Collision – July 8, 2023: How To Get On The Map

Date: July 8, 2023
Location: Brandt Center, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly

The Canadian tour continues, as do the Owen Hart Foundation tournaments. In this case, the main draw is Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk, which was the biggest feud on the independent circuit about twenty years ago and could be very interesting today. Other than that, FTR vs. Bullet Club Gold, which could be pretty great. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, Samoa Joe and CM Punk are ready for their tournament matches tonight.

Opening sequence.

Here is CM Punk for a chat. He is ready for Samoa Joe and it is the biggest match of his career. It feels like it should be the final, but he isn’t looking past Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs. Joe is the reason Punk is missing teeth and has scars on his head, but the name Punk wants to hear tonight is Owen Hart. Owen is the reason a lot of people are here and while there is talent in that locker room, they aren’t here without Hart. Punk isn’t superstitious so he goes over to touch the trophy that he will earn. Win, lose or draw tonight, he will leave it all in the ring tonight.

We get a video on Punk vs. Joe, complete with old and new footage.

Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Semifinals: Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ricky Starks

QTV is here with Hobbs, who shoves him around to start without much effort. Back up and Starks clotheslines him out to the floor, only to have Hobbs run him over with another clothesline back inside. The beating in the corner ensues and a delayed suplex drops Starks again as the dominance continues.

We take a break and come back with Starks fighting out of a bearhug. Hobbs shrugs it off and fires off some clotheslines in the corner. Some middle rope right hands are countered into a powerbomb and Starks kicks him in the head. A springboard tornado DDT doesn’t go so well and Hobbs is back with the spinebuster. For some reason QT Marshall distracts the referee, allowing Starks to ram Hobbs into him. The spear gives Starks the pin at 11:00.

Rating: C+. Hobbs’ bad luck continues, but at least in this case it might lead to the end of his association with QTV. At the same time, at least the loss was to someone like Starks, who could use the boost that would come with winning the tournament. That isn’t out of the question, though I could still go for having more than bragging rights on the line.

Post match Marshall goes to talk to Hobbs, who shoves him away. Aaron Solo tries to play peacemaker and gets planted with a spinebuster. Harley Cameron gets between Hobbs and Marshall so Hobbs finally leaves.

Miro is ready to hurt anyone because no one can hurt him. Nothing can tempt him. Not a shiny belt, a jealous god or a double jointed hot wife.

Willow Nightingale is upset about being injured when Athena interrupts her. Athena was looking forward to beating her, but Nightingale is ready for this match, which can happen on Rampage.

Video on Blood & Guts.

Julia Hart vs. Bambi Hall

Hart kicks away at the leg and avoids a charge in the corner. Hall runs her over but Hart starts firing off some kicks. Hall’s attempt at a backbreaker is pulled into something like the Rings of Saturn for the tap at 2:22. Hall felt like she could be something with some more time.

Malakai Black talks about how Andrade El Idolo has put too much value and faith in his mask. It’s like a child who can’t let go of his teddy bear but Black is willing to show him the truth.

Andrade says he is a businessman but the mask represents his family and culture. When he takes the mask off, it is time to fight and win.

Bullet Club Gold vs. FTR

Non-title Eliminator Match, so if the Club wins they get a title shot, but if they lose, they can never challenge FTR again. Dax and White start things off with Dax sending him into the corner and grabbing a headlock. With White not being able to get anywhere, he hands it off to Robinson to work on Wheeler’s arm. Everything breaks down and we wind up back in the ring for the four way brawl, with the fans rather approving. FTR get in a part of German suplexes and we take a break.

Back with Robinson getting elbowed and legdropped, setting up an atomic drop out of the corner. A White distraction lets Robinson hit a hot shot to Wheeler to take over. Some shoulders in the corner set up a backsplash to stay on the ribs and we hit the waistlock. White goes after the illegal Dax and sends him into the barricade before suplexing Wheeler into the corner for two. Robinson cuts Dax off again so we can’t have a hot tag, followed by White backdropping Wheeler to the floor as we take another break.

Back again with the hot tag bringing in Harwood to clean house, including a bunch of suplexes. Some rolling German suplexes have White in trouble before a brainbuster gets two. Wheeler and Robinson slug it out on the apron until a belly to back suplex puts Robinson down. The PowerPlex gets two on White but he’s back up with a sleeper suplex to Wheeler. Harwood breaks up the Blade Runner but the Shatter Machine doesn’t work.

