Monday Night Raw – July 10, 2023: Working With What They Don’t Have

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 10, 2023
Location: KeyBank Center, Buffalo, New York
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

We are less than a month away from Summerslam and Judgment Day is having some major issues. Finn Balor and Damian Priest can’t seem to get along and the introduction of the Money In The Bank briefcase isn’t helping. Other than that, we have more issues between Cody Rhodes and Brock Lesnar so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a look at the Judgment Day’s issues.

Here is a ticked off Finn Balor, who blames Damian Priest with costing him the World Title. Cue Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio, with the former telling Balor to calm down. Balor says he is calm and walks out, leaving Ripley to say the team still runs Raw. If anyone disagrees, come out here and prove it. Cue Seth Rollins, with a plate of buffalo wings, with Dominik not being pleased and making threats. Rollins apologizes to Ripley, because she isn’t the only one who is going to be whipping Mysterio tonight.

Post break, Damian Priest comes up to Ripley and Mysterio, saying that went as expected. Ripley tells him to fix this with Balor.

Imperium vs. Drew McIntyre/Matt Riddle

Gunther is at ringside as Riddle powers out of Kaiser’s headlock and gutwrench suplexes him down. It’s off to McIntyre vs. Vinci, with the former taking him down for an assisted Floating Bro from Riddle. Back up and Vinci gets Riddle into the corner and sends him crashing out to the floor as we take a break.

We come back with Riddle getting two off a crucifix before Vinci kicks him in the face. Riddle starts winning a strike off with Kaiser until a Downward Spiral brings him back down. A kick to the head isn’t enough for Riddle either, as Vinci plants him with a brainbuster. Riddle’s next kick is enough to get over to McIntyre though and house is quickly cleaned. Gunther pulls McIntyre to the floor but Riddle takes him down. Back in and the Claymore finishes Vinci at 10:57 as Riddle ankle locks Kaiser.

Rating: C+. This was a nice way to get McIntyre back into the swing of things as he is ready to face Gunther for the title soon. Other than that, Riddle gets to be on the winning side to give him a bit of a boost as well. Gunther has lackeys for just this kind of occasion and it was a fine enough match as well.

Post match, Imperium glares at Vinci and leaves him behind.

Finn Balor and Damian Priest are arguing again but Rhea Ripley tells them to cool it. Balor says he’ll save Rollins for him if Balor can get to him first. Deal.

Long recap of the Bloodline’s implosion.

Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens say they have taken care of everyone and are ready for anyone else. Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio come in to say Judgment Day should have been on that list. Any combination of the team could take the titles anytime because Dominik worked on cardio in prison and never gets tired. Sami and Owens discuss what that could mean.

Video on Indus Sher.

Dominik Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins

Non-title and Rhea Ripley is here with Dominik, who jumps him before the bell. They fight into the crowd and here is the rest of Judgment Day to jump Rollins. Cue Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens for the save as Judgment Day is cleared out. No match.

Here is Ricochet for a chat. He’s happy to be here for the fans but he’s here for one individual person: Logan Paul. He knows Paul is here tonight but first of all, we need to talk about what Paul was saying on his podcast. Paul was blaming Ricochet for what went wrong at Money In The Bank, but then said he himself didn’t know what he was doing. So come say something to his face.

Cue Paul, to say he doesn’t want to be in this town any longer than he has to be. He stands by what he said on his podcast, as Ricochet cost them both the briefcase. Ricochet says no one wanted Paul to win, and we cut to Paul taking a picture with a fan in a great moment. The fans chant for Paul, which has him cracking up that Ricochet can’t even get cheered during his own promo.

Ricochet promises to hurt him but Paul laughs off the threats from someone who is 90% forehead. Paul calls himself a superstar but Ricochet is just about replays and clips. Ricochet flips over the top and lands in front of Paul (mostly sticking the landing), who says that was cool…..for a TikTok. Paul starts swinging but gets dropped with a Sliced Bread off the apron. Talking still isn’t Ricochet’s strong suit, but when you can move like that, it can be ignored.

Becky Lynch vs. Zoey Stark

Trish Stratus is here with Stark, who grabs a headlock to start. With that not working for Lynch, she grabs a front facelock to slow Stark down instead. The first gear continues until Trish trips Lynch down, allowing Stark to stomp away. A springboard missile dropkick puts Lynch on the floor as we take a break.

Back with Stark getting caught on top and kicked in the ribs over and over. A baseball slide drops Stark on the floor and Lynch hits a running shot off the apron. Back in and Starks kicks her into the corner, setting up a springboard spinning hilo for two. Lynch tries the Disarm-Her but gets kicked in the face for her efforts. Z360 is blocked and Lynch kicks Trish down, but the distraction lets Stark get a rollup pin at 10:26.

Rating: C+. That’s a bit of a weird way to go but Lynch does have an out after being cheated away from a victory. You can all but guarantee the Stratus vs. Lynch match for Summerslam and maybe Lynch finds a friend to deal with Stark? For now though, the build for Lynch vs. Stratus continues and that should be a heck of a fight when we get there.

Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn and Seth Rollins have a plan for Judgment Day tonight: hurt them.

It’s time for Maxxine Dupri’s graduation ceremony from the Alpha Academy. Chad Gable praises Maxxine’s accomplishments last week and brings her out to receive her diploma. Maxxine didn’t think much of Gable when she started but she has grown to realize that he is a great trainer and a wonderful friend. She also has to thank Otis for catching her eye in the first place. Finally, thank you to the WWE Universe for accepting her and helping her become a star. Otis whips off his gown and puts on his jacket, with Maxxine being presented with one of her own. Cue the Viking Raiders to jump the Academy and steal her jacket.

