Dynamite – November 1, 2023: There’s A Lot To That

Date: November 1, 2023
Location: KFC Yum Center, Louisville, Kentucky
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re less than a month away from Full Gear and the show tonight is looking a bit different. There are a pair of title matches but MJF is also needing three people to team with him to face Bullet Club Gold. Other than that, Tony Khan has another important announcement and that could be just about anything. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Renee Paquette brings in MJF, who still needs three partners tonight. He has a list to go after but he wants some advice from Adam Cole, who pops up in a video chat. Cole thinks MJF should take Samoa Joe’s offer but here are Roderick Strong and company. MJF leaves and Cole doesn’t have time for this.

The person in the Devil mask is watching.

International Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Castagnoli is challenging and fires off the knees to start. Back up and Cassidy sends him into the buckle but dives into a backbreaker/gutbuster. Cassidy knocks Castagnoli outside but a dive is cut off, with Castagnoli dropping him on the barricade. Hook and Wheeler Yuta come over to check on them both and get tossed, leaving Cassidy to….not be able to sunset bomb Castagnoli out of the corner. Castagnoli muscles him up for a delayed superplex and we take a break.

Back with Cassidy fighting back and hitting the dive. They get back inside where the DDT is countered into the Swing, setting up the Sharpshooter. With that broken up, Castagnoli hits the uppercut for two, setting up the elbows to the head. A swinging sleeper has Cassidy in more trouble but he flips over for the escape. The Orange Punch into the Beach Break but Castagnoli bails to the floor. Back in and another Orange Punch is countered, only to have the counter countered into a very spinning DDT for two. Castagnoli is back up with an uppercut attempt but Cassidy reverses into a hurricanrana into the pin at 16:50.

Rating: B. This was good stuff and thankfully Castagnoli didn’t get pinned by the Orange Punch or the Beach Break. It would be a bit too far to buy him losing to one of those moves from Cassidy but I can buy a leverage move like the hurricanrana. I’m not sure I would have kept the title on Cassidy here, but it feels like he is gearing up for another Jon Moxley match anyway.

Post match Jon Moxley comes in and the big beatdown is on.

MJF goes to ask Kenny Omega to be his partner but finds Chris Jericho instead. Jericho slams the door in his face. MJF keeps walking and gets grabbed by Wardlow, who says he is going to take everything from him when he least expects it. Now needing a new clipboard, MJF runs into the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn, who he still won’t pick as his partners.

A ticked off Jon Moxley challenges Orange Cassidy for Full Gear.

Ring Of Honor Six Man Tag Team Titles: Mogul Embassy vs. Young Bucks/Hangman Page

The Bucks and Page are defending. It’s a brawl to start with the champs sending them outside for stereo dives to the floor. Back in and a 450 hits Kaun and we take an early break. We come back with Page hitting a pop up powerbomb on Kaun but here is Swerve Strickland. Swerve: “WHOSE HOUSE? Last week I was at YOUR house!” Page tags out (nice little touch) and runs off, leaving the Bucks 3-2. The Embassy wrecks Nick with a powerbomb and a knee to the face, setting up Open The Gates to give us new champs at 7:56.

Rating: C. This was more storyline advancement than anything else, assuming you count taking us back to where we have been for most of the year to be advancement that is. The Six Man Titles still don’t feel important in the slightest but at least they might be on the ROH show again. The Bucks and Page winning the titles in the first place didn’t feel like a great idea but thankfully it didn’t last long.

Post match Matt snaps and beats on the posts with a chair.

MJF considers going to see Samoa Joe but goes to Darby Allin’s room instead. Rather than opening the door though, he writes “EMO B****” and walks off…where he runs into Billy Gunn and the Acclaimed again. Still a no.

Here is Adam Copeland for a chat. After Copeland puts over Tony Schiavone, he talks about how he respects Sting and Darby Allin…but here are Christian Cage and company to interrupt. Cage talks about how he is going to retire Sting, but that brings him to Copeland’s bad neck. If Copeland teams with Sting and Darby Allin at Full Gear, Cage will break his neck. The brawl is on with Cage loading up the Conchairto but cue Allin and Sting for the save. Copeland spears Cage and says he’s in. It was pretty clear that it was going to be Copeland so points for not wasting time getting to the announcement.

Tony Khan, with Nigel McGuinness, is in the back for his big announcement: All In is at Wembley again and tickets go on sale December 1. But you can get them early! That’s the announcement and they’ve pretty much reached a new all time low with these things.