White rolls Wheeler up for two but gets caught with the spike piledriver for two more, with Robinson having to make a diving save. Back up and White gets a very close two off a fisherman’s suplex and Wheeler breaks up a double suplex. White’s swinging Rock Bottom hits Wheeler but Harwood reverses another one into a slingshot sitout powerbomb for two.

Robinson comes back in with a leg lariat to Harwood but Wheeler powerslams him for two more. White grabs the Blade Runner though and everyone is down. Harwood and White chop it out but Robinson comes in off a blind tag. The forward DDT plants Harwood and Wheeler can’t break up the pin at 28:11.

Rating: A-. They had me wondering if the time limit draw was coming, which made the pin that much better. This was a heck of a match and they were going nuts with the near falls near the end. It’s hard to praise a match like this as it was one awesome piece after another and it was one of the best tag matches I’ve seen anywhere in a good while. Now how do they top it in a rematch?

Set for Battle Of The Belts: Shawn Spears challenges Luchasaurus for the TNT Title. And that’s why Battle Of The Belts is seen as a nothing show.

FTR is in the back when Bullet Club Gold comes up. They want their title shot next week and let’s make it 2/3 falls. That’s how they top it in a rematch.

Scorpio Sky vs. Action Andretti

Feeling out process to start with Andretti grabbing an armdrag into an armbar. Sky fights out without much trouble and we take a break. Back with Andretti hitting a backbreaker into a neckbreaker, followed by a Spanish Fly for two. Sky can’t get a backslide but he can block a split legged moonsault. Sky’s TKO finishes at 7:26.

Rating: C. So Sky is back after a year away and his match gets about three and a half minutes of TV time? That’s pretty hard to fathom, but it was only so good of a match in the first place. As usual, Sky is a good hand, but that doesn’t make him the most exciting. On the other hand, Andretti continues to be fine in his role as a jobber to the stars and can keep the pace up rather nicely.

Here’s what’s coming on various show, at a reasonable pace.

Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Semifinals: Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk

Non-title. Feeling out process to start with Punk looking to avoid the strikes. Joe wins a test of strength so Punk hits a chop of his own. You don’t do that to Joe, who runs Punk over without much effort and hits a big chop to the back. Joe snaps off the right hands in the corner and sends Punk outside as we take a break. Back with Joe working on a neck crank until Punk fights up and strikes away.

The leg lariat staggers Joe and Punk hits the running knee in the corner. The bulldog out of the corner is countered into a standing Koquina Clutch, which is countered into a belly to back suplex. Punk’s top rope elbow gets two but the GTS is countered into a crossface. With that broken up, Joe snaps off a powerslam for two and frustration/exhaustion are starting to set in. Punk kicks him in the head for two more but a tornado DDT is blocked. A swinging neckbreaker sets up a failed GTS attempt so Punk rolls him up for the pin at 15:32.

Rating: B-. This was never going to be some barn burner, as they’re both in their mid-40s and broken down from years of wear and tear. This match was build on the feeling and the atmosphere and in that sense, it worked very well. It felt like a big showdown and I was feeling some dread whenever either loaded up one of their finishers as it felt like it would be the end. What matters here is giving a huge feeling while also setting up Punk vs. Starks in what could be a great final. Well done here, though the action wasn’t the point.

Post match Punk offers a handshake but gets pulled into a Koquina Clutch. Joe grabs a chair but FTR makes the save. Ricky Starks comes out to stare at Punk but leaves to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. The tag match and the feeling of the main event make this a show worth seeing, as this is the much more by the book, wrestling focused series from AEW. I’m not sure how many people are going to be interested in watching it going forward, but for now it seems to be working. If nothing else, the Owen tournaments end next week so we don’t have much longer of them dominating shows. The tag match is absolutely worth going out of your way to see, and that is the kind of stuff Collision needs to put it on the map.

Ricky Starks b. Powerhouse Hobbs – Spear
Julia Hart b. Bambi Hall – Rings of Saturn
Bullet Club Gold b. FTR – Forward DDT to Harwood
Scorpio Sky b. Action Andretti – TKO
CM Punk b. Samoa Joe – Rollup



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