Earlier today, Emma came up to Shayna Baszler in the back and dared to speak to her, setting up a match for later.

Emma vs. Shayna Baszler

Emma kicks her in the face to start and hits the running crossbody in the corner. Baszler is right back with the rights and lefts and the Kirifuda Clutch finishes Emma at 1:30.

Post match here is Ronda Rousey to brawl with Baszler, who runs off.

Here is Cody Rhodes for a chat. Since he has returned, he has been talking about life goals instead of career goals. When he was in the United Kingdom, he was asked how his momentum has been making him feel. This question has been haunting him but he answered honestly by talking about how the fans have great and by every measure, he’s doing great.

As for in the ring though, things have been a bit shaky because of the Brock Lesnar shaped mountain. Everyone has a Brock Lesnar in their way but in his case it’s a 6’3 285lb living symbol of Darwinism and natural selection. Cody wants a rubber match with Lesnar at Summerslam because he wants to be next in line. More solid words from Cody, as he has to fill in a lot of gaps as Lesnar isn’t around every week and the story is already set up.

The Miz vs. Tommaso Ciampa

No DQ and Ciampa jumps him on the floor before the bell as Graves gets very tongue tied trying to explain what “No DQ” means. They get inside with Ciampa hammering away and the bell rings. Ciampa sends him outside and over the announcers’ table, setting up a running knee to the face.

Back in and the Fairy Tale Ending onto the chair is blocked so Miz kicks him in the head. Ciampa grabs a chair to knock Miz out of the air though and then wraps it around Miz’s neck for the posting. The pat on the back sends us to a break and we come back with Ciampa grabbing a chair. Miz kicks him over the announcers’ table though, only to get thrown off said table and into the barricade.

Ciampa grabs a bunch of weapons, including a table, but Miz gets in a cheap shot to slow him down. Back in and Ciampa knees Miz out of the air before some running knees drive a trashcan lid into Miz’s face. An Air Raid Crash puts Miz through a table but here is Bronson Reed to jump Ciampa. Reed crushes him on the floor and hits the Tsunami inside to give Miz the pin at 11:20.

Rating: B-. They had a good fight and having Reed come in for the interference works. He and Miz have a history together and Ciampa vs. Reed could make for some interesting fights. Ciampa didn’t lose clean and now he and Miz can be wrapped up, or he might need some backup. Like say someone else from Cleveland who could deal with Miz?

Chelsea Green and Sonya Deville talk trash to Raquel Rodriguez and Liv Morgan. Rhea Ripley comes in to tell Rodriguez to stay out of their business, because she’s on two strikes. Green: “That’s right and three strikes you’re out. Basketball!” Ripley glares Green and Deville away, but Morgan says they’re not afraid of her. Sounding tough is really not in Morgan’s wheelhouse.

Chelsea Green/Sonya Deville vs. Kayden Carter/Katana Chance

Deville gets double teamed in the corner and a running dropkick staggers her again. Green comes in and rolls Carter up, with Deville adding a knee to the face to make it worse. Chance comes in and takes Green down, with an assisted middle rope splash getting two. Everything breaks down and Green rolls Chance up, with an assist from Deville, for the pin at 2:21. Kind of a messy match but Green and Deville getting another win is all that matters.

Matt Riddle and Drew McIntyre are heading out again, with Byron Saxton not invited.

Seth Rollins/Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens vs. Judgment Day

Rollins chases Dominik around to start, with a quick tag bringing in Balor. That’s fine with Rollins, who stomps Balor in the corner before Priest comes in and gets hit in the face as well. Zayn comes in and everything breaks down with everyone but Owens fighting on the floor. Owens flip dives onto Judgment Day and we take a break.

Back with Balor beating on Owens until a quick shot allows the hot tag to Rollins. A kick to the face gets two on Dominik but Priest blasts Rollins with a clothesline for the same. Rollins is right back with a superkick into the Pedigree, with Balor having to make the save. Dominik frog splashes Rollins for two with Sami making the save, giving us a hilarious reaction from a stunned Ripley. Sami hits the Blue Thunder Bomb for two but Ripley offers a distraction. South of Heaven sets up the Coup de Grace to give Balor the pin at 12:30.

Rating: B-. This was a good bit shorter than I was expecting but it served a nice purpose. You can probably pencil in Judgment Day for a Tag Team Title shot at Summerslam and that could make for a nice match. As Zayn and Owens said earlier in the night, they need some more challengers and this is a fresh team to come after the belts. Rollins needs an opponent as well though, and I can’t imagine that is anyone here.

Balor and Priest are cool to end the show (as Ripley approves).

Overall Rating: B. Another good show here as we are well on the way to Summerslam, though there are some spots that still need to be filled. Other than the main event, this show didn’t set much up for Summerslam, but it did keep some of the already established stories going. Throw in some solid wrestling of its own and this was a pretty nice show for three hours.

Drew McIntyre/Matt Riddle b. Imperium – Claymore to Vinci
Zoey Stark b. Becky Lynch – Rollup
Shayna Baszler b. Emma – Kirifuda Clutch
Miz b. Tommaso Ciampa – Tsunami
Chelsea Green/Sonya Deville b. Kayden Carter/Katana Chance – Assisted rollup to Chance
Judgment Day b. Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens/Seth Rollins – Coup de Grace to Zayn



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2 Responses

  1. Nick Vera says:

    Who do you think Seth Rollins opponent for the WHC should be at SummerSlam?

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