Best Of 2020: Most Improved Of The Year

It’s nice to have a few positive ones included here and having some people move up the ladder is nice to see. There are some people who had a great year in 2020 and showed more of what they can do. These people were hired to these companies for a reason and it’s great to see what they can do when they are given something better to do and a chance. Let’s get to it.

As usual, in no particular order until the winner at the end.

Bobby Lashley

How in the world do you screw up someone like Lashley? It should be the easiest booking ever but for some reason it took WWE YEARS to figure it out. Believe it or not, the idea was just to have him be the big, unstoppable monster who runs over everyone and destroys them like there is nothing that can stop them. That’s what Impact Wrestling showed Lashley can do and for some reason it took WWE this long to make it work.

Apollo Crews

Who knew that the solution to Crews was to let him win something? I know he might not be a top star or anything like that, but he is certainly someone who should be a star of some sort with all of the natural tools that he has. Crews had a nice US Title reign and I could go with seeing more of him in some big spots. Just let him actually win a few matches and he gets better because he has all of the tools in the first place. Again: how can it be this complicated?

Bianca Belair

I mentioned this in the Rookie/Newcomer section but this was an amazing year for Belair, who went from being a rather irritating heel that I didn’t want to watch to being one of the better women on the roster. She fits in perfectly well on Raw and I would be surprised if she isn’t Women’s Champion at some point in the year. Something has clicked in her and I’m seeing why people spoke so highly of her for so long.


As I have asked about her several times in the last year, who knew she had this in her? Bayley was one of the best characters ever in NXT, came up to the main roster and did well(ish) there and then changed absolutely everything to become the longest reigning Smackdown Women’s Champion ever. This was a huge shock for me and while I know Bayley isn’t everyone’s taste, she is such an awesome heel and I’m amazed by how great she is as so many things.

Roman Reigns

What else is there to say? Reigns coming back was one heck of an eye roll inducing moment and then he shocked us all by becoming the best heel in years. It says a lot when Paul Heyman is there as little more than a background character because Reigns is just that awesome at what he does. Reigns is going to be the top star for a LONG time on Smackdown as he’s even raising the viewership, but my goodness how frustrating is it to know what he could have done all these years?

That leaves one person and say it with me.

Jey Uso

Let me say that again.

Jey Uso

What in the world man? I mean……it’s JEY USO main eventing pay per views in singles matches and having some of the best matches in the company all year. I know a lot of it had to do with Reigns but Uso came out of nowhere and stole a lot of shows with the most improbably singles run in a very long time. This isn’t just the most improved but there’s a case for it being the most shocking, so this was one of the easier layups all year.

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