Smackdown – March 19, 2021: Last Stop

Date: March 19, 2021
Location: Tropicana Field, St. Petersburg, Florida
Commentators: Corey Graves, Michael Cole

It’s the go home show for Fastlane and that means we need to add a few matches to the card. I’m sure you can guess a few of them from here, which may or may not be the best thing. The big match tonight will see Edge wrestle his first singles match on Smackdown in ten years when he faces Jey Uso for the right to be the ringside enforcer for Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns at Fastlane. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair get in an argument backstage about Banks defending against Nia Jax tonight. Somehow this is about Reginald and Belair isn’t happy. This isn’t a good idea and she isn’t coming to save Banks. That’s fine with Sasha, who won’t need her to.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Nia Jax vs. Sasha Banks

Banks is defending and Shayna Baszler is in Nia’s corner. Baszler offers a quick trip to start but Banks is right back with a kick to the head and stomps in the corner. The double knees in the corner rock Nia again but it’s way too early for the Bank Statement. An elbow sends Banks into the corner and there’s a delayed gorilla press drop for two. Jax runs her over again and there’s a Samoan drop for two more. Cue an annoyed Bianca Belair and we take a break.

Back with Nia dominating and swinging Banks (in a powerbomb position) hard into the corner for two. We hit the chinlock on Banks but Nia misses a sitdown splash. A Meteora to the back of the head gives Banks two but Nia kicks her to the floor. Back in and Banks spins out of a slam into a tornado DDT to set up the Bank Statement. Shayna comes in and, with the referee holding Belair out, accidentally kicks Nia. Banks grabs a rollup for the pin at 9:30.

Rating: C. Not too bad here but it was all about the storytelling instead of the title. I really don’t need to see these four in another Tag Team Title match but as long as they don’t change the titles, everything should be ok. Just get us to Banks vs. Belair without the other two involved and we should be in for a better story once they get to that point.

We look back at the Daniel Bryan/Roman Reigns contract signing which of course broke down into a brawl, also including Jey Uso and Daniel Bryan.

Edge is happy to be back in the ring tonight because Smackdown has always felt like home. The best nights of his career took place here but so did the worst, when he had to vacate the World Heavyweight Title. He is back tonight though and feels like Jey Uso could be a top start but he is stuck in Roman Reigns’ shadow. Tonight, Edge is teaching him a lesson.

Here is Seth Rollins for a chat.

Hang on though as we get a clip of Edge teaming with Hulk Hogan to win the Tag Team Titles nineteen years ago.

Nia Jax yells at Shayna Baszler about the loss. Shayna is going to get a match with Bianca Belair tonight and kick her head off.

Now we get back to the ring for Seth’s chat. Seth talks about returning a few weeks ago when all of the wrestlers were at ringside like he was a king. They don’t like him but they respect him, which is what really matters. Then they turned their backs on him because they are idiots, but Cesaro took the most time and stared at Seth, which was rather disrespectful. Rollins knows that it was because Cesaro is jealous of him because Rollins has success while Cesaro is an abject failure.

See, Rollins is a failure instead of a fighter and we see a clip of him laying Cesaro out last week. Rollins remembers Cesaro reaching out for that brass ring and found it great. Cesaro spun him 22 times and will never disrespect him like that again. Cue Shinsuke Nakamura (Rollins: “TALK ABOUT DISRESPECT!”), with Rollins saying Nakamura is more man than Cesaro. Nakamura tells him to shut up and hits a kick to the face. The threat of Kinshasa sends Rollins running. COME ON brings Rollins back in though and now Kinshasa leaves him laying.

Eric Bischoff is confirmed for the Hall of Fame. Much like Molly Holly, he doesn’t get a special video.

Street Profits vs. Rey Mysterio/Dominik Mysterio

For a future Tag Team Title shot with champions Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode on commentary. Ford and Dominik go to the mat to start with Ford getting the better of things. Dawkins comes in to hit the spinning splash on Rey in the corner and it’s back to Ford for a heck of a clothesline on Dominik. Rey breaks up what looked to be a Doomsday Device and Dominik grabs a hurricanrana for the fast pin on Dawkins at 2:52. Dawkins’ eyes bugging out is funny.

Post match here is the Alpha Academy to say the Mysterios shouldn’t be #1 contender, not after they already beat them. For some reason the Academy turns their backs on them and get dropkicked to the floor. A few dives take them out and the Mysterios bail.

Alpha Academy vs. Dominik Mysterio/Rey Mysterio

Joined in progress with Rey hitting a 619 on Gable but Otis crotches him on top. Otis comes in to run Rey over again and hit a big boot to make it worse. Rey manages a dropkick into the corner though and the hot tag brings in Dominik to clean house. There’s a hurricanrana to Gable and a sunset flip gets two. Gable cuts off Dominik and nails him with a suplex, setting up Otis’ middle rope splash for the pin at 4:48.

Rating: C. This didn’t have a ton of time to go anywhere and it seems to set up a four way for the titles. Odds are that will be at Fastlane, which would hopefully leave the Street Profits’ solo title shot for Wrestlemania. I’m not wild of A beats B, B beats C and then all of them get a title shot, but it’s not like the tag division is going to get much better of a story.

Classic Edge Moment: cashing in Money in the Bank on Smackdown.

Kevin Owens comes up to Sami Zayn, who asks about Owens joining him again. Owens suggests that Zayn is responsible for his own problems and asks who these THEY are that Sami keeps referencing. Sami has an idea: be ringside tonight for his match against King Corbin and see if anything fishy happens. Owens reluctantly agrees.

