NXT – July 12, 2022: Tablesetting

Date: July 12, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett

It’s the week after the Great American Bash and we still have a title on the line this week. This time around, we have the Women’s Title on the line as Roxanne Perez is going to be challenging Mandy Rose for the NXT Women’s Title in an attempt to become a double champ. In addition, we have the fallout from JD McDonagh attacking NXT Champion Bron Breakker last week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the Great American Bash.

Roxanne Perez has been attacked in the parking lot (THE PARKING LOT STRIKES AGAIN), with Cora Jade and medics checking on her.

Giovanni Vinci vs. Apollo Crews

They fight over a lockup to start and neither gets very far. Crews slips out of a slam but gets shouldered down. Some forearms from Crews rattle Vinci though and Crews is up with AJ Styles’ drop down into a dropkick. They head outside with Crews being dropped onto the barricade and we take a break.

Back with Crews making a comeback on Vinci, including a splash in the corner and some rolling German suplexes. Crews goes up but dives into a suplex, with Vinci pulling him out of the air (dang) for two. Hold on though as Vinci grabs a fan’s phone for a distraction, allowing Xyon Quinn to run out of the crowd and deck Crews. Vinci grabs the sitout Last Ride for the pin at 10:14.

Rating: C+. The screwy ending aside, this was a good win for Vinci as he needed to do something to set him apart from the rest of the field. Beating Crews means more than beating a lot of NXT stars and the ending sets up Crews vs. Quinn while Vinci can move on to something else. Nice match here and well put together.

Cora Jade isn’t impressed by Toxic Attraction jumping Roxanne Perez and is ready for some revenge. I’m sure.

Tiffany Stratton is getting her nails done and vents about FINALLY being done with Wendy Choo. Now she wants to know who leaves with the Women’s Title. The nail work isn’t great but she’ll spare them a bad review.

Here is Cameron Grimes for a chat after his loss to Bron Breakker last week. He didn’t get robbed and he even caved in Breakker’s chest but he didn’t win the title. Now he has lost the North American Title and the NXT Title shot but maybe that’s just life. Instead of going to the moon, he crashed into the sun….and here is JD McDonagh to interrupt. McDonagh says that after Grimes lost last week, he became old news. Now it’s all about McDonagh, who wants that meat head Bron Breakker. Grimes wants McDonagh to look at him when he talks, so McDonagh headbutts him. That’s enough for Grimes to chase him off.

The Creeds and Damon Kemp are going over footage from last week’s match and respect is shown. Kemp would love to run it back and the Creeds are in if he is. The Creeds leave but here is Roderick Strong to say that isn’t what you do. Kemp cost them the titles so next week, Strong is teaching him a lesson.

Grayson Waller blames Wes Lee for his loss last week and wants to teach him a lesson.

Roxanne Perez is still getting checked out.

Tatum Paxley vs. Kayden Carter

Katana Chance is here too. Paxley takes her down by the arm to start but Carter is back with a running dropkick to the floor. That brings out Ivy Nile to check out Paxley and send her back inside, where Carter ties up the legs. Paxley grabs the rope so Carter pulls her away….and right into a small package to give Paxley the fast pin at 3:25.

Rating: C. I could go for more of Paxley as she and Nile could be a little something if they’re put together. One of the bigger issues with the NXT women’s division is that they have a bunch of people but a lot of them don’t have much to make them stand out. If Paxley teaming with Nile is her thing, then it gives her a step up on a lot of the rest of the new class.

Joe Gacy is ready for the Dyad to reveal themselves next week.

Sanga is watching the intro from last week’s show where he splashed Duke Hudson in a pool. Hudson comes up and complains, setting up a match.

Fallon Henley, Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen are in the bar celebrating their Tag Team Title win when Pretty Deadly, dressed as cowboys, come in. Pretty Deadly calls the place a dump and a fight is teased, but Henley sets up the match for next week.

Duke Hudson vs. Sanga

Hudson drives him into the corner to start but can’t whip him around. Instead Sanga runs him over with a shoulder out to the floor so Hudson grabs a neck snap across the top. Back in and Hudson rips at the chest hair before hitting a big boot (Wade: “Yes Duke!”). Sanga doesn’t seem to mind and hits a chokeslam (Wade: “No Duke!”) for the pin at 2:58.

Mr. Stone and company don’t think much of Solo Sikoa being from the streets because Von Wagner is a real athlete.

Solo Sikoa is ready to fight.

Toxic Attraction mocks Roxanne Perez for getting hurt, but they didn’t do it.

Solo Sikoa vs. Von Wagner

They fight on the floor to start before getting inside for the opening bell. Since they’re so angry, Wagner grabs a headlock before shouldering him down. Sikoa’s shoulder just annoys Wagner but a slam works a bit better, setting up a running headbutt for two. There’s a backsplash to send Wagner outside and we take a break.

Back with Sikoa fighting out of a chinlock but getting booted in the face. Sikoa hits a belly to back suplex to start the real comeback and starts striking away. There’s the Samoan drop and a running Umaga attack in the corner, sending Wagner outside. Sikoa goes with him and they fight up the aisle for the double countout at 10:34.

