NXT – June 4, 2024: Battle Plans

Date: June 4, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

It’s the go home show for Battleground and that means it’s time to really hammer things home. In this case that actually means setting up the main event, which very well may be the newcomer Ethan Page challenging Trick Williams for the NXT Title. Other than that, we’ll probably see a bunch of people set for a ladder match in a big messy segment. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Ava, with Mr. Stone, welcome Ethan Page to the show in the hopes of getting everything solved.

Opening recap.

Jordynne Grace vs. Stevie Turner

Non-title and here is Roxanne Perez to join commentary. Turner slaps her in the face to start but Grace is back with a much bigger slap. A quick knockdown gives Turner a breather but Grace easily powers out of a reverse chinlock. The Vader Bomb into the Juggernaut Driver (pumphandle driver) finishes for Grace at 2:59. Short and to the point, with Grace getting to look like a killer.

Post match Grace and Perez have a standoff with Perez going for a cheap shot but bailing instead.

Trick Williams asks Lash Legend if she’s seen Ethan Page. She hasn’t, but she also has to cut off their relationship because she needs the Women’s North American Title. Williams understands and says do what you have to do.

Shawn Spears talks to some rookies (including Je’Von Evans) but Josh Briggs interrupts and accuses Spears of trying to manipulate them. Briggs teases violence, but Spears says he’s just showing his insecurities.

Booker T. is emceeing a showdown between the six women vying for the inaugural Women’s North American Title. Michin knows what it’s like to be in a ladder match around here. Jaida Parker says this is her time and makes threats, with Fallon Henley saying this is her match because she’ll be on her own. Kelani Jordan says no one will try like she will but Sol Ruca promises to snatch five souls. Lash Legend finds that funny but says Sunday is about being crowned champion. A Trick Williams insult is thrown out and Booker knows where this is going. The fight is on and here is Robert Stone to make a six woman tag.

The No Quarter Catch Crew talk into a mirror (Damon Kemp finds it weird) and have to talk like the D’Angelo Family.

Thea Hail vs. Jazmyn Nyx

Andre Chase and Ridge Holland are here, with the rest of Chase U standing back due to Holland. Hail starts in on the arm but gets thrown into the air in the corner for a kick to the ribs. Nyx starts in on Hail’s arm for a change and stomps away some more. The World’s Smallest Slam connects for Hail and she grabs the Kimura. Nyx manages to stay up and backs her into the corner, where Hail breaks it up to protect the referee. A quick Pele Kick gives Nyx the pin at 4:32.

Rating: C. Nyx getting a win on her own, even over a distracted Hail, is a bit deal for her future. She is someone who could be a star if given the chance and we might be seeing her get just that sooner than later. Hail’s issues with Chase U, or at least parts of it, could make for a bit of a complicated future and that is not a bad thing.

Ava and Mr. Stone don’t like Ethan Page’s contract offer.

Earlier today, the OC jumps Axiom and Nathan Frazier at the merchandise truck and the champs got beaten down.

Heritage Cup: Tony D’Angelo vs. Damon Kemp

Kemp is challenging and Round One begins with a failed takedown attempt. Instead Kemp grabs a suplex and stomps away as the intensity gets cranked up rather quickly. Not that it matters as D’Angelo grabs Forget About It for the first fall at 1:47. Round Two begins with a break and we come back with the beginning of Round Three.

Kemp stomps away in the corner and grabs a bridging German suplex for two. It works so well that Kemp does it over and over gain but D’Angelo wakes up. Some belly to belly suplexes put Kemp down but he grabs a DDT for two as the bell rings to save D’Angelo. Round Four begins with…D’Angelo hitting a spinebuster for the second fall to retain at 8 seconds of the round and 9:44 overall.

Rating: C+. This was a bit of a surprise with D’Angelo getting the rare sweep. We might be seeing the Crew getting back to basics by being themselves again, which could make for a better challenge. For now though, I can go for D’Angelo getting a dominant win, as it certainly made him look like a bigger star.

Ava says Ethan Page wants to sign his contract in the middle of the ring but there are some details that have to be solved. Trick Williams comes in to say give Page whatever he wants and he’ll even be out there to make sure Page signs. Then Sexyy Red calls so they have to wrap it up.

Michin introduces herself to Jordynne Grace and they like each other. Jaida Parker comes in for some trash talk, allowing Arianna Grace to come in and say she and Jordynne aren’t related. Tatum Paxley comes in to admire the Knockouts Title, but Jordynne says it’s more important than anything, including Arianna’s crown.

