Smackdown – October 13, 2023: Not Very Season Premierey

Date: October 13, 2023
Location: BOK Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Michael Cole, Corey Graves

It’s the season premiere and that means we are getting ready for Crown Jewel. The show is in about three weeks so it is time to start setting up the card. Other than that, Roman Reigns is set for his return after far too long away, meaning he is going to be needing a new challenger. Let’s get to it.

Here is Fastlane if you need a recap.

Here is John Cena to get things going. He welcomes us to the season premiere of Smackdown….and is cut off by the Bloodline (minus Jimmy Uso). After the very long entrance, Roman Reigns says that if Cena is going to open his show, he needs to do it right. Reigns says that Cena came back while Reigns was on vacation and started calling himself the GOAT.

Cena agrees that he hasn’t earned the right to challenge Reigns, but he knows someone who has. Cue LA Knight to acknowledge Reigns (with some YEAH’s thrown in) before saying the game has changed since Reigns has been gone. Reigns says they know Knight’s name now but who does Knight think he is?

Knight says he’s the fastest rising star in Smackdown history but here is Jimmy Uso to jump Knight from behind. Knight sends him to the floor as Cena holds up his hands, as if to say “Knight just did that himself”. Sikoa stares at Knight as Heyman begs Reigns to reconsider. Knight says Sikoa seems to have challenged him for tonight so they’re on, with promises of using Sikoa as a mop. They didn’t waste time here and everything made sense as Crown Jewel’s main event is likely set on.

Pretty Deadly vs. Brawling Brutes

Elton Prince gets the big return moment because he is ELTON STRONG. Holland takes Wilson into the corner to start and the beating is on. The stereo ten forearms to the chest knock Pretty Deadly silly as we take a break. Back with Wilson coming in to hammer on Butch as commentary talk about Pretty Deadly’s gear.

Prince gets sent outside but he and Wilson pull each other up, allowing the tag off to Holland to clean house. Everything breaks down and Butch kicks Wilson down, only to get backdropped on the apron. Holland drops Prince, who might be injured again. Wilson comes over to check on him and the distraction lets Wilson kick Holland in the head. A rollup finishes Holland at 9:01.

Rating: C+. These teams work fairly well together and it’s nice to have Pretty Deadly back in the ring. The team is a blast to watch most of the time because they’re just such goofy fun. That being said, if we don’t get an Elton Prince Is Strong Style joke at some point, what are we even doing?

Carlito is happy to be back when Bobby Lashley interrupts. Lashley is glad to have him back but Carlito wants to face Lashley in his first match on Smackdown. Lashley isn’t dressed but here are the Street Profits to jump Carlito from behind. The bigger beating is broken up.

Post match Carlito is still being checked on when Bayley comes in to mock him. Zelina Vega yells so Adam Pearce makes the match right now.

Roman Reigns wants to know what Jimmy Uso was doing out there but Jimmy says he was just trying to be like Reigns. That means a look to Paul Heyman, with Reigns asking if Jimmy thinks he’s the quarterback. Jimmy suggests getting Jey, with Reign saying that’s old news. Reigns wants the Tag Team Titles back and thinks it’s a slap in the face as long as Jey has them.

Bayley vs. Zelina Vega

The rest of Damage CTRL is here with Bayley. Vega gets shoved down to start and Bayley runs her over with an elbow to the face. Back up and Vega scores with a crossbody but an Iyo Sky distraction breaks up the Code Red. Vega takes Sky down but gets Rose Planted for the pin at 2:38.

Post match the beatdown is on but Charlotte runs in for the save.

Here is HHH for a big announcement. After talking about how much e misses that kind of a reception, HHH talks about how many major shows we have coming up. It starts tonight, but first we’ll talk about Adam Pearce, who is in the ring as well. Pearce has been working a thankless job for years now and he deserves a promotion. Therefore, he is now the official General Manager of Monday Night Raw.

That means we need a General Manager of Smackdown…..and here is Dominik Mysterio to interrupt. Dominik talks about Judgment Day getting screwed out of the Tag Team Titles but HHH couldn’t hear him. Dominik goes on about how unfair it is to have a Tag Team Title match tonight when Judgment Day has a shot on Raw. HHH can’t believe the fans actually hate him that much as he thought they pumped in that noise.

