Dynamite – October 28, 2020: 37? 109 Maybe?

IMG Credit: All Elite Wrestling
Date: October 28, 2020
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross
We’re getting closer and closer to Full Gear and tonight we will find out the finalists in the #1 contenders tournament, with the match taking place at the pay per view. Other than that we have a town hall meeting with the Inner Circle and Maxwell Jacob Friedman to see if he can join the team. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Wardlow and MJF are getting ready for Wardlow’s match when Wardlow is asked what it means to possibly win the title. MJF interrupts, saying that if Wardlow wins, the title goes to MJF because Wardlow works for him. Wardlow agrees, but here is Sammy Guevara to throw down the jacket that MJF gave him. Sammy says MJF isn’t joining the team no matter what, so MJF asks where all the hostility is coming from. After being accused of looking like someone who sells Adderall to middle school kids, Sammy promises to keep MJF off the team.
#1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals: Wardlow vs. Hangman Page
Page starts fast and hammers on Wardlow before getting up a boot to the face. They head outside with Wardlow spearing him through the barricade with ease and hammering away. Back in and Wardlow sends him flying, followed by a gutwrench powerbomb for two. Wardlow misses a top rope splash though and Page gets to start slugging away. A running clothesline sends Wardlow over the top and out to the floor.
Page hits a top rope moonsault to the floor but the Buckshot Lariat is cut off with a hard clothesline to give Wardlow two. The F10 connects but Page rolls out to the floor. Back in and the super F10 is countered into a superplex to put Wardlow down instead. A pair of Buckshot Lariats finish Wardlow at 9:50.
Rating: C+. This was hard hitting and rough in a good way, which is how something like this should have gone. Page survived a lot and slayed the giant, which is how you make him look like a top star. Good fight here and they got everything working well with Wardlow looking good in defeat.
Here’s everything else that is coming tonight.
Jon Moxley talks about how he has defended the World Title everywhere and now he is ready to do it again against Eddie Kingston. Eddie has a huge ego though and it’s time to give him a big wake up call.
Eddie Kingston vs. Matt Sydal
Before the match, Eddie talks about how he is ready for Full Gear and was never eliminated from the battle royal. Eddie: “Hi Lance.” Eddie works on a headlock to start but gets taken down into an armbar. The cobra stretch is blocked so Sydal kicks away, only to get caught in a powerbomb. Back with Sydal hitting a hard shot to the face for two and Kingston is a bit rocked. He’s fine enough to cut off a charge in the corner but Sydal snaps off a jumping hurricanrana. The top rope Meteora gets two but Eddie is back with a knee to the ribs. The spinning backfist drops Sydal and the bulldog choke makes Sydal give up at 8:12.
Rating: C. This was the kind of match that Kingston can use to get things ready for Full Gear and they did things well. Sydal is someone who means a little something, even though he has been almost nothing more than a jobber around AEW. You knew how it was going to end here but it went fine enough, so nice job.
Post match Kingston won’t let go until Sydal says he quits.
Earlier today we had a split screen sitdown interview with the Young Bucks and FTR. The ankle is fine after last week, as it is just a sprain. FTR laughs off the idea that they are trying to get out of the match. They say the interview doesn’t deserve them and walk out. Matt talks about how they’re a couple of young kids who worked hard and built their own ring to train.
That was their college education. Now they want the titles so badly that if they don’t win them at Full Gear, they will never challenge for them again. Another week of the Bucks suddenly being faces again after superkicking innocent people, which wasn’t a heel turn despite being a heel turn.
It’s time for the Town Hall as the political edition of Dynamite continues. Tony Schiavone and Dasha Gonzales are the moderators and our first question comes from Luchasaurus. Since MJF doesn’t have a Masters degree like he does, Luchasaurus would like to know the financial impact that MJF can have on the Inner Circle. MJF happens to have a chart, showing how much better the ratings are when he is around, which is just math.
The next question is from Britt Baker and Rebel, the latter of whom is VERY interested in Jericho’s smile. They would like to know about MJF’s track record of turning on people. Jericho: “I’m not a dip**** like Cody.” Jericho threatens to knock MJF’s teeth down his throat if he turns on them but MJF says if they join forces, it means a lot of green and a lot of gold. Next up is Peter Avalon, who asks if he can join the Inner Circle. Jericho laughs a lot before saying that’s never going to happen.
Then we have Eric B. from Cody, Wyoming, who quotes John F. Kennedy by asking what MJF can do for the Inner Circle. MJF says he can offer friendship, so Bischoff then asks what the Inner Circle can do for MJF as well. He thinks the team can make him better, so Bischoff has one more question. Bischoff and Jericho have worked together before and Bischoff knows Jericho is a primadonna. Jericho freaks out but Bischoff gets to continue, asking why we should believe the two of them won’t kill each other.
MJF talks about everything he has offered to Jericho and the Inner Circle, including gifts and the best segment ever in wrestling. Jericho says MJF hasn’t beaten him but he’ll have the chance at Full Gear. If MJF can beat him, he can be on the team. MJF takes it seriously and promises to do ANYTHING to win. Ortiz tells MJF to shut up because there is no conversation needed because no one wants him in the Inner Circle. Next week it’s going to be Santana/Guevara (strange) vs. MJF/Wardlow and MJF isn’t making it to Full Gear.
