NXT LVL Up – July 12, 2024: As All Over The Place As It Can Be

Date: July 12, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

It’s another one of these shows and I’ve again given up trying to figure out what to expect on here. Odds are we’ll be seeing a bunch of the same stuff from most of the same people, but there is still the chance of getting a new face in there somewhere. That at least opens up some doors, though I’m not sure I’ll get my hopes up. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Malik Blade vs. Cutler James

Brinley Reece and Edris Enofe are here with Blade, whose early drop toehold attempt is blocked. A monkey flip is blocked as well and James hits a rather nice backdrop. Back up and Blade’s rollup is countered into a faceplant as he can’t get anything going here. An elbow in the corner sets up a clothesline to put James down though and a middle rope Blockbuster does it again. A frog splash finishes James off at 3:45.

Rating: C-. This was actually a bit disappointing as they were setting up something with James cutting him off over and over but then it just went nowhere as Blade won. I was thinking they might be trying something new here but never mind instead. It’s still weird to see Blade on his own, though it’s not like the team is going anywhere.

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger use football talk to prep for their tag match.

Layla Diggs vs. Tatum Paxley

This is Diggs’ singles debut and she takes Paxley down into an early armbar. Paxley can’t nip up her way to freedom as Diggs keeps taking her back down into the armbar. Back up and a