NXT LVL Up – July 5, 2024: They’ve Got Something With Her

Date: July 5, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Blake Howard

Things picked up a bit last week but this week is the last show before Heatwave. As usual, that isn’t going to make any kind of a difference around here, but commentary will certainly act like it matters. I’m not sure what we are going to see around here but last week’s show was a bit of a step up from the usual. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Josh Briggs vs. Shiloh Hill

An exchange of shoulders doesn’t go anywhere so Briggs hits him in the face to take over. A side slam sets up the chinlock but Hill is right back with a belly to back suplex. Hill’s backbreaker gets two and he cranks on a reverse chinlock. Back up and a kick to the side of the head gets two on Briggs and we hit the seated abdominal stretch. Briggs isn’t having that and fights up for a big boot. Hill misses a charge and the lariat finishes for Briggs at 4:23.

Rating: C. Hill seems like he might be the next project around here and that makes things more interesting. This show is more or less about setting people up to get to NXT and I could go for Hill being someone who turns into something. Other than that, Briggs has fallen quite a long way, as he was in a heck of a match at Stand & Deliver and now….not so much.

Tyra Mae Steele, Olympic gold medal winning wrestler (under her real name of Tamyra Mensah-Stock), is REALLY excited to be here. She even hurts herself slapping her chest.

Tyra Mae Steele vs. Wren Sinclair

You have the debut of an Olympic gold medal winner and it’s in the middle slot??? As she was earlier, Steele is VERY energetic and the fans are already into her. For some reason Sinclair tries to go on the mat and is promptly rolled up for two. A hammerlock works a bit better for Sinclair but Steele reverses into a headlock. That’s reversed into an armbar but Steele uses the good arm to hit a clothesline. Snake Eyes into a Pounce hits Sinclair, who is right back with a rollup for the pin (her first in the company) at 4:36.

Rating: C. The match was nothing of note of course but there is only so much that can be expected from someone in her fourth career match. That being said, Steele was an absolute ball of charisma and immediately got my attention. If she can get the in-ring side down, she’s going to be a star in a hurry.

Respect is shown post match.

Luca Crusifino vs. Uriah Connors

The rest of the D’Angelo Family is here with Crusifino. They fight over a lockup to start until Connors runs him over with a shoulder. A headlock has Connors down for a change and Crusifino grabs a hiptoss into a neckbreaker. Back up and Connors chops the heck out of him in the corner but Crusifino does the same right back, albeit minus the corner. Connors pulls him into a quickly broken chinlock but Crusifino fights up with a running shoulder. Crusifino is put on the apron though and then kicked out to the floor, where he unloads on Connors with kicks to the ribs. Back in and Case Closed finishes for Crusifino at 5:23.

Rating: C. Nothing much to see here, but they were in a weird spot after the previous match. Crusifino is fine enough in the ring but he might be better as a character than anything else. That being said, it doesn’t matter if he’s an evil lawyer if he doesn’t actually do any lawyering. Pretty generic match here and neither exactly stood out.

Overall Rating: C. This was all about Steele, who felt like she could be something in the future but is also just a big deal because she has the athletic background to feel like a star. Other than that, it seems like WWE is trying something with Hill and I’ve seen worse ideas. Not much of a show here though, as the lack of bigger names hurt it a good bit.



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