205 Live – July 9, 2021: I Like The Other Guy

205 Live
Date: July 9, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Vic Joseph

The debut of the newly stocked 205 Live will have to wait another week as it is time for more Breakout Tournament preview matches. Last week’s matches were not exactly thrilling and did not leave me overly excited for the rest. Maybe this week’s can be an improvement, which shouldn’t be that difficult. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Josh Briggs vs. Asher Hale

Briggs is a 6’8 monster and not exactly a cruiserweight. The fans are behind Hale as he gets slammed down without much effort. The smaller Hale can’t drop toehold him but a small package gets a fast two. Briggs is sent outside for a running knee from the apron but he is right back in for a shot to the face. There’s a hard whip into the corner to give Briggs two and a release side slam drops Hale again. A splash gets two and a chinlock has Hale in more trouble.

Hale gets big booted out to the floor but manages some strikes of his own on the way back in. Briggs isn’t having that and boots him in the face, only to miss a knee drop. A kick to the knee and another to the head stagger Briggs, setting up a tornado DDT for two. Hale slaps on a crossface but lets go to try for the leg, earning himself a kick to the face. The top rope double stomp misses though and Briggs blasts him with a clothesline for the pin at 8:38.

Rating: C. I liked this more than I was expecting to as Briggs looked to be squashing him but Hale made a go of it. There is something to be said about having Briggs just unloading with the clothesline for the win. Nothing else was working so he hit Hale really, really hard for the pin. What more can you ask for out of a finish like that?

Grayson Waller was left out of the Breakout Tournament so he’s ready to fight Odyssey Jones tonight. Waller is going to beat Jones to show that he is the present instead of the future.

Odyssey Jones is ready to show what he can do. Jones seems to have some charisma.

We look at the announcement of the Breakout Tournament field.

Odyssey Jones vs. Grayson Waller

Jones is a huge guy at over 400lbs. Waller strikes away to start and gets absolutely nowhere so he’ll try a headlock instead. A hard shoulder drops Waller and another one puts him on the floor. Back in and a big toss sends Waller flying out of the corner but a low bridge puts Jones on the floor. Waller posts him and scores with a kick to the head, followed by a middle rope elbow to the shoulder back inside.

Jones slugs away so Waller grabs a triangle choke over the rope. A guillotine choke doesn’t work either as Jones muscles him up for a suplex. Waller gets in a few more shots before rolling outside for a running start into a rolling Stunner (that’s a new one). The middle rope elbow gets two on Jones but another triangle is countered with a powerbomb. A hard ax handle rocks Waller and the World’s Strongest Slam finishes Waller at 7:50.

Rating: C. I still like Waller more than most around here and that was the case again this time. Jones is a big guy and can be a good monster, but he only showed so much here. He had some charisma and did the big man stuff well, but it’s hard to get interested in him when Bronson Reed exists. Good enough debut though and he’ll be fine almost anywhere he goes, at least for awhile.

Overall Rating: C. This was a better effort than last week and I’m more curious about Briggs and Jones than anyone from last week. They still have a long way to go, but it is nice to see things improve even slightly over the last batch. Throw in the NXT atmosphere compared to 205 Live and there is a good chance things will improve enough.



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