Best Of 2020: Title Reign Of The Year

We’ll jump right into a weird one as a lot of the title reigns were extended this year due to the Coronavirus (expect to hear that word a lot). There were several champions who never had the chance to defend their titles for several months and as a result, I’m going to be a bit hesitant to include them. That isn’t the case for everyone though and some of these reigns are worth looking at fondly.  Let’s get to it.

As usual these are in no particular order until the winner at the end.

Bayley – Smackdown Women’s Title

I’ve been a big Bayley fan for a long time now and I’m in awe of what she has been able to do with this new heel run. Seeing her turn was like seeing the Easter Bunny become a monster and I can’t believe how well the whole thing has worked. She is great at what she does and it’s so easy to hate her on sight, but at the same time you want to see how great she is at everything. This might be more for the turn itself, but holding the title for over a year (plus an extra 140 days only broken up by a five day Charlotte reign) is more than worth a mention.

Drew McIntyre – WWE Title (First Reign)

If there is one thing that WWE needs to work on, it is making a new star. That is partially what makes McIntyre’s rise and victory at Wrestlemania all the more frustrating: they clearly know how to do it and yet they just don’t for so long. McIntyre won the title at Wrestlemania and held it for about six months before getting it back a few weeks later. His opponents were not the strongest (not his fault) but he comes off like the World Champion in everything he does and that’s a heck of a trick to pull off.

Io Shirai – NXT Women’s Title

You might not have noticed it, but Shirai held the title for more than half the year and has been champion for over seven months. By the end of this week, she’ll have the fifth longest reign in the title’s history and could very easily go even further. There is such a natural grace to her movements in the ring and that moonsault is one of the best I’ve seen in a long time. This has been a surprisingly long reign but she has been awesome throughout.

Street Profits – Raw Tag Team/Smackdown Tag Team Titles

This is cheating a bit but they literally didn’t lose the titles in between reigns so I’m calling it the same one. Outside of the New Day, it has been a LONG time since WWE truly established a team and it’s great to see someone as charismatic as the Street Profits getting the chance. They completely hit their stride this year and the entrance with the full crowd is one of the best going today, just due to the high levels of energy alone. They deserve credit for such a reign and they’re a heck of a team who have moved up a lot during their reign.

Jon Moxley – AEW World Title

AEW was one of the few promotions to not really be hurt by the pandemic as far as their on-screen product went and Moxley was champion for the majority of the year. He also had some awesome, hard hitting matches while coming off as a major star. It was kind of inevitable that he would lose to Omega in the end, but what he got to do was great and made him look like a star throughout.

I went back and forth with McIntyre and this one for the win but there was something that pushed the other over the edge.

Roman Reigns – Universal Title

Reigns is going to come up a lot this year and there is a good reason for that. This is the kind of run that WWE has not seen in a long time as Reigns feels like someone who could be champion for years (plural) without missing a beat. He’s that great at the moment and the thing that pushes this over the edge is how they’ve made it work. Reigns got two pretty excellent pay per view title matches out of JEY USO. Someone being able to bring a career tag wrestler with nothing as far as singles experience up to that level is worth the pick and the more I think about it, the more interested I am in seeing how far Reigns goes with this.

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