I’m Done With Dark

It’s the second time I’ve given up on a weekly show and as much as I can’t stand it, it’s not worth it anymore.  The show is hardly bad and you do get a good match or two every week, but this week’s show broke two hours and twenty minutes.  That’s longer than multiple non-In Your House WWE PPVs (the first Wrestlemania was about 2:15) and it’s getting longer.  I was sitting here waiting for the show to end and wondering how late I was going to have to be up to watch it, all the while thinking about how annoyed I was going to get because it just keeps going with one 4-5 minute jobber match after another.  There is so much more wrestling out there today that I don’t have the interest in watching a show for the sake of seeing if Brandon Cutler or Peter Avalon moves to 1-25 first (though that feud was rather funny).  It’s a nice enough show, but it’s not worth 2+ hours of my time and sanity every week.  I’m done.


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13 Responses

  1. Jay H says:

    I can’t say i blame you given all the Main Weekly TV from everywhere else. 14 Matches on a B Show that adds nothing to what they’re doing is ridiculous.

  2. Grandmaster B says:

    I never watched AEW Dark, but the format you describe sounds a lot like WCW Saturday Night back in the day.(Tons of mainly squash matches, little to no angle advancement, etc.) Would that be accurate?

    • Thomas Hall says:

      In a way but not exactly. Part of the problem is these matches are far more competitive than necessary a lot of the time and they often run 4-5 minutes each. That doesn’t sound like much but with 14-15 matches a week, it adds up in a hurry.

  3. Stone Cold Tea says:

    How have you never given up on TNA?

    • klunderbunker says:

      It’s as close as I’ve ever gotten without dropping it. Other than that….a lot of non-existent drugs.

  4. Justin Lewis says:

    The 2nd time you’ve given up on a weekly show. What was the first?

    • Thomas Hall says:

      ROH 2011. I was so bored by Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards arguing over who got to have Dan Severn as their coach.

  5. Stormy says:

    I always saw the show as a “read the results and if a match sounds interesting check it out” type show.

    2 hours 20 minutes, that’s about as long as Monday Night Raw if you chop out the commercials. At least with Raw you’re getting primary storylines and the big stars of the brand.

    • Stormy says:

      Correction. The most recent RAWs on the WWE Network are 2:06-2:07, so Dark is literally longer than RAW, and fans complain about RAWs length.

      • Thomas Hall says:

        And it’s the day before Dynamite/NXT. Over the last few days it’s been:

        Smackdown – 2 hours
        Bound For Glory – 3 hours
        Hell In A Cell – 3 hours
        Raw – 3 hours
        Dark – 2 hours plus
        NXT/Dynamite – 2 hours each

        That’s way, way too much to invest another nearly pay per view length amount of time into a bunch of five minute matches with little impact on anything.

        • Stormy says:

          How have you not suffered burnout yet? Or forced to sleep on the couch or something? I hope you at least take Thursday off or something.

          17 hours of Wrestling (plus any rewatching of old stuff) is unfathomable.

          • Thomas Hall says:

            I’m not allowed to suffer burnout. They keep sending those pesky bills.

            And Thursday is NXT UK plus catching up on everything else, alas.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      Exactly. I’ll watch whatever for the main shows. This is a nothing show storyline wise with little more than the occasional storyline supplement (I hesitate to call it an advancement) thrown in.

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