Impact Wrestling – November 9, 2023: Good Wrestlers Doing Good Wrestling

Impact Wrestling
Date: November 9, 2023
Location: Cicero Stadium, Cicero, Illinois
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re finally back to the regular shows after two weeks of one offs. That means we can get the first week of fallout from Bound For Glory as we start the long road towards Hard To Kill. That also means the road towards the return of TNA Wrestling, which will likely get a lot of talk this week. Let’s get to it.

We open with a Turning Point recap.

Tasha Steelz vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Fallout from their tag team falling apart. They shake hands to start and fight over a lockup with neither being able to get anywhere. Some grappling goes nowhere either so it’s a test of strength instead. A quick pinfall reversal sequence gets two each and they’re back up for the standoff. Steelz snaps off a running hurricanrana and we pause for some dancing. Purrazzo is fine enough to tie her up for a running dropkick, setting up some dancing of her own.

Steelz’ Black Out is broken up and we get another standoff. They fight over more rollups for two each until a double knockdown gives us a breather. Purrazzo pulls her into the Fujiwara armbar but Steelz reverses into her own Venus de Milo. That’s broken up as well so Purrazzo goes for the Fujiwara armbar again, with Steelz raking the eyes to escape. Steelz snaps off a cutter and a second finishes Purrazzo at 9:25.

Rating: C+. I’m not wild on the whole mirroring each other but they made it work well enough here. Assuming you ignore that they were only a team for a few weeks, this was a pretty good fight between two of the better stars in the division. At the worst, it’s nice to see Steelz getting elevated a bit, especially since Purrazzo can’t challenge for the Knockouts Title anymore.

Alex Shelley is ready to give Jonathan Gresham a World Title shot tonight. May the best man win.

We look at the ABC getting the Tag Team Titles back at Bound For Glory.

ABC are ready to be the first TNA Tag Team Champions of this generation. Santino Marella comes in to praise them but here are Kenny King and Sheldon Jean to complain about the lack of Digital Media Title shot. The villains mock the ABC and get a Tag Team Title shot next week.

Digital Media Title: Tommy Dreamer vs. Crazzy Steve

Dreamer is defending. They lock up to start and fight out to the floor before Steve takes it back inside for some chopping. A neckbreaker and knee lift get Dreamer out of trouble but Steve knocks him right back down and sings him a lullaby. Dreamer shrugs off some ripping at the face and slugs away.

A reverse DDT gives Dreamer two but the Dreamer Driver is broken up. Steve hits a Cannonball and goes for the fork but Dreamer bites the arm. Dreamer hits a cutter and stabs him with the fork instead. More stabbing has Steve running away and cackling as the match just kind of ends at about 7:15. I’d assume it was a DQ but I didn’t actually hear a bell.

Rating: C. Well, at least Dreamer didn’t win. I would hope that we are going to be seeing a rematch where Steve wins the title as there is no reason for Dreamer to be a long term champion. Dreamer going violent to even things up is fine, but he needs to drop the title to Steve, who is doing some good stuff right now.

Post match Steve crawls away and laughs some more.

Jonathan Gresham is ready to show that honor rises above the chaos.

Joe Hendry vs. Brian Myers

Before the match, Hendry talks about how a rebranding is coming, but we’ll start it tonight. For years, Myers has been known as Edge’s b****, but now he’s Adam’s b****! Hendry slugs away but an elbow to the face cuts him off. We’re already in the chinlock for a bit before Hendry avoids the Roster Cut.

Myers is sent crashing out to the floor and we take a break. Back with Hendry working on the arm and getting two off a suplex. A swinging slam puts Myers down but he’s right back up with a Russian legsweep for two. Hendry is back with a Trust Fall and we go to another break with Myers in trouble.

We come back again with Hendry slamming him down for two more, only to have Myers post him hard. The chinlock goes on again, until Hendry fights up for the clothesline comeback. Three straight fall away slams give Hendry two but Myers’ implant DDT gets the same. Hendry hits a pop up powerbomb for two, only to have Myers go to the eyes. The Roster Cut finishes for Myers at 17:01.

Rating: B-. These two were getting going at the end and it was working out when they went to the eye rake. Hendry losing again isn’t great to see but what matters is getting him in the ring for a good while. That being said, putting Myers over Hendry is a little weird to see, as Hendry has long since felt like a potential breakout star.

Video on Josh Alexander vs. Will Ospreay.

Ospreay brags about his success and knows what he’s coming up against in Alexander. We’ll see if Alexander has what it takes to beat the best.