This was rather long and took longer than it needed to to get to the point. The parody of the election season wasn’t exactly funny or entertaining either, though once they got past that point, it did what it needed to do. Also, Bischoff isn’t exactly a big, exciting addition to anything at this point.
Video on Team Taz vs. Will Hobbs.
TNT Title: Cody vs. Orange Cassidy
Cody is defending in a lumberjack match. The Mouse Trap is broken up early and Cody wins a battle over a top wristlock. Cassidy gets two off a backslide but Cody hits him in the ribs to send him outside for the Big Hug from the Best Friends. Back in and Cody hits a dragon screw legwhip over the rope but the Best Friends catch him before he falls. Cassidy is right back with a shot to knock Cody off the apron, and this time the Best Friends just drop him.
Trent gets in a cheap shot from the floor and Cassidy hits a high crossbody but Cody counters the spinning DDT. Cody is sent outside again but the lumberjacks can’t do anything before he’s back in. Now the spinning DDT gets two and we take a break with Cassidy being sent outside.
Back with the lumberjacks getting in a fight (duh) until Cody superplexes Cassidy onto the pile. Cody throws him back in and gets two off the Cody Cutter, only to get caught with the Stundog Millionaire. Cassidy’s top rope diving DDT gets two but the lumberjacks get back in, with John Silver hitting a pump kick on Cassidy (which Cody didn’t see). Arn Anderson gets in a left hand as well, allowing Cody to hit Cross Rhodes to retain at 12:05.
Rating: C. The lumberjacks offered a little something here and Silver costing Cassidy the match should set up something in a week or two. You can always get something like this out of a lumberjack match so they did it well enough. Cassidy continues to look fine when he does his thing and when he’s a little more serious (on occasion), it makes the shtick feel more entertaining.
Post match the brawl is on as Darby Allin watches from the rafters like Sting. The Gunn Club of all people clear the ring.
Miro and Kip Sabian run into the Best Friends in the back and try to make peace after they broke Alan a few weeks ago. Their offer of a present: Penelope Ford dressed as Orange Cassidy. They jump the Friends anyway and the beating goes into the locker room with the Best Friends being laid out.
Serena Deeb talks about winning the NWA Women’s Title last night and promises to show why you should respect her.
NWA Women’s Title: Serena Deeb vs. Leyla Hirsch
Deeb is defending and gets taken into the corner to start. Back up and Deeb grabs a waistlock but Hirsch reverses into a front facelock. Hirsch runs her over a few times with a shoulder getting two. Deeb gets two off a neckbreaker over the ropes and JR calls Hirsch a female Ivan Putski. That’s a little harsh, especially when Hirsch pulls her into a cross armbreaker attempt. Deeb stacks her up to escape so Hirsch sends her shoulder first into the buckle for the break. We take a break and come back with Hirsch hitting a knee to the face but getting dropped with a neckbreaker. The Tequila Sunrise makes Hirsch tap at 8:39.
Rating: C. Hirsch was impressive here as she felt different. Above all else, she is rather small and the different build and look make her feel unique. Deeb is a veteran who can wrestle a good match with anyone and she did that here, which was made that much better when Hirsch was up to the challenge.
Hikaru Shida is willing to face Nyla Rose for the Women’s Title at Full Gear. How many title shots does Rose get around here???
Shawn Spears vs. VSK
C4 finishes for Spears at 31 seconds.
Post match, someone in a bull costume yells at Spears so Spears pulls him inside. Spears loads up the glove but it’s Scorpio Sky, who lays Spears out with a TKO.
Full Gear rundown.
Next week rundown.
#1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals: Kenny Omega vs. Penta El Zero M
Omega’s Mega Title isn’t on the line but his big intro is still on in full. Rey Fenix is here in Peta’s corner as Omega lays the title in front of Penta. The big chop off ensues and Omega knocks the glove away before stomping Penta down. Penta knocks him outside though and hits the dive, only to come up holding his knee as we take a break.
Back with Omega snapping off a hurricanrana to the floor and hitting the running flip dive for a bonus. Penta is back up with a dive to the floor though and they’re both down. They head back inside with Omega hitting the snapdragon and then does it again for a bonus. Omega knees him in the face and hits a powerbomb, followed by the V Trigger for two. A leg lariat to the back of the head sends Penta into the corner and there’s another V Trigger in the corner.
Omega takes him to the top but gets caught with a super Destroyer onto the ramp. The Fear Factor gets two more back inside but the Pentagon Driver is countered. Instead Penta hits a low running enziguri for two and they’re both staggered. Another V Trigger rocks Penta but he counters the One Winged Angel and snaps the arm. Omega slips out of the Pentagon Driver again and has to use the left hand to fight back. Penta springboards into a knee to the face though and the One Winged Angel finishes at 16:23.
