Ring Of Honor TV – February 24, 2021: They Needed To Feel Important
Ring of Honor
Date: February 24, 2021
Location: UMBC Event Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman
We’re getting a big title match this week as the Six Man Tag Team Titles are on the line. Yeah I barely remember that the things are around either but Ring of Honor needs them because….I have no idea most of the time actually. Anyway it’s time for Shane Taylor Promotions to go after the belts in what should be a good match. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Opening sequence.
Quinn McKay welcomes us to the show and recaps Shane Taylor Promotions not getting their title shot at Final Battle due to Coronavirus issues. They turned down the titles to tonight is their shot.
Here’s what’s coming this week and next week.
La Faccion Ingobernable vs. Briscoes
That would be Kenny King and Dragon Lee, with Amy Rose, for La Faccion and this is a #1 contenders match. Kenny and Mark start things off with King headlocking him to the mat in a hurry. A Japanese armdrag into an armbar has Mark in more trouble until he fights up without much trouble. Jay and Lee come in with the former blasting him with a shoulder. Lee pops back to his feet and snaps off a hurricanrana as Jay isn’t sure what to do with someone so fast.
Mark comes back in for the exchange of chops but gets taken into the wrong corner for some clubberin. That doesn’t matter very much as it’s back to Jay, who slams Kenny on the floor. The Cactus Elbow connects and we take a break. Back with Mark escaping the Royal Flush and a double clothesline giving us a double knockdown. It’s back to Lee, who gets kicked in the face by Jay. Lee is up all over again and takes out Jay’s knee, only to get caught with a Death Valley Driver.
King catches Jay on the top and Lee hits the Alberto double stomp for two more. Kenny’s bridging t-bone suplex sets up a leglock with Mark having to make a save. Back up and it’s a double slugout with Lee hitting a running German suplex into a jumping knee into a reverse hurricanrana to drop Mark. Lee’s hurricanrana is countered though and Jay’s neckbreaker connects. The Froggy Bow is loaded up but here’s Flip Gordon to kick him down, allowing Kenny to get the rollup pin at 11:15.
Rating: B. While it wasn’t quite the Briscoes vs. Flamita/Bandido classic, it was one of the better matches that the company has had since their comeback. Lee is on another planet, King is more than good enough and the Briscoes are the Briscoes. This was a case where it wasn’t would this be good but rather how great would it be and they managed to deliver rather well.
Post match EC3 is back to say that since honor can be bought, honor cannot be real. EC3 respects Jay because he is the kind of man who does everything he is supposed to do. He even envies Jay but after everything he has done, what is next for Jay? EC3 says he is free and now Jay controls his narrative. I think I remember why I didn’t miss EC3 around here.
Mike Bennett vs. Bateman
Bennett’s ankle is still banged up coming in and this is under relaxed rules. Bennett charges straight at him and knocks Bateman out to the floor in a hurry. That’s fine with Bennett, who follows him outside to keep up the shots to the head. Vida Von Starr offers a distraction though and Bennett misses a charge into the barricade. Bateman drops him chest first onto the apron and there’s a catapult to send Bennett throat first into the ring structure.
We take a break and come back with Bennett hitting a ripcord elbow but getting suplexed down hard. A superkick into a discus lariat gives Bennett two and it’s time for the big chop off. An exchange of forearms puts both of them down until Bennett is up first. The superkick is blocked and Bateman hits a discus forearm for two. This Is A Kill is broken up though and Bateman hits a spear into a piledriver for the pin at 10:03.
Rating: C. This didn’t have the same level of charisma as something with Matt Taven and Vincent but for a side feud based off of that, everything worked out well enough here. Bennett is already being treated as a much bigger and better deal around here so at least they are doing something with him for a change. Bateman is fine for a monster, but this just made me want to see Vincent more.
Post match here’s Matt Taven to jump Bateman and it’s time to go for the leg, complete with the block of wood. Taven tells Vincent that this will happen unless he gets the match he wants. Vincent says no so Bateman’s ankle is crushed.
Video on Shane Taylor vs. Rush for the World Title next week.
Six Man Tag Team Titles: Shane Taylor Promotions vs. Mexisquad
Shane Taylor/the Soldiers of Savagery are challenging and Maria Kanellis-Bennett is on commentary. Hands are shaken but the fight is on in a hurry with everyone going to the floor. Back in and Flamita ducks Khan’s running big boot in the corner, allowing Flamita to hit a quick takeover. A dropkick puts Khan down again but he powers Flamita into the corner, allowing the tag off to Moses.
That means a big running charge takes Flamita over (commentary is rather pleased) but he’s right back up with a twisting Stunner. Shane comes in to chase Rey Horus around until a shot to Shane’s face sends us to a break. Back with Bandido getting the hot tag to come in and hammer on Shane. That’s fine with Taylor, who shoves him into the corner for the tag off to Flamita. A walk across Bandido’s shoulders sets up a running hurricanrana with the champs sending all of them outside. That means trio of dives, followed by a trio of flips to take them down again.
Back in and a 450 gets two on Shane as commentary tries to figure out if the champs winning can be an upset. Flamita flips Bandido around to take out Khan’s legs, because that’s just something he can do. One heck of a toss splash gives Flamita two on Moses with Khan making the save. Horus accidentally DDT’s Flamita and Moses nails a double clothesline to the floor. That leaves Shane to Rock Bottom Flamita into a splash for two and Welcome To The Land gives us new champions at 12:32.
Rating: C+. This wasn’t quite the level of awesome that you expect from the Mexisquad but they have been champions for so long and I don’t think that a single loss is going to change anything for them in the long run. What matters here is that we have some fresh champions, which probably needed to happen after the long layoff. Throw in Shane getting a big win before next week’s World Title match and it is a rather well put together title match.
Overall Rating: B-. It was certainly an eventful show and that is something that this company has been needing for the time being. The title change alone, even if it is with the least important title in the promotion, made the show feel more important. That is in addition to a pretty awesome opener and there wasn’t much you could ask for in a slightly bigger than usual show.
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