Eddie Edwards vs. Eric Young

Alisha Edwards is here with Eddie. They fight over a lockup to start and neither can get very far. Young scores with a dropkick before sliding between the legs. The sunset flip is blocked though and Eddie hits an atomic drop to take over. Alisha even adds some choking before Eddie puts on the chinlock.

A slam puts Young down again but he’s fine enough to avoid a moonsault. Alisha’s distraction doesn’t really work though as Young drops the top rope elbow for two. The Blue Thunder Bomb gives Eddie two so Alisha slides in a chair. The referee takes that away so Alisha grabs a kendo stick, which hits Eddie by mistake. Young hits a piledriver for the win at 6:42.

Rating: C+. This didn’t have nearly enough time for it to go anywhere, which is a bit annoying as these two are big enough stars to be able to do something. At the same time, Alisha screwing up isn’t going to go well and we might be in for a little something there. For now though, Young getting a win isn’t a surprise, even if it’s been done to death.

Brian Myers runs into Moose and they argue over loyalty. Heath comes in and is willing to fight both of them.

Sonny Kiss is excited to be here and wants a Knockouts Title shot. Trinity comes in and says she’ll try to make it happen next week.

Dirty Dango/Oleg Prudius vs. Nick Diamond/Storm Grayson

Alpha Bravo is here with Dango and Prudius, the latter of whom is having his first match in over twelve years. Prudius wrecks Diamond as Dango goes to join commentary. Grayson comes in and gets knocked out of the air, allowing Dango to come in for the reverse layout DDT and the pin at 2:38.

Jordynne Grace is ready to win the Knockouts Title at Hard To Kill when Bully Ray comes in. Ray mocks her and offers a handshake but KiLynn King comes in to say Grace got lucky to win. Ray, King’s trainer, tells her to take it down a notch. Steve Maclin comes in to call Ray soft but Ray says Maclin is standing there because Ray lets him.

The Rascalz introduces their third member: Myron Reed.

Impact Wrestling World Title: Jonathan Gresham vs. Alex Shelley

Shelley is defending. Gresham gives him a handshake to start but gets taken into the corner as we go to an early break. Back with Shelley running him over, setting up the chop off. Gresham goes to take off his wrist tape and the distraction lets him get in a low blow. A running dropkick to the knee takes Shelley out and we hit the Figure Four. With that broken up, Gresham grabs at the nose as Hannifan is all over Gresham’s lack of integrity. Back up and they lock hands for a strike off but Gresham hits a shinbreaker.

Gresham stays on the leg with more shots as he mixes things up a bit. Wrist tape choking ensues but Shelley slips out and cranks on the arm. A modified Backstabber puts Gresham down but he’s right back with a dragon screw legwhip. We get a dueling OLD CHAMP/NEW CHAMP chant until Gresham takes out the leg again. Gresham is sent outside though and Shelley hits a slingshot dive (Huh?).

A whip towards the barricade leaves Shelley collapsing to the ground and a running forearm gives Gresham two back inside. Shelley Downward Spirals Gresham into the middle buckle, setting up a tornado DDT. The Border City Stretch goes on, but Gresham crawls over the referee to make the rope. Gresham is back on the knee and a rolling cradle gets two.

They slug it out until Shelley snaps the bad arm. Shelley’s knee gives out as well though and Gresham hits a springboard moonsault. They go into a rather intense pinfall reversal sequence for two each until Gresham gets the Figure Four again. The rope is grabbed again and Shelley superkicks him into the Shell Shock to retain at 24:46.

Rating: B. Heck of a TV main event here as they had a good story going with the arm vs. leg battle. Gresham is someone who can wrestle with anyone and knows how to pick apart a limb. At the same time you have Shelley, who is on an absolute roll right now, giving us an awesome match between two of the better stars Impact has to offer today.

Overall Rating: B-. The main event was rather good and the rest of the show backed it up well enough. While they didn’t do a lot for Hard To Kill, the two main singles title matches are already set so things could be a good bit worse. They set up a few things for next week though and I’ll take some small development over none at all. Good show here, with the main event being by far the best thing.

Tasha Steelz b. Deonna Purrazzo – Cutter
Tommy Dreamer vs. Crazzy Steve went to a no contest
Brian Myers b. Joe Hendry – Roster Cut
Eric Young b. Eddie Edwards – Piledriver
Dirty Dango/Oleg Prudius b. Nick Diamond/Storm Grayson – Reverse layout DDT to Grayson
Alex Shelley b. Jonathan Gresham – Shell Shock



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