NXT LVL Up – March 4, 2022: A Nice Main Event
Date: March 4, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sudu Shah, Nigel McGuinness
NXT has started to change a bit now as it has a big show coming up next month. That is something they have been needing, though again I can’t imagine it makes much of a difference around here. This is the same dumping ground for lower level NXT stars who need to be in the ring and that isn’t exactly exciting stuff. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Opening sequence.
Dante Chen vs. Javier Bernal
A lockup goes nowhere to start as they roll away from each other before Bernal grabs a headscissors on the mat. Back up and Chen slips out of an abdominal stretch attempt but gets rolled up for two. A belly to back suplex gets Chen out of trouble but his chinlock doesn’t last long. Bernal comes back with a crossbody for two, only to have Chen roll him up for the pin at 3:26.
Rating: C-. Two wrestlers had a match and one of them won. This felt like the kind of match you would put on for fifteen minutes at the start of an old school house show to fill in time. This wasn’t an interesting match whatsoever because neither of them have any kind of a character. They were people in trunks having a match and that isn’t going to get you very far when the match is just as generic as they are.
Respect is shown post match.
Tiffany Stratton vs. Erica Yan
They circle each other to start with Stratton cartwheeling out of an early wristlock, only to get taken down to the mat. A basement dropkick gives Yan two and we’re already in the chinlock. Stratton fights up and loses it because Yan pulled out some of her extensions, meaning the stomping is on in the corner. This time It’s Yan being knocked down and put in a chinlock for a change but she fights up just as fast. A Downward Spiral drops Stratton but she is right back up with a spinning slam. The standing moonsault into the corkscrew Vader Bomb finishes Yan at 3:52.
Rating: C. If this wasn’t better than the opener, at least it was something more interesting. Stratton and Yan stand out a bit more than the guys in the first match and that is at least a step forward. Stratton seems to be something of a project around here and even though she has one of the most generic gimmicks around, it is better than having nothing at all.
Edris Enofe/Malik Blade vs. Legado del Fantasma
Elektra Lopez is here with Legado. Mendoza takes Blade into the corner to start but Blade armdrags him into an armbar. Enofe comes in off a blind tag though and hits a belly to back suplex. It’s off to Wilde, who gets rolled up for a fast two from Enofe as frustration is setting in. Blade comes back in and gets his leg taken out to put Blade in trouble in the corner.
A running forearm in the corner gives Wilde two and it’s Mendoza coming back in to stay on the leg. Mendoza grabs a half crab before cannonballing down onto the leg. That doesn’t work twice though as Blade kicks him over the top to escape, allowing the hot tag off to Enofe. A half crab has Mendoza in trouble until Wilde makes the save. Everything breaks down and a Lopez distraction lets Legado hit their Russian legsweep/running boot combination to finish Enofe at 8:44.
Rating: C+. Match of the night by far and that is not a surprise, as you had more talented wrestlers getting extra time. Blade and Enofe are making a completely decent tag team and that is always something that you can use. Legado is already established and they helped put together a solid enough match here, which is more than I would have expected.
Overall Rating: C. They did a bit better this week as you could see different kinds of wrestlers getting a chance to showcase themselves. The action wasn’t too bad either, though the opener was pretty dry. Stratton, Blade and Enofe are starting to develop though and the main event worked. As usual, completely watchable show, even if it doesn’t serve a very effective purpose.
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