NXT LVL Up – June 10, 2022: Not In This Form

Date: June 10, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sudu Shah, Nigel McGuinness

It’s time for another one of these which will likely have nothing whatsoever to do with the previous show and feature a bunch of stand alone matches. That is the standard formula around here and I wouldn’t expect to see it change anytime soon. It doesn’t mean the show will be bad, but it also doesn’t give me high expectations. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Valentina Feroz vs. Arianna Grace

Yulisa Leon is here with Feroz. Grace takes her down by the arm to start but Feroz reverses into an arm crank of her own. A rollup doesn’t work so Grace powers her up for a drop onto the buckle. The chinlock goes on but Feroz fights up and gets two off a small package. Grace kicks her down and, after walking around so she can face the camera, gets two. Some throws put Grace down and she hits a spear but Grace is back up. That’s fine with Feroz, who grabs a backslide for the pin at 4:14.

Rating: D+. In short, Grace is not ready for this spot as she looks all over the place and like she is trying to remember every thing that she has to do. The match wasn’t good and felt sloppy, with Feroz doing what she could but not exactly being great in her own right. I’m sure Grace will get a chance because of her look and family connection, but she needs a lot of work.

Sloane Jacobs vs. Sierra St. Pierre

Feeling out process to start with Jacobs grinding away on a headlock and hitting a dropkick. Another headlock takeover takes St. Pierre over and a middle rope spinning crossbody gets two. St. Pierre fights up and hits some right hands, setting up a neck crank. Jacobs grabs a butterfly suplex for two and finishes with a Samoan drop faceplant at 4:58.

Rating: C-. Jacobs is another work in progress and while I can get what WWE sees in her, she needs a lot more ring time and a lot more work before she is ready to go. This wasn’t terrible but it is clear that Jacobs is still figuring a lot of this stuff out. She might get there and I have more confidence in her than Grace, though that isn’t saying much.

Ikemen Jiro vs. Dante Chen

Jiro works on the wrist to start but Chen flips out and grabs a headlock. With that broken up, they fight over a pinfall reversal sequence to get us to a standoff. Chen gets knocked down for a twist of the neck and a running crossbody gives Jiro two. Back up and Chen knees him in the ribs before another shot sends Jiro to the apron. The seated abdominal stretch stays on the ribs but Jiro fights up with the jacket punches. A slingshot springboard moonsault gets two on Chen, who grabs a gutbuster. Not that it matters as the Ikemen Slice finishes for Jiro at 6:59.

Rating: C. Given my tastes in wrestling, Jiro is someone I shouldn’t like, but he has some great charisma and is smooth in the ring, making it hard to dislike him. That is more than I can say for a lot of NXT wrestlers and I get why he is in a more featured role. You can tell that he has the experience and abilities, but the jacket/over the top nature is likely to keep him pretty firmly in the lower levels of the card.

Overall Rating: C-. The women’s matches were rough but Jiro was a level higher enough to make this passable. This show continues to be the “yeah sure put them on, whatever” card of the week and that isn’t likely to change. What matters is getting people in the ring, but with the house show circuit coming back around, I’m not sure how much of an impact this show is going to have. It’ll stay around because WWE is the ultimate creature of habit, but it doesn’t need to be, at least not in this form.


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