Rating: C. The fighting stuff was ok, but there was a bit too much wrestling in there for what they seemed to be trying to do. Sikoa not losing to Wagner is encouraging, though I would like to believe that this isn’t the best Sikoa can do right now. Fighting Wagner is quite the downgrade and it seems like we’ll be seeing it again soon. How great.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams go to the penthouse with some ladies. The hot tub is visited.

Lash Legend dribbles a basketball and shouts about Indi Hartwell. The ball rolls away and is stopped by a red baseball bat.

Chase U has gone to London but Andre Chase isn’t happy with being named as the seventh best school. Chase threatens to beat Glenn up for writing this and throws him out.

Lash Legend vs. Indi Hartwell

Legend jumps her to start and they head outside with Hartwell being driven into the apron. Back in and Hartwell gets draped over the top rope before being bent over Legend’s back for some cranking. Cue Alba Fyre on the platform, with Legend’s basketball, for a distraction, allowing Hartwell to try a springboard….I have no idea as Hartwell comes crashing down to the mat in a horrible slip. Legend rolls her up but gets reversed into another rollup for the pin (or close enough) to give Hartwell the pin at 3:32.

Rating: D-. That ending alone is a downgrade, but Fyre stealing a basketball is pretty lame even for modern wrestling stories. What’s worse is that Fyre, who could have been a star on the main roster a year ago, is now tasked with bringing Legend along. The botch wasn’t on Legend, but it’s not like this was going anywhere before Hartwell fell down. Hartwell continues to be directionless at the moment and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Post match Fyre chases Legend off with the bat.

A bunch of women talk about Roxanne Perez, including her lack of a boyfriend.

Tony D’Angelo wants to know where Legado del Fantasma’s loyalties lie. You mean he can’t tell yet?

Solo Sikoa and Von Wagner are still fighting outside.

The QR code is back, this time taking you to a Wordle style puzzle. The word is either _ _ _ OC or O _ _ _ C. Havoc?

Tony D’Angelo/Stacks vs. Edris Enofe/Malik Blade

Legado del Fantasma (minus Santos Escobar) is here too. Enofe and Stacks start things off with Blade coming in for some quick double teaming. Stacks gets over to D’Angelo for a suplex on Enofe and the villains take over. That doesn’t last long either though as the hot tag brings in Blade for a spinebuster on Stacks as D’Angelo sends Enofe into the steps. Blade gets dropped face first onto the top turnbuckle and it’s a swinging fisherman’s suplex to give D’Angelo the pin at 5:20.

Rating: C-. This D’Angelo/Legado stuff has completely stalled and it doesn’t help when they are trying to have D’Angelo as a serious guy. He’s the definition of a gimmick guy and that doesn’t shine at all when he is in the ring. There is something there with him, but they need to move on to something else with him in a hurry.

Nikkita Lyons doesn’t know who attacked Roxanne Perez, though people are accusing her. If she can, she’s ready to take the title shot though.

Axiom likes comic books and wears a mask. He’ll debut next week.

NXT Title: Mandy Rose vs. Roxanne Perez

Perez is challenging, or at least she is in theory as she isn’t here. Toxic Attraction laughs it off but here is Cora Jade to say we’re having a title match. Mandy says not so fast and gives Perez a ten count, but here is Perez, with ribs taped, to answer. Jade tries to talk her out of it but says go do it. Perez comes in swinging and gets a ROXIE TWO BELTS chant. Rose isn’t having that and goes to the injured ribs to take over, with Perez being knocked outside.

We take a break and come back with Rose working on a bodyscissors but Perez fighs up and hits a running uppercut in the corner. Pop Rox is blocked as Rose gets to the floor, where Perez hits a dive. Pop Rox connects on the floor and Perez gets her back inside….but Cora jade hits Perez with the Women’s Tag Team Title. That’s enough for Rose to hit the running knee and retain at 9:18.

Rating: C. They telegraphed that ending pretty hard but that isn’t a bad thing. Sometimes it is easier to just go with the story that makes sense, even if the pieces are laid out in front of you. Jade and Perez splitting up is an interesting way to go since they are still the Tag Team Champions, but I can certainly go with the idea of getting rid of those belts if that happens to be a side effect. As for the match, it was what you would expect with an injured star coming after Mandy Rose, who continues to be completely adequate in the ring.

Post match Jade yells at Perez a lot and tries to hit her with the skateboard….but it breaks beforehand, leaving Jade to use the pieces to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. This show wasn’t the best but it was setting things up for the future, which is a good thing to see. The problem is they didn’t have a very good show to get there and that made for a pretty dull night. The good thing is that it came off a rather strong show last week so things going down a bit was understandable. Now just get back to closer to last week next time and we should be ok.

Giovanni Vinci b. Apollo Crews – Lifting sitout powerbomb
Tatum Paxley b. Kayden Carter – Small package
Sanga b. Duke Hudson – Chokeslam
Solo Sikoa vs. Von Wagner went to a double countout
Indi Hartwell b. Lash Legend – Rollup
Tony D’Angelo/Stacks b. Edris Enofe/Malik Blade – Spinning fisherman’s suplex to Blade
Mandy Rose b. Roxanne Perez – Running knee




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1 Response

  1. Timmy says:

    Zoey Stark is the QR Code. She fell off the ladder at Halloween Havoc and I think around the time shown.

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