Rating: B. Eh I’m not sure. Omega only did four or five V Triggers and they only went sixteen minutes. 37 stars? Maybe 109? They did a rather nice job of building up some drama, even though there was little reason to believe that Omega was in any serious danger. That worked out well, as Penta continues to look like a star every time he is in the ring. Main event level match here, and now we move on to what was expected at Full Gear.
Overall Rating: B-. This was a bit of a step down for the show but it was still rather good. The bigger problem here was most of the show didn’t feel all that big until the main event, which did deliver. The Town Hall hurt things a lot as it was long and didn’t really have any major moments, though they got to the necessary result. What mattered here was the rush build to Full Gear and that went well enough, mainly because it was about all they could do with only one more show before the pay per view. Not as good as their usual stuff, but a completely acceptable show.
Hangman Page b. Wardlow – Buckshot Lariat
Eddie Kingston b. Matt Sydal – Bulldog choke
Cody b. Orange Cassidy – Cross Rhodes
Serena Deeb b. Leyla Hirsch – Tequila Sunrise
Shawn Spears b. VSK – C4
Kenny Omega b. Penta – One Winged Angel
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I have not been entertained by one of the MJF/Jericho segments. It’s been like a month of them trying way too hard to make every segment the greatest segment ever and it’s failing. There’s no reason for MJF to join the inner circle and it’s taken way too long to get to the point: a match. Really uninteresting stuff.
The only reason for MJF to join Inner Circle is to turn Jericho face. That could be done without all the nonsense we’re sitting through.
Is that the point? I guess it’s better than MJF turning face, which is what I was fearing they were going for. But both should stay heel.
And I understand the desire to put them together for a few promos. But for me it’s just fallen on its face.
I don’t know what the point would be otherwise. Initially, I thought they were turning Sammy face through this, but with him continuing his feud with Hardy, I don’t think that’s the case. I think Jericho goes face, loses a feud with MJF, and disappears for a bit (which might be for the best).
I could see that. If he disappears though the other four in that group will be lost in the shuffle real quick.
I thought this episode was pretty solid and should shut up people that were bitching that last week wasn’t serious enough.
However, why tf does mjf even want to join the inner Circle? It always seemed like he was iffy on joining it anyway and now that two of the members are openly hostile to him and jericho is making him wrestle to be in it…. why? I suppose you could say the inner circle could help him win title but he already had wardlow. I guess that’s the only explanation but it still seems week, it seemed like jericho was having to talk him into and now all of the sudden mjf has to earn his way in… don’t get it.
It’s never been serious. Most of it is a SNL Comedy Sketch booked by the marks who run it.
Like Law and Otis? Little People’s Court? Weekly Celebrity Guest Hosts? Ninja Dumpster Fights? Celebrity (Using that term loosely) Chanpions? Who Blew Up Vince’s Limo?
I’d love AEW to be serious but you’re way too big of a WWE mark to be throwing stones in this glass house.
Really is funny the best argument you have is using some of what WWE has done over the years like the Guest Host Era (some of which that were not so good) when I made zero mention or comparison.
This is the same Company who said they would be more Sports Based and not even a Year later they start doing things like Song and Dance Numbers. So tell me again who’s throwing stones in a glass house? Oh yeah that’d be you.
Or something they did last week. You bash AEW (for things that they should be bashed for) but turn a blind eye when WWE does it. I pointed out your hypocrisy as I, and many others, have done before. Also, I don’t think you know what the whole “throwing stones in a glass house” means.
Yeah I only call out things that really warrant it but thanks for keeping up. Also you seem to confuse me with someone who cares what you or some of these other dopes on here think.
I mean, you reply to us dopes, so…
So if AEW had ninja dumpster fights, people being run over by tanks, puppets, court segments, they wouldn’t be worth calling out?
After you responded to me so yeah.
lol this escalated quickly, I agree with you Mike that a lot of people complaining about AEW turn a blind eye to the dumb shit WWE’s done (Firefly Funhouse is almost always a dumbass humor segment or as you mentioned Otis’s whole gimmick). I do understand that AEW made higher expecations on themselves but you have to kind of look at this shit with a sense of history; like this business is dumb af look at like any episode of Nitro its goofy and not meant to be taken overly serious. Also I think a lot of people see goofy shit on AEW and mistake that for the idea that AEW can not get serious and is always comical which just isn’t true. AEW can give you serious title matches, hardcore matches and comedy; etc
What are you talking about look at any episode of Nitro? I don’t recall the nWo or Sting breaking into Song and Dance Numbers. And yeah AEW can’t be serious because they can’t help themselves with the goofy shit they do.
AEW is in fine shape if a B- is a disappointment.
Same with the Dog Collar match when i didn’t understand why we are doing a Dog Collar match all of a sudden
I frankly don’t understand why the babyfaces are adding such stipulations by themselves like the Young Bucks did when the situation doesn’t call for it in any sense.
Probably because they’re doing the Booking and they’ve never done so on a Major level of any kind.
I think they knew they were up against it tonight with NXT running Halloween Havoc and just punted. I’m not a fan of that strategy, but I get it. Average show at best. I’m loving Omega as a heel though. It’s what he should have been doing from the start.