Hooray For Nine Hour Delays
So I’ve been stuck in Houston for about nine hours and won’t be getting back to Louisville until around 11:15 local time, followed by about an hour and fifteen minute drive back to the house. Since I’m on about 90 minutes sleep, odds are NXT won’t be up tonight. I apologize in advance in a hope to avoid further emails saying:
Wrestlemania is over. Get up off yo lazy a** and get back to work!!!!
For clarification, I believe that was due to me not answering a question in less than six hours. And yeah it’s probably petty to mention this but it’s been a long day.
I’ve got most of Stand & Deliver up and then I’ll start plowing through the pile again tomorrow.
Thank you again for your patience with me.
I was impressed by the fact you had full WM reviews up the day after the show.
Did you watch them the next day on the cock?
That night actually.
Whomever sent that comment is an asshole!!! B safe getting home KB, take yo time
Take “yo” time writing out your comments.
Don’t worry about that guy. You’ve worked far hander than anyone could ask for by getting up the WrestleMania reviews that quick. Great work as always, KB.