205 Live – August 13, 2021: It’s Just A Number

205 Live
Date: August 13, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness

This week is going to be our first look at the new (or newer) 205 Live after the latest roster purge. I’m not sure what we are going to be seeing this week and that is kind of interesting in a way. For the life of me I do not get why this is still a cruiserweight show when there are barely any cruiserweights, but that’s WWE logic for you. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Ikemen Jiro vs. Grayson Waller

Waller tosses Jiro (and the coat) around to start and it’s off to an exchange of headlocks. Jiro gets the better of things and trips Waller down, followed by an enziguri to make it worse. The Tarantula is broken up though and Waller gets in a shot to the face. A snap suplex drops Jiro again and the cravate goes on, complete with knees to the head.

The chinlock with an arm trap has Jiro in trouble and Waller rolls him up, with trunks, for two. Waller stops to yell at the referee though, allowing Jiro to hit a springboard missile dropkick to the floor. A big flip dive drops Waller again but the Ikemen Slash misses. The running Stunner gives Waller two but Jiro grabs a Kimura of all things. A powerslam gives Jiro two, only to have Waller slip out and hit the running stomp for the pin at 9:11.

Rating: C+. More 205 Live goodness here with two of the few remaining roster members. Waller is still one of my favorite guys around here and Jiro is popular enough with the fans to get somewhere. I’m not sure if that is actually going to happen, but Kushida actually appearing here last week might give them a bit of hope.

Josh Briggs is angry and back around here. He doesn’t care about the weight limit so he wants Joe Gacy.

Josh Briggs vs. Joe Gacy

The cruiserweight limit is thrown out for this one, as it should be. They fight over the power lockup to start and it’s time for the exchange of heavy forearms. The bigger Briggs hits a running big boot to drop Gacy and it’s time for some heavy elbows for two. Back up and Briggs misses a charge into the corner, only to run Gacy over for another near fall. We hit an arm/neck crank until Gacy fights up with the chops. That doesn’t really bother Briggs, who runs him over with a shoulder.

The cranking ensues again but this time Gacy is up with right hands and a headbutt. A swinging Rock Bottom out of the corner plants Briggs but Gacy can’t follow up. Another suplex sends Briggs flying and the standing clotheslines against the ropes keep him in trouble. Back up and Gacy hammers away with forearms, only to get blasted with a lariat to give Briggs the pin at 8:34.

Rating: C+. This was fun in a completely different way as it is nice to see some people doing something different around here. It might not be going with the spirit of the show, but it isn’t like having a show based around cruiserweights has meant anything in a long time. They had a good hoss fight here and I could go for seeing more of both of them in the future, perhaps around here.

Overall Rating: C+. Above all else, this show gave me some hope. For the life of me I do not get why this show is still based around the cruiserweight division and hopefully this is more about shifting towards an NXT supplemental show. Go with something more like this in the future, as it would be a very welcome change of pace. I have no reason to believe it stays that way, but you can always use some hope.

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