NXT UK – June 23, 2022: They’re Coming And They’re Here

Date: June 23, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Andy Shepherd

Things have gotten a little more interesting around here as Trent Seven has gone full evil and it should set up a heck of a personal feud with Tyler Bate. Other than that, Kenny Williams is still trying to figure out what is up with Tiger Turan and Ilja Dragunov needs something to do. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Moustache Mountain losing the Tag Team Titles and the official split last week.

Opening sequence.

Here are Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter to get things going, with Smith having his knee heavily braced and showing a limp. Smith talks about how he was going nowhere until Carter became his partner. Now he is a champion in WWE because they are the NXT UK Tag Team Champions. However, that makes what he is about to say next all the harder: he has ruptured his MCL and the titles have to be vacated due to his injury.

Smith apologizes to Carter, who says Smith didn’t let him down. Carter says he’s always there for Smith, who tells Carter to make a go of it while he’s out of action. Sid Scala comes out to accept the vacated titles, but does announce Smith and Carter as the champions one more time. Smith and Carter leave so here is Die Familie to interrupt. Those titles should be theirs but here are Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen, Jack Stars/Dave Mastiff and Mark Andrews/Wild boar to interrupt. No one says anything, but Scala makes a four way elimination match for the titles in tonight’s main event.

Sarray comes in to see Meiko Satomura and pays some respect. With Sarray gone, Meiko tells Emilia McKenzie that she gets to face Fallon Henley next week. Meiko wants some fighting spirit.

Sha Samuels isn’t happy with Sid Scala but Wolfgang interrupts and a match is teased.

Myla Grace vs. Isla Dawn

Grace takes her to the mat to start and spins around a lot, setting up the basement dropkick to the side of the head. Dawn isn’t having that though and kicks her down, setting up the chinlock. Grace fights up and strikes away before a tornado DDT gets two. A middle rope dive misses though and Dawn kicks her in the head. The half nelson slam finishes for Dawn at 5:05.

Rating: C. Not much to this one but Grace is someone who has been around a few times now and isn’t too bad. The division can always use some fresh blood and that is what we might be seeing here. She wasn’t squashed here but there is no shame in losing to someone who has been around as long as Dawn.

Tyler Bate has taken a leave of absence after Trent Seven attacked him last week.

Kenny Williams is still obsessed with Tiger Turan.

Noam Dar comes in to see Sid Scala and thinks he is going to have to retire as Heritage Cup Champion. Or maybe he’ll have one more match, for some money money.

Nina Samuels vs. Sarray

Sarray grabs the leg to start and the threat of a half crab sends Samuels over to the rope. Back up and Samuels cranks on the wrist until Sarray sends her into the corner. Samuels knocks her down though and ribs at the face in the ropes. That’s broken up and Sarray dropkicks the knee out before knocking her off the top. The running dropkick against the ropes sets up a high collar suplex to finish Samuels at 5:35.

Rating: C. I get the idea of Sarray, but the transforming thing is just a weird deal that doesn’t add anything and is weird throughout. I’m not sure what the point of the thing is other than to give Sarray something, but it isn’t exactly working. Samuels continues to be the person with a gimmick who you can put out there for loss after loss and not have her drop very far. That’s a good thing to have and NXT UK seems to know it.

Blair Davenport is back next week.

Xia Brookside and Eliza Alexander mock Sarray but Meiko Satomura comes in to scare them off.

Tag Team Titles: Brooks Jensen/Josh Briggs vs. Jack Starz/Dave Mastiff vs. Wild Boar/Mark Andrews vs. Die Familie

Elimination match for the vacant titles with Charlie Dempsey in Die Familie’s corner. Starz and Andrews flip around to start so it’s Raja coming in, only to get sent into the corner by Boar. Jensen comes in to powerslam Boar so Teoman tags himself in and hammers away. A clothesline out of the corner gets Boar out of trouble and Mastiff brings himself in to start wrecking people.

Starz and Mastiff start double teaming Teoman, with Starz grabbing a chinlock. Mastiff comes back in and glares Teoman off, meaning Briggs comes in for the monster staredown. They knock everyone else off the apron first though and then clothesline each other down for a bit of a twist. Everything breaks down and Briggs chokeslams Teoman onto the pile at ringside.

Andrews adds the big dive before throwing Teoman back in to get beaten up as well. A running dropkick/German suplex combination sends Teoman into the corner for the tag off to Starz, who gets blasted by Boar’s lariat. Fall To Pieces hits Stars but Mastiff makes a save, allowing Starz to cradle Andrews for the elimination at 9:36.

Starz is banged up and the referee checks on him, only to have Teoman kick him in the bad knee. A dropkick out of the corner gives Starz a breather though and it’s Jensen coming in to fight Mastiff. That works for Mastiff, who crossbodies him down but a distraction lets Raja hit a jumping Downward Spiral to finish Mastiff at 12:15.

So we’re down to Die Familie vs. Briggs/Jensen for the titles with Jensen getting enziguried into a spinebuster for two. A belly to back suplex gets Jensen out of trouble and the hot tag brings in Briggs to really clean house. Dempsey’s distraction lets Teoman hit a Backstabber for two with Jensen making a save. Teoman stomps on Briggs’ back a few times, setting up a crossface. That’s broken up with a rollup and the second hot tag brings in Jensen to clean house. Teoman and Dempsey get kicked off the apron and it’s a high/low to give Briggs the pin and the titles at 18:16.

Rating: B-. The match was long and felt like a big deal, which is one of the best things that can be aid here. What matters here is that Briggs and Jensen won the titles, which may or may not be a good thing. It felt like a cool moment as the team finally wins something, but at the same time it is a bit much to have the Americans come over and win the titles over three NXT UK teams. Die Familie winning here might not have been as fun of a moment, but it would have made more sense.

Fallon Henley comes in to celebrate to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The main event was the big deal as NXT UK had to do something big to take care of a bad situation. That was accomplished, though the rest of the show wasn’t exactly great. What matters here is that they got the important part right, which is often a lot harder than it seems. Good enough show here, though the creeping factor of the lower NXT card coming over to NXT UK isn’t a positive sign.




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