NXT LVL Up – May 10, 2024: Remember Her?

Date: May 10, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Vic Joseph

We’re back in Orlando and things have been at least a bit more interesting around here as of late. I’m not sure if that is going to continue but it has at least been nice to have something going on for a change. Hopefully there is at least a little something to keep the interest up this time. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Wendy Choo vs. Wren Sinclair

This is Choo’s first match in almost a year. They fight over a lockup to start with Choo sending her down and striking a pose on the mat. Sinclair pulls her into an armbar, which is broken up rather quickly. Choo hits a dropkick but her knee (which put her on the shelf for so long) is slowing her down, allowing Sinclair to grab a suplex. Something like a running seated X Factor gives Sinclair two and we hit the cross arm choke. Choo fights out and makes the clothesline comeback, setting up a middle rope crossbody. The Snooze Button finishes for Choo at 4:47.

Rating: C. Choo is not exactly everyone’s taste, though she wasn’t doing her sleepy/weird stuff here for the most part. I’m still not sure I get what she is supposed to be, but it’s good to have her back after such a long time off. Sinclair continues to lose every match and I’m not sure how much beating her is going to matter if that continues much longer.

Post match, respect is shown.

The rather tall Cutler James is seen as a friendly guy and is ready to make his debut against Josh Briggs. This was quite recited.

Josh Briggs vs. Cutler James

Briggs wastes no time in powering him into the corner, setting up a splash for an early two. Back up and James wrestles him to the mat, earning a rather hard shoulder knockdown. Briggs shouts that this isn’t a reality show and then drops James for two more. The chinlock goes on to keep James down but he fights up for the comeback. Said comeback lasts all of four seconds before Briggs nails the lariat for the pin at 4:26.

Rating: C. This was the traditional “getting your feet wet” match for James and that is only going to get him so far. Briggs being in there with someone his size can often make for some interesting visuals but that was about the limit of the appeal here. James showed off some of his amateur background before getting beaten, which didn’t make for the most exciting match. His size and amateur abilities will give him a solid foot in the door though.

D’Angelo Family vs. Dante Chen/Dion Lennox

Riz is here with the Family. Lennox armdrags Crusifino into an armbar to start and it’s right off to Chen for an armbar of his own. Crusifino fights up and hands it off to Stacks, with Chen being low bridged out to the floor. The chinlock keeps Lennox down for a bit, only to have Chen come back in with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Chen stays on the back and kicks Stacks in the chest for two. Lennox’s northern lights suplex and spinebuster get two each and he grabs an abdominal stretch. Stacks slips away though and brings Crusifino in to clean house. This includes tossing Lennox into a Codebreaker to finish at 5:46.

Rating: C+. It still takes a bit of mental stretching to remember that the mafia guys are the heroes, especially since Lennox is a rather likable guy. Chen is the same thing he has always been, meaning there was no way he was taking the loss here. The energy was up here and having the Family involved helped, even if I have to remember I’m supposed to like them.

Overall Rating: C. I know how much of a broken record I sound like with this stuff but the bigger names being around helps quite a bit. This show had Choo’s return and Briggs/the Family for some star power. That’s a lot for around here, which helped make up for the fact that the matches were only decent at best. Nothing really to see here, but as usual, you can’t get that annoyed at a show that isn’t even breaking thirty minutes.

Wendy Choo b. Wren Sinclair – Snooze Button
Josh Briggs b. Cutler James – Lariat
D’Angelo Family b. Dante Chen/Dion Lennox – Toss Codebreaker to Lennox



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