Kenny Omega/Chris Jericho vs. Angelo Parker/Matt Menard

The former Society jump them to start but Omega and Jericho shrug it off like two former World Champions fighting a pair of comedy goons. The Society gets beaten down and we take an early break. Back with Jericho hitting a top rope ax handle to Parker and grabbing the Walls. That’s broken up by Menard and a baseball bat shot to Jericho gets two. With that not working, it’s the Judas Effect to wrap it up at 6:11. Not enough shown to rate but this was mostly a squash.

Post match the Don Callis Family pops up to say we need to finish this in a street fight. Jericho and Omega are in, and they’ll bring Kota Ibushi to help even things up a bit. That still leaves them a man short though, so Jericho has an idea. Cue Paul Wight and the team is complete.

Post break the Young Bucks aren’t happy that Omega and Jericho didn’t pick them. Jericho doesn’t seem to care. Oh sweet goodness we’re doing this “I thought we were friends” melodrama nonsense again?

Women’s Title: Hikaru Shida vs. Willow Nightingale

Shida is defending and gets run over by some shoulders to start. Back up and Shida sends her outside and hits a dive off the apron as we take an early break. We come back with Nightingale running Shida over but Shida scores with a kick of her own. A super Falcon Arrow gives Shida one (oh dear) and the strike it out. The Pounce sends Shida flying but she’s back with a knee to the head for two. The Katana retains the title at 10;11.

Rating: C+. The usual good match here between these two with the same usual loss for Nightingale. At some point she has to win something that matters and that isn’t seeming to be the case right now. Shida feels like she is just kind of floating around at the moment and that isn’t great to see, but the matches are at least working. Granted almost none of that matters as Toni Storm is ready to get the title back in a few weeks.

Post match respect is shown but here is Toni Storm to interrupt. That’s fine with Shida, who runs up and knees Storm in the face to chase her off. With them gone, the lights go out and here is Julia Hart to stand behind Nightingale. There isn’t a sneak attack though and Hart extends her hand. Cue Skye Blue though and she mists Julia instead.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn offer to be MJF’s partners but he won’t wear….whatever they offer him. MJF won’t tag with them and goes to look at Jeff Jarrett and company instead. MJF isn’t sure what to do.

Roderick Strong and company call Adam Cole, who is apparently as sick of the annoying catchphrase as everyone else.

Bullet Club Gold vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman/???/???/???

Yeah it’s the Acclaimed/Billy Gunn, with MJF in full pink gear. Jay White runs from MJF to start so it’s off to Bowens to run Colten over. Austin comes in and gets to face Billy, though neither can get much going. Austin slugs away until Billy punches both of his kids down as the villains are cleared out. MJF WILL NOT scissor though and we take a break.

We come back with Austin still in trouble and getting caught with Scissor Me Timbers. The four way scissoring is broken up though and Caster is sent outside to start up the beating. White comes in to beat on Caster but he avoids a shot to the face and dives over to bring MJF in to clean house. White bails as MJF hits the Kangaroo Kick but walks into the Blade Runner to give White the fast pin at 13:35.

Rating: C+. Features the AEW World Champion, who does not have his belt, wanting to avoid all of the other people coming after his title so he teams with a team including a guy who might be stalking him and has to wear a funny costume while also facing the team that is going to be challenging him for the minor league Tag Team Titles on the same show where he defends the major league World Title. Oh and Billy Gunn beating up his kids. The match itself was a decent eight man tag with a good result, but it felt like this was there for MJF to be in a costume/scissoring and they spent a long time to get to those payoffs.

Post match the beatdown is on with White loading up a belt shot but Caster takes the bullet for him. The fans chant BS but Billy Gunn orders MJF to do the scissoring. Four way scissoring ends the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a weird show and a lot of that has to do with how MJF is being booked. He’s currently dealing with at least five different things and that doesn’t leave a ton of focus for others. At the same time you have Paul Wight being brought in to deal with Powerhouse Hobbs rather than, I don’t know, the guy who beat Hobbs at All Out in Miro. Then you have the Elite drama and my goodness I cannot begin to care. The show wasn’t a bad one, but the wrestling was only so good and a lot of what went on only felt so important. It was something of a skippable show and that’s rarely good to see.

Orange Cassidy b. Claudio Castagnoli – Hurricanrana
Mogul Embassy b. Hangman Page/Young Bucks – Open The Gates to Nick
Chris Jericho/Kenny Omega b. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker – Judas Effect to Menard
Hikaru Shida b. Willow Nightingale – Katana
Bullet Club Gold b. Acclaimed/Billy Gunn/Maxwell Jacob Friedman – Blade Runner to Friedman



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