We get a long video on Shayna Baszler vs. Lola Vice in NXT Underground at Battleground. They both have combat backgrounds but Vice is more about being flashy while Baszler is more about being serious. UFC/MMA fighters weigh in as well.

Izzi Dame vs. Natalya

Karmen Petrovic is here with Natalya, who knocks Petrovic down to start and hits a basement dropkick. Dame gets the better of a fight on the floor but a powerbombs is countered back inside. Natalya can’t get the cross armbreaker as Dame powers her up for a ram into the corner. Back up and a powerbomb out of the corner gives Natalya two, followed by an exchange of rollups to give Natalya the win at 4:05.

Rating: C+. So I guess NXT didn’t see the segment where Natalya said she was going to change things this week on Raw, as this was the same Natalya match we’ve seen for years. The match was perfectly fine, but there was nothing here that is going to stand out in any way. In other words, it’s Natalya.

Nathan Frazer and Axiom are ready for the OC at Battleground.

Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont come out for a match but Gallus jumps them from behind during the break. They don’t like the lack of respect and no one wants them to be here as professional wrestlers. On Sunday, they’re ready to make Joe Coffey the North American Champion. Cue Oba Femi to say Gallus is dangerous but he’s ready to go. Wes Lee pops in to say he’s ready to beat anyone to get his title back.

Wendy Choo is back next week.

Lexis King brags about attacking Dante Chen, who jumps King to start a brawl. It’s broken up but King issues a challenge for one more fight.

Lash Legend/Kelani Jordan/Fallon Henley vs. Michin/Jaida Parker/Sol Ruca

Jordan and Ruca trade takedowns to start and flip over to the ropes for the tag off to Parker vs. Legend. Parker’s shoulder doesn’t get her very far so Michin comes in for a shoulder of her own. Legend takes Michin down and it’s Henley coming in for a sliding right hand. We take a break and come back with Jordan coming in to pick up the pace.

Parker pulls Jordan out of the air though and sits on Jordan in the corner. Michin hits a Pounds and grabs a surfboard on Jordan, followed by a quick dropkick. Parker comes in and gets Stundog Millionaired as Jazmyn Nyx and….someone come out to watch. Everything breaks down and the teammates start fighting each other. Ruca uses the distraction to hit the Sol Snatcher on Legend for the pin at 9:39.

Rating: C+. Points for mixing things up here, as this could have been any run of the mill six man and then it wouldn’t have been nearly as special. What we got instead was a nice showcase of everyone involved, even if the results mean nothing in a ladder match. Nice change of pace here and it was entertaining as a one off, with the Sol Snatcher looking great as always.

The woman next to Nyx appears to Jacy Jayne with a jacket pulled over her face.

Stevie Turner asks Ava for another match next week but doesn’t get an answer.

Eddy Thorpe is ready to fight for his heritage.

Battleground rundown.

Ava brings out Ethan Page for the contract signing. Page brags about how great of a signing he’ll be, but Ava isn’t meeting his demands. Page talks about how NXT needs the star power after the Draft. The fans chanting for Trick Williams gets on Page’s nerves so here is Williams to interrupt. The table is cleared out and Williams asks Ava to give Page whatever he wants.

Page talks about how he’s been in a lot of shadows over the years and Williams had the same problem. He credits Williams making a name for himself and now Page wants to do the same. Page signs, but Ava won’t do it. The deal says that if Page signs, he gets an NXT Title shot at Battleground, which means the end of the Whoop That era. Ava signs and the staredown ends the show. Not the stunning surprise here, but it had to be done.

Overall Rating: C+. I don’t know if I remember the last time a show had that high of a percentage of women’s wrestling. The good thing here is it set up a lot for Sunday, though there was little here that you would need to see. It was a show about getting ready for Battleground and that was nicely enough done. Not a great show here, but a show they needed to do and they make it work.

Jordynne Grace b. Stevie Turner – Juggernaut Driver
Jazmyn Nyx b. Thea Hail – Pele Kick
Tony D’Angelo b. Damon Kemp 2-0
Natalya b. Izzi Dame – Rollup
Michin/Jaida Parker/Sol Ruca b. Lash Legend/Kelani Jordan/Fallon Henley – Sol Snatcher to Legend



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4 Responses

  1. Nick Vera says:

    How is Jordynne Grace able to keep jumping back and forth between TNA and NXT/WWE? Is there some kind of talent exchange deal that only applies to her?

    • Thomas Hall says:

      Allegedly there might be some NXT stars showing up in TNA, though no names have been mentioned yet.

  2. “a bit deal” should be “a big deal”, unless you are trying to (as the kids say) “throw shade” at Ms. Nyx.

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