205 Live – March 19, 2021: Like Wrestling On A Treadmill

205 Live
Date: March 19, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

Things have been looking up around here but unfortunately Curt Stallion has broken his wrist and is going to be out of action for a pretty long time. I’m not sure what that is going to mean around here but there is going to need to be someone fresh brought in. I’m not sure how likely that is, but stranger things have happened. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Ashante Adonis vs. Ariya Daivari

Barrett is here as a guest commentator and talks about what it’s like as a newcomer who wound up going all the way to the main event of Summerslam 2010. I love it when you get actual analysis with the commentator using their own career as an example. Adonis shoulders him down to start but gets taken into the corner for some chops. That’s broken up and Adonis starts in on the shoulder. A neckbreaker gets Daivari out of trouble and he hammers away but Adonis nails a dropkick.

Some right hands stagger Daivari until he sends Adonis hard into the corner. Adonis is fine enough to go up top for a high crossbody so Daivari has to duck the Long Kiss Goodnight. The spinebuster gives Daivari two and the hammerlock lariat is good for the same, with Daivari pulling him up. The Persian Lion splash connects but Daivari covers in a way to allow Adonis to cradle him for a pin. Adonis cradles him for a pin at 7:13.

Rating: C. I liked the match but egads they telegraphed the heck out of that finish in a rather bad way. They had an idea and Daivari looks like he screwed up by acting cocky, but at least come up with something a little better than what they did here. Totally watchable match, but the ending brought it down a good bit.

We look back at Jordan Devlin returning to NXT and jumping Santos Escobar. The unification match is on for Takeover.

Jake Atlas vs. Tony Nese

Nese cranks on the arm to start and takes him to the mat for a leg crank. That’s reversed into an armbar, followed by an armdrag into another armbar. Back up and Nese snaps the arm over the top, allowing him to shout at commentary. A kick to the ribs gives Nese two and we hit the bodyscissors (see how easy it is to use a hold that makes sense). Atlas manages to fight up but gets blasted with a clothesline for two more.

A belly to back suplex drops Atlas and a spinning kick to the face rocks him again. Nese grabs a bit of a messy torture rack but Atlas slips out in a hurry and grabs a brainbuster. There’s a standing moonsault for two but Nese nails him in the head again. The Lionsault gives Nese two but he makes the mistake of slapping Atlas in the face and talking trash. That earns him a discus lariat into the cartwheel DDT to finish Nese at 11:25.

Rating: C+. Atlas isn’t the most interesting character in the world but he can do a nice match like this one here. Commentary treated this like a big win but how many people can beat Nese before it stops meaning anything? The match was pretty good though, as 205 Live’s fairly hot streak in the ring continues.

Overall Rating: C. The wrestling was perfectly acceptable at worst here but the problem continues to be the villains. Nese and Daivari have been the main heels on this show for at least a year and we have heard the exact same story out of them more times than I can count. Beating them over and over is not going to have any kind of an impact and that was on display here. Why should I care that Atlas and Adonis got the wins? That just puts their names on a long list and that’s not helping anyone.



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