If Dominik is mad about a title match tonight, he needs to talk to the General Manager of Smackdown, so here is Mr. Nick Aldis. We get some nice introductions, with Aldis saying he is a big fan of Dominik’s……father. With that out of the way, Aldis talks about the Jey Uso trade, which has brought a new wrestler to Smackdown. Dominik doesn’t care and gets yelled at a lot, even as he threatens to slap the new Smackdown star. Cue Kevin Owens to Stun Dominik. Well that was a lot, though I’m still trying to figure out how Pearce going from running two shows to running one show is a promotion.

The Bloodline isn’t pleased with this development, but Roman Reigns isn’t pleased with Jimmy Uso being on his couch, DRINKING HIS WATER! Jimmy and Sikoa leave to deal with something.

Video on Dragon Lee.

Chelsea Green and Piper Niven try to get new titles from Nick Aldis, but he has an appointment with Charlotte. The champs leave and Aldis says he saw what happened at Fastlane. Therefore, Charlotte gets a Women’s Title shot next week. Charlotte is pleased and goes to leave but runs into Jade Cargill. They stare each other down as HHH pops in. Jade: “It’s my pleasure.” Charlotte: “It will be.”

Tag Team Titles: Jey Uso/Cody Rhodes vs. Grayson Waller/Austin Theory

Uso and Rhodes are defending after an open challenge. Rhodes punches Waller in the face to start but it’s quickly off to Theory. A Figure Four attempt doesn’t work for Rhodes so it’s already back to Waller. Uso comes in and shrugs off a headbutt from Waller, who gets low bridged to the floor. A blind tag brings Theory n for a backbreaker and Uso is sent into the post as we take a break.

Back with Uso not being able to fight out of a chinlock. Uso fights up on Waller and hits an enziguri, allowing the tag off to Cody. The rolling Stunner misses for Waller but Theory hits the brainbuster onto the knee for two. Uso is back in though and the Cody 1D into the Cross Rhodes finishes Theory at 9:24.

Rating: B-. This was a “get them on the show” match as Rhodes and Uso get a nice win over a middle of the road team. They’ve only been champs for six days now they get a nice boost on the way to their rematch with Judgment Day on Raw. Completely fine match and it’s nice to have some wrestling on the show for a change.

Post match the champs go to leave but Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa come out to stare them down. Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman come out as well, with Nick Aldis having to keep Cody and Reigns apart.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

LA Knight vs. Solo Sikoa

They start a bit slowly until Knight knocks him down for an early two. Back up and Sikoa clotheslines him down as the lights seem to go a bit wacky. Knight comes back and knocks him to the floor but can’t hit a suplex. Instead Sikoa posts him hard and we take a break. Back with Sikoa getting two off an elbow and a belly to belly gets the same. The running Umaga Attack connects in the corner and the nerve hold goes on.

Back up and Knight gets up an elbow out of the corner, setting up a middle rope bulldog for two. A Samoan drop gives Sikoa two more but he misses the seated senton. Knight comes back with a clothesline and the powerslam into the LA Elbow. Cue Jimmy Uso but John Cena makes the save. Sikoa Spikes Cena but the BFT gives Knight the pin at 12:33.

Rating: B-. Knight just gets more and more over every time he’s out there and it’s kind of amazing to see. It seems he’s going to be getting the title shot at Crown Jewel and while he won’t win there, it’s going to be a huge deal to see him on that kind of stage. For now though, just enjoy what he’s doing because this is star power, at least in the short term.

Post match Roman Reigns spears Knight down and poses to end the show. In case you didn’t get how hot Knight is right now.

Overall Rating: C+. The show was good enough tonight and we seem to have a Crown Jewel main event, though the wrestling was kind of lacking this week. It felt like we went a very long time between the second and third matches, with the women’s match being rather quick. It wasn’t a bad show, but for a season premiere, this didn’t feel big time.

Pretty Deadly b. Brawling Brutes – Rollup to Holland
Bayley b. Zelina Vega – Rose Plant
Jimmy Uso/Cody Rhodes b. Austin Theory/Grayson Waller – Cross Rhodes to Theory
LA Knight b. Solo Sikoa – BFT



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