Here’s Daniel Bryan for a chat. Bryan recaps tonight’s main event but doesn’t think Roman Reigns should need Jey Uso ringside at Fastlane. Edge on the other hand wants to be there because he wants to face Reigns at Wrestlemania. Well Edge isn’t getting what he wants, because Bryan is making Roman Reigns tap on Sunday.

Cue Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman with Reigns laughing at the idea of Bryan making him tap. Bryan has a better chance of sprouting wings and flying off like a bird than making Reigns tap out. No one has ever made him tap out and he would rather lose an arm than tap out to anyone. Reigns would rather die in that ring than tap out to someone like him.

Bryan says that’s pretty strong and says everyone thinks they are invincible and unbeatable until they aren’t. Everyone thinks they are untapoutable until they tap out. Bryan isn’t just going to make Reigns quit but he’s going to break him. Now Bryan doesn’t want Reigns to die, but he is beating him for the title at Fastlane. This was really good and just makes me wonder why in the world we have to have Edge involved at all. These promos are making him feel wedged in and that isn’t a good feeling going into the biggest night of the year.

We get a promo for Sami Zayn vs. King Corbin, which is called the least interesting match of all time. In the match no one asked for, it is the irritating force vs. the unlikable object. There must be a winner, but thankfully there will be a loser. Well that was funny, but why are they acknowledging that their match is bad?

Sami Zayn vs. King Corbin

Kevin Owens joins commentary. Sami hammers away against the ropes as Graves tries to figure out why this is billed as a terrible idea. Corbin is sent shoulder first into the ropes for two but the referee sees Sami grabbing the ropes. Sami gets caught taking the turnbuckle pad off and it’s the End of Days to give Corbin the pin at 2:03.

Post match Sami asks if Owens saw anything bad but Owens thought it was pretty good officiating and sometimes you just lose. Sami hits the Helluva Kick to leave Owens laying.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Seth Rollins is set for Fastlane.

We look back at Apollo Crews attacking Big E. again last week.

We get a sitdown, split screen interview between Big E. and Apollo Crews. Big E. says Crews wants to talk about reconciliation and singing Kumbaya. Sounding like he is trying not to explode, Big E. advises Crews to enjoy his next two days. Enjoy the crispness of the March air and the use of his limbs because the beating is coming. Crews, with the accent getting even stronger, says Big E. should watch his tone. He talks about a story his grandfather told him about watching what you say, because he is going to win the title Sunday.

Big E. wants to do this now and takes the mic off to go find Crews. He steps onto the baseball field and steals a golf cart, shouting for Crews to come fight him. Big E. finally finds him and the brawl is on with Big E. unloading on him with a trashcan. This was some great emotion from Big E. but Crews’ accent/voice made it feel like a huge joke.

Fastlane rundown, with Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre now No Holds Barred. Shane McMahon vs. Braun Strowman is listed again after being dropped from the preview earlier this week.

Bianca Belair vs. Shayna Baszler

Nia Jax is at ringside and here is Sasha Banks….who walks to the back because Belair has this. Baszler knocks her to the floor to start but Belair is back in with a rollup for two. Cue Tamina and Natalya to jump Belair for the DQ at 1:06.

Post match, Belair gets destroyed. Insert your head shaking and heavy sighing here.

Classic Edge Moment: Edge retires, vacating the World Heavyweight Title in the process.

Edge vs. Jey Uso

The winner is the ringside enforcer for Roman Reigns vs. Daniel Bryan at Fastlane. Bryan is on commentary as Edge shoulders Jey down to start and tries a very early Crossface. Edge tries to wrap the arm around the ropes but Uso gets in a shot to send Edge outside. Jey follows as Edge is favoring his ribs, meaning it’s a whip into the steps. A big dive sends Edge into the announcers’ table and we take a break.

Back with Jey still working on the ribs by sending them into the post a few times. Back up and they both try crossbodies to put them both down again, even though that was a really bad idea from Edge. It’s Edge up first with a middle rope knee to the shoulder for two, much to Bryan’s delight. A super hurricanrana takes Uso down again but the spear is blocked with a shot to the face. The Superfly Splash gets two and Uso is frustrated. Edge sends the arm into the mat and hits the spear for the pin at 12:08.

Rating: C+. Edge looked pretty good in there, which is impressive considering this was his first singles match against someone other than Randy Orton since Wrestlemania XXVII. They had a story going here with the ribs vs. the arm and while the ending wasn’t in doubt, it was nice to see them put in the effort on the way there. Edge didn’t look 46, but that doesn’t mean I want to see him in the main event of Wrestlemania. The new gear, with white boots for a change, did look good though.

Post match Reigns spears Edge and then hits Bryan with one of his own for daring to interfere.

Overall Rating: C. This was the blazing fast build up Fastlane show and while it helped for Sunday, I didn’t really have fun watching tonight. The biggest problem is there wasn’t much in the way of good wrestling, but at least they advanced some stories for Sunday and beyond. Now if only we can get through Fastlane already and focus solely on Wrestlemania, things could get a lot better in a hurry. For now though, just a decent show and nothing more.


Sasha Banks b. Nia Jax – Rollup

Rey Mysterio/Dominik Mysterio b. Street Profits – Hurricanrana to Dawkins

Alpha Academy b. Rey Mysterio/Dominik Mysterio – Middle rope splash to Dominik

King Corbin b. Sami Zayn – End of Days

Bianca Belair b. Shayna Baszler via DQ when Tamina and Natalya interfered

Edge b. Jey Uso – Spear



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