Best Of 2020: Worst Match Of The Year

This is one of the interesting ones as thinking back to all of the bad matches over the course of the year can pull up some horrible memories. There were some matches that I had forgotten about and I wasn’t thrilled with having them pop back into my head. The in-ring product has come a long way in that you have a certain baseline for most matches, but the bad ones really fall apart. Let’s get to it.

As usual, in no particular order until the winner at the end.

Braun Strowman vs. Bray Wyatt (Money In The Bank)

These two were stuck in one of the worst situations two wrestlers can be in: being part of a feud that isn’t as big as the company thinks it is and running with it. That’s the case here, as Strowman and Wyatt may have been stablemates but it wasn’t like it was some big deal. This was the match where everything stopped for the sake of Bray trying to control Strowman again and then Strowman just won. I’m not sure why this is supposed to interest me, but that is the case with anything Strowman does.

Dasha Gonzalez/Rachael Ellering vs. Ivelisse/Diamante (AEW Women’s Tag Team Tournament)

I know I’m in the minority on the tournament but I thought it was one of the biggest wastes of time I’ve seen in a long time and one of the only times AEW completely misfired. This was the complete bottom of the barrel as Gonzalez wasn’t a wrestler (not her fault) and Ellering was recovering from a torn ACL. That left Ivelisse and Diamante to carry the thing and that was always going to be a disaster. This was terrible and perhaps the worst match AEW has done to date.

Bayley vs. Tamina (Money In The Bank)

This one falls under the category of “what were you expecting”? Bayley has gotten a lot better over the course of the year but Tamina was just a fill in challenger until they could get to the showdown with Sasha Banks. The problem is that it’s Tamina, who is perhaps the least interesting main roster star. I feel sorry for Bayley and it isn’t Tamina’s fault that she is put into these spots, but this never had a chance.

Women’s Survivor Series Match (Survivor Series)

You never can tell what is going to happen with something like this, but this was at the height of the Nia Jax Puts Lana Through A Table Every Week period. As a result, this was ALL about Jax tormenting Lana until there was a massive countout to give Lana the win. It was a bad story, bad execution and a bad ending. What more could you have expected from something like this?

Goldberg vs. The Fiend (Super Showdown)

The only thing this match has going for it is that it was short. They had less than three minutes, but man alive it was a frustrating and bad three minutes. Goldberg managed to hit four spears and the Jackhammer for one of the most irritating results of the year. This is more on the booking than the wrestling, but that doesn’t exactly make things that much better.

I went back and forth on this but I couldn’t come up with anything to beat it.

Braun Strowman vs. Bray Wyatt (Extreme Rules)

This was the Swamp Fight and that means it’s time for Wyatt’s crazy antics. I know they sound cool on paper but they were doing this for the sake of having a second match between the two of them, making it a long, drawn out exercise in putting out whatever insanity they felt they could put on screen. I’m (almost) completely over these cinematic matches and a lot of Bray’s stuff is more tiring than anything else. It went long too, making this as bad as it got all year.

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1 Response

  1. Jimmyglass says:

    AEW- Kris Satlander vs Rhio for the Women’s Title. The debut of Luther and the Nightmare Collective. That was the worst match of the year over something that was not really a wrestling match anyway

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