NXT LVL Up – April 26, 2024: Now Why Is That So Hard?

Date: April 26, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

We’re back to the show and I have no idea what that is going to mean. Well other than the usual matches from the same people with almost nothing changing from week to week. For the life of me I still do not get why we are not seeing more in the way of building up some kind of story, but that just isn’t the LVL Up way. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Jakara Jackson vs. Arianna Grace

The rest of the Meta Four are here with Jackson and this is already way more star power than you usually get around here. Jackson takes her down with an armbar to start but Grace reverses into something like a cross armbreaker. With that broken up, Lash Legend offers a distraction, allowing Jackson to send Grace into the buckle. Jackson grabs the cravate but Grace fights up and hits a running knee for two. Another Legend distraction works rather well though and it’s a jumping Fameasser to finish Grace at 5:48.

Rating: C. The match was nothing out of the ordinary, but again, it’s amazing how much more important the show feels when there are some bigger names around here. It was also a bit weird to have a mostly heel vs. heel match here, with Meta Four being popular but still cheating enough to win.

Dion Lennox and Dante Chen are ready for Malik Blade and Edris Enofe. They’re off to a film study.

Carlee Bright vs. Jaida Parker

Bright grabs a headlock to start but Parker fights up. That earns her a dropkick but Parker powers Bright into the corner and sits on her ribs for two. Parker works on the arm for a change but Bright makes the comeback and snaps off a running headscissors. That’s shrugged off for a running neckbreaker, setting up a hip attack to finish Bright at 4:53.

Rating: C. Parker continues to feel like she could be something if she is given the chance and that chance seems to be starting. There is only so much that she can do on LVL Up, but getting in the ring should do her some good. At the same time, Bright continues to feel like the same, run of the mill athletic woman who hasn’t figured herself out yet. That’s not a bad thing as she hasn’t been around long, but so far there is nothing that makes her stand out.

Edris Enofe/Malik Blade vs. Dion Lennox/Dante Chen

Brinley Reece is here with Enofe and Blade. Lennox shoulders Blade down a few times to start so it’s off to Enofe for a slam. Back up and Lennox powers him into the corner, allowing Chen to come in. Since it’s Chen, he’s quickly taken into the wrong corner for the tag back to Blade. Chen is able to get back over for the tag to Lennox, who runs Enofe over with a clothesline. Chen’s chinlock goes on but Enofe fights up as everything breaks down. Lennox is sent to the apron but Chen comes back with the double chop…to knock Enofe into Lennox for a crash. A TKO finishes Chen at 5:22.

Rating: C+. My goodness Chen continues to find new ways to not be very good, though they are almost leaning into it at this point. Having him knock his partner out at the end was oddly on point for him and it led to the regular team winning. Lennox could go somewhere down the line, but there is still quite a bit of developing that needs to take place first.

Overall Rating: C+. While the show might not have been better than the regular show around here, it was far more engaging. It’s a lot easier to care about the bigger names and the stars featured here were that much more interesting. While not a great show or anything you need to watch, I’ll definitely take a show featuring some unused NXT lower card stars than what we usually get around here.

Jakara Jackson b. Arianna Grace – Jumping Fameasser
Jaida Parker b. Carlee Bright – Hip attack
Edris Enofe/Malik Blade b. Dion Lennox/Dante Chen – TKO to Chen


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