine enough and the right person won in short enough order so I can’t get that upset. I’m curious about what Rey’s injury means for Dominik though, as there isn’t much else for him to do other than stuff with his dad.

Post match Rollins hits another Stomp as the Mysterios are devastated.

We look at Roman Reigns winning the Universal Title back at Payback.

Ricochet vs. Mustafa Ali

Works for me. Maybe not so much for them though but I’ll take what I can get. Ali armdrags his way out of a wristlock to start but Ricochet flips him back down for a standoff. A headlock doesn’t get Ricochet very far and a shoulder gets one. Back up and Ali drives him into the corner, including an elbow to the face as some frustration is setting in. Ricochet gets sent to the apron and Ali punches him down, setting up a neckbreaker for two as we take a break.

We come back with Ali hitting another neckbreaker for another two and shouting a lot. A third neckbreaker is broken up so Ricochet hits a big clothesline. Ali’s tornado DDT is countered into a northern lights suplex and then a brainbuster for two. Ali tries a sunset flip but has to roll through into a sitout powerbomb for two instead. The 450 misses though and Ricochet hits a poisonrana into the Recoil for the pin at 10:53.

Rating: C+. Yeah like this was going to be anything but good. They did their thing that they have done dozens of times and since they are such talented people, it worked out as well as anything else could have. These two are still WAY too good for this show and that is very apparent every time they are out there. Ali working a lot more heelish here was weird, though I’m not sure how much I’d like to see it full time.

Post match respect is shown and everything is cool.

From Raw.

Randy Orton vs. Keith Lee vs. Seth Rollins

The winner gets McIntyre at Clash of Champions. Rollins pitches the alliance with Orton, who immediately drops down to the floor. Then Rollins rolls out to yell at him but Orton says he changed his mind. Lee grabs Rollins by the hair (Rollins: “OW!!!”) and pulls him inside where Rollins’ headlock doesn’t work very well. Orton comes back in and gets splashed in the corner but Rollins is back up with ax handles to Lee. They send Lee to the apron so Lee slingshots in with a crossbody to both of them as we take a break.

Back with Lee getting knocked out of the air and sent to the floor for a drop onto the announcers’ table. There’s a whip into the steps to put Lee down even more but they carry him back to the apron in a rather questionable move. Orton turns on Rollins with the hanging DDT for two but Rollins is right back with the Falcon Arrow for the same.

Lee rises up though and throws Rollins into Orton for the big crash. Orton heads outside where Lee Pounces him into the barricade before catching Rollins’ suicide dive and tossing him into the announcers’ table. Back in and Rollins enziguris Lee and kicks him in the head again to knock him down. The Stomp is countered into the Spirit Bomb but Orton comes back in for the RKO to Lee and pins Rollins at 11:05.

Rating: C+. That was about all they could do here and that’s the right call. Lee looked dominant and didn’t get pinned, which is what matters most in this. Orton gets back into the title match as well, which isn’t quite surprising and it’s not like Rollins is going to be hurt by taking a fall. Good enough here, but more importantly it wasn’t stupid and that’s an improvement.

Overall Rating: C+. I know it’s a very low bar to clear but WWE is on a bit of a roll as of late. There has definitely been an extra energy since Summerslam and they kept it up with a nicer than usual Main Event. The Thunder Dome has been a big help and you can feel how much better things have been since it debuted. I have zero confidence in it continuing, but at least it’s there for now.


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