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9 Responses

  1. Rahul says:

    I am fine with most of the releases apart from Black. Others mostly were not being used so they can atleast work for someone else.

    Brawn i think is the issue where they don’t have anything on how to use him so they let him go and will hire him back after 1-2 years.

  2. H. yaJ says:

    Strange. With all the names mentioned, I figured we’d see a certain former commenters name on this list. Where is he? Where did he go? Is he coming back? Strange indeed.

  3. Stone Cold Tea says:

    Mad. Black and Strowman are especially strange when you consider their placement on the card

  4. TSS says:

    Braun is the biggest shocker of the releases.

    Also, the timing of these release is odd, just as they are about to have crowds return.

  5. Justin Lewis says:

    So who do you think goes where?

    • LKJ86 says:

      Black (With Vega) to AEW
      Lana to meet Miro in AEW
      Riott to do Indies for a bit then maybe Impact
      Murphy could go to Japan and do quite well
      Garrett, no idea.

      Braun, genuinely no idea what his next steps are. AEW will gun for him but not sure what he could do there.

    • Thomas Hall says:

      Black – AEW/New Japan

      Lana – AEW to manage Miro

      Riott – Impact/ROH/NWA

      Murphy – Indies/Impact

      Garrett – Indies/NWA/ROH/almost anywhere she wants

      Strowman – Kind of hard to say as he isn’t an AEW style guy and inly knows the WWE style. Probably indies until he can develop something of his own.

  6. Mike M. says:

    Nick Khan is really making moves. I’m not sure most die-hard fans are going to like them. I’m not saying he made the call to release these wrestlers but the macro-level changes he’s making to the company are driving moves like this.

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