NXT LVL Up – June 7, 2024: This Show Has Nothing To Do With Battleground

Date: June 7, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

It’s time for the most unique WWE show of the week (other than Speed, but one match is barely a show) and I’m not sure what that is going to mean. There have been some bigger names around as of late and that should help a bit. That being said, you don’t really watch around here for continuity so maybe we can have a good match or two. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Tank Ledger vs. Tavion Heights

Hank Walker is here with Ledger. They fight over a lockup to start with Heights grabbing a headlock on the mat. Ledger fights up and is quickly put back down with a headlock takeover. Back up again and Ledger fires off some flying shoulders but charges into a backdrop, meaning it’s time for a breather on the floor. Heights sends him into the corner a few times and grabs a Russian legsweep for two, only to get sent into the corner. Ledger knees him in the ribs, setting up an atomic drop and spinning middle rope shoulder. A Bubba Bomb finishes Heights at 4:49.

Rating: C+. Not a bad power match here, though I could go for Heights winning a few more matches every so often. He has a good look and the skills to back it up in the ring, but so far he’s little more than a jobber to the stars. Or as big of a star as Ledger is going to be as part of a low level tag team.

Wren Sinclair is still looking for her first win and is ready to face Adrianna Rizzo.

Adrianna Rizzo vs. Wren Sinclair

The D’Angelo Family is here with Rizzo, who works on a hammerlock to start. A dropkick sends Sinclair into the ropes but she’s back with an abdominal stretch. That’s broken up and they trade rollup attempts for two each until Rizzo hits a running flipping seated senton for the pin at 3:22.

Rating: C. Rizzo hasn’t really gotten to showcase herself and it was made even worse by her not being around for a good while. I’m not sure how far she’ll go in NXT but she had a nice enough match here. On the other hand you have Sinclair, who isn’t exactly doing well when it comes to winning, but she isn’t bad at all out there.

Post match Rizzo helps her up to her feet and respect is shown.

Chase U vs. Javier Bernal/Drake Morreaux

Osborne and Bernal start things off with the former hitting a leg lariat. Morreaux comes in and runs Osborne over with a shoulder to it’s off to Hudson as well. A Rock Bottom out of the corner plants Bernal and Hudson drops Osborne onto him for two. It’s back to Morreaux for a big boot so Bernal can get two and Morreaux’s belly to back suplex gets the same. A flying mare gets Osborne out of trouble, allowing the tag off to Hudson. That means a big boot to put Bernal on the floor for a bit flip dive from Osborne (breaking Bernal’s foot in the process) and a reverse DDT finishes Morreaux at 6:46.

Rating: C+. I can always go for some more Chase U, even if it is the lower end of the team like this. Hudson can do rather well when he gets the chance, though unfortunately that is not often the case. Speaking of unfortunately, we have Bernal’s foot, which might not let him get back in the ring for a long time. Hopefully he gets better soon, but that really did not look good.

Overall Rating: C. The wrestling was just ok for the most part and that isn’t enough to make me that interested in such a show. The biggest deal here is Bernal’s foot injury and you don’t want to see anyone having to deal with that sort of thing. Other than that, it felt like a pretty bottom of the barrel show, which isn’t a great sign around here.

Tank Ledger b. Tavion Heights – Bubba Bomb
Adrianna Rizzo b. Wren Sinclair – Running flipping seated senton
Chase U b. Javier Bernal/Drake Morreaux – Reverse DDT to Bernal



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