NXT LVL Up – June 21, 2024: The Dimly Lit Version

Date: June 21, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

We are still on the way towards Heatwave and in this case that means very little. Things can go in a variety of ways around here but there are only so many of them that are very interesting. Hopefully they come up with something to make this show better, but you never can tell. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Tyriek Igwe/Tyson DuPont vs. Cutler James/Dion Lennox

Igwe grabs Lenox’s arm to start and works on an armbar before handing it off to DuPont. Lennox manages to get up and bring James in for some arm cranking of his own, this time on Igwe. The alternating armbars continue as they certainly have that idea down. A hammerlock slam gives Lennox two and the armbar goes on again. Igwe fights up and hands it back to DuPont to pick up the pace. The Heartstopper finishes James at 5:19.

Rating: C. Igwe and DuPont are getting better in the ring with the power stuff and that isn’t a bad place to be. There is always going to be a team with that kind of strength and a good look and they might as well fill that spot in for NXT. They have a long way to go but at least it’s coming together.

Shiloh Hill is ready for his singles debut and he’s ready to be tested. He graduated college with a 4.0 though so he knows about being tested.

Shiloh Hill vs. Uriah Connors

Hill shoves him down to start and then does it again to really prove his point. An atomic drop into a slam gets two on Connors, who takes him down for a step up backsplash. Connors hits a hard chop to the back and twists the neck for two, setting up the chinlock. Hill fights up and hits a running kick to the chest but gets sent to the floor. Connors’ dive is pulled out of the air and a spinning Samoan Drop (Hunico’s old finisher) finishes for Hill at 5:04.

Rating: C. Hill is another case where he might be something someday but for now, he’s just the latest guy who has a nice look and some potential. Connors might be something as a bit of weasely heel due to his size, though he hasn’t really gotten the chance to showcase himself either. This was more a pair of people putting their toes in the water and that has to happen to everyone.

Karmen Petrovic vs. Wren Sinclair

The threat of some kicks have Sinclair bailing up against the ropes so Petrovic grabs a headlock. Back up and they both tease throwing a right hand but pull back out of sportsmanship. Petrovic hits a spinning crossbody for two before working on wristlock. Sinclair avoids a charge in the corner and grabs a snap suplex for two.

We hit the chinlock for a bit until Petrovic is back up with a kick to the face. Sinclair pulls her right back down into another chinlock though before switching into a full nelson of all things. Petrovic isn’t having that and grabs a faceplant out of the corner. The spinning kick to the back finishes for Petrovic at 7:11.

Rating: C+. Match of the night here, which isn’t a surprise as Petrovic is the biggest name on the card. Sinclair is still a perfectly good hand but that’s about all so far. The good thing is she is still protected and could be turned into something later on, but for now she’s just the person putting everyone else over.

Respect is shown to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. Pretty lame show this week with no star power and a bunch of people who are still getting themselves known around here. That’s kind of the point of the show, but it doesn’t make for the best show. It’s almost like this show doesn’t accomplish much and never has, but it’s not like it’s going to change. Ever. Well mostly ever.



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