NXT LVL Up – May 17, 2024: Rookie Night

Date: May 17, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Blake Howard

We’re back in Orlando and things have actually been getting a bit more interesting around here. There have been a few bigger names around here in recent weeks and that has helped quite a bit. However, this is a bit different than most weeks as it is part of a double taping, meaning a shorter show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.Opening sequence.

Tavion Heights vs. Jasper Troy

Troy is 6’8 and 340lbs so we have a new big man. Heights gets caught in an early front facelock before going to an armbar to slow Troy down. Back up and Troy just runs him over with a shoulder but charges into a shot to the face. A big side slam plants Heights again and we hit the chinlock. Heights fights up and hits an overhead belly to belly but Troy powerslams him right back down. Not that it matters as Heights is back up with the spinning belly to belly for the pin at 5:16.

Rating: C. This worked fairly well as a big debut for Troy, who wrestled a nice enough big man match. He wrestles a bit slowly, but that can work for someone his size. Heights is still someone who feels like a project around here and his belly to belly is becoming a nice enough finisher. Not a great match, but they both looked decent.

Brinley Reece and the debuting Layla Diggs are rather positive.

Brinley Reece/Layla Diggs vs. Carlee Bright/Kendal Grey

This is Diggs’, a former track star, in-ring debut. Grey and Diggs start things off with Diggs taking her down into a headscissors. Grey gets her over to the corner for the tag to Bright, who spins around a lot. Diggs drops down into the splits and pulls her into a front facelock, allowing the tag off to Reece. Bright tries to crawl to the corner so Reece grabs her by the legs and swings her into the corner for a basic yet clever counter. Everything breaks down and Reece hits a cartwheel DDT to pin Grey at 4:01.

Rating: C. This was short and much more about the getting the four relative newcomers into the ring. Reece is fairly far in front of the other three but is still pretty new herself. They were smart to keep things short and to the point here, as none of them are ready for a long match, but what we got was just ok enough.

Everyone poses together to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. The show was only 18 minutes long and that makes it hard to get annoyed about some not so great matches. This show was about getting more newcomers into the ring for some ring time and it worked well enough. It’s just a quick show and it did what it was supposed to so we’ll call it right in the middle, as is often the case around here.

Tavion Heights b. Jasper Troy – Spinning belly to belly suplex
Brinley Reece/Layla Diggs b. Carlee Bright/Kendal Grey – Cartwheel DDT to Grey



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