205 Live – September 11, 2020: The Three Act Structure

IMG Credit: WWE
205 Live
Date: September 11, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Drew Gulak
I’ve been liking this three match structure as of late, which makes me think that it isn’t going to last much longer. The show is still just half an hour long so it’s not like I can get too annoyed about it in the first place. We even had a bit of a cliffhanger last week when Legado del Fantasma interfered in the main event. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Opening sequence.
Ashante Adonis vs. Brian Kendrick
That would be Tehuti Miles, who I didn’t recognize on NXT. Kendrick works on a wristlock to start but misses a charge into the corner, allowing Adonis to hit a dropkick for two. A boot to the face gives Kendrick the same and we hit a seated neck crank. Back up and Miles misses a crossbody, meaning it’s right back to the same crank. This time Miles fights up and drives him into the corner and blasts Kendrick with a clothesline.
The comeback is on with a series of strikes and a spinebuster gives Miles two. There’s a kick to the head for another near fall but Kendrick’s leg lariat gets the same. The Captain’s Hook is countered into a DDT, but Adonis spends too much time talking trash, allowing Kendrick to get the Captain’s Hook for the tap at 7:38.
Rating: C. These matches might not be the most entertaining but they’re building to something and that gives them a little more interest. Adonis is getting closer each time and the fans are being given a reason to care about him. Now the problem is getting them to actually care, which is easier said than done, but at least they are trying.
Post match Kendrick offers him advice if he needs it and says take advantage of your resources. Adonis isn’t sure what to do.
Ever Rise vs. Andrew Lockhart/Erik Lockhart
Ever Rise jumps them before the bell and the beating is on in a hurry. Martel hits a big German suplex and it’s a step up elbow to the back of we’ll say Erik. Andrew comes in and it’s a double flapjack into the corner. A wheelbarrow Codebreaker finishes Andrew at 2:18. Just a squash.
We look back at Legado del Fantasma interfering in last week’s main event.
Legado del Fantasma vs. Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch
Santos Escobar is at ringside as well. Lorcan headlocks Wilde down to start and then snaps off a headscissors to keep him down. Back up and Lorcan gets taken into the corner with the villains starting in on the arm. That doesn’t last long as it’s off to Burch for his own headlock. There’s a double suplex to Mendoza but he springboards in with a high crossbody for two on Lorcan.
Burch gets dragged into the corner so the beating can be started all over again, including a double basement dropkick for two. Burch finally(ish) elbows his way out of trouble and brings Lorcan back in to clean house. The spike DDT gets two on Wilde and a German suplex takes him down. Escobar gets on the apron for a distract but here’s Ever Rise to yell him down. Lorcan and Mendoza go outside and clothesline each other, leaving Wilde to roll Burch up with trunks for the pin at 7:14.
Rating: C. Another perfectly watchable match which seems to be building somewhere. It might not have been a great match or anything but there is a story here and they are setting something up. I’m not sure how far it can actually go, but at least we have an actual story between some people, including some who are actually interesting, and that’s a big step forward.
Overall Rating: C+. I think you get the idea here, but what matters is the fact that they seem to have a direction. No I don’t believe that they are going to have anything that actually lasts, but at least they have a little something going on for now. It isn’t a high bar to clear, though they at least got over it this time.
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