NXT LVL Up – May 24, 2024: Major Points For That

Date: May 24, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Blake Howard

We are on the way towards Battleground but since there is a trip to Saudi Arabia on the way there, we’ll be in for a shortened edition of this show. That can make for a more enjoyable experience around here, though you never know what kind of stars you’ll be seeing from week to week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Jazmyn Nyx vs. Lainey Reid

Reid trips her down to start and then grabs a quick la majistral for an early two. Back up and Nyx grabs a headlock but Reid armdrags her way to freedom and grabs an armbar. Nyx fights up and sends her into the corner for a quick kick to the ribs. A running kick to the chest sets up a figure four necklock on Reid but she powers up into an electric chair (dang). Reid hits a clothesline into a neckbreaker into a nipup, followed by a belly to back faceplant for two. Nyx manages to block a butterfly suplex and hits a Pele Kick for the pin at 5:39.

Rating: C+. This was better than I was expecting with Reid getting to show off quite a bit of athleticism. She had some rather impressive power stuff in there, with the electric chair especially standing out. It’s just a first match and she was only in there for about five minutes, but she did well while it lasted in one of her first televised matches.

Talk Ledger and Hank Walker discuss the term “literally”. Then they make tank noises.

Tank Ledger vs. Kale Dixon

In a VERY impressive bit of continuity, we actually get a look at Bron Breakker wrecking Dixon on Raw and a “previously recorded” graphic covers his stretcher job. Major points for that one. Ledger powers him into the corner to start and grinds away on a headlock. Back up and a running shoulder into a slam has Dixon in more trouble.

Ledger blocks a ram into the corner but gets superkicked out of the air to put him in trouble for a change. Dixon chokes away in the corner and hits a knee in the head for two. The double arm crank goes on but Dixon stops to pose, allowing Ledger to come back with a heck of a clothesline. Ledger’s middle rope elbow and a Bubba Bomb finishes for Ledger at 6:55.

Rating: C. I still do not get the appeal of Ledger (and/or Hank Walker) but they are semi-regulars around here and get quite a bit of time on this show. Granted so does Dixon, but I’m not expecting to see him around after Breakker smashed him. I know this because they covered it on here, which is a lot more than I was expecting.

Overall Rating: C. Not much to this one with the opener being more of a surprise than high quality. As usual, there is only so much you can get out of this show and that is lowered even more with one of the matches being cut. Nothing to see here, as this felt like a show that they did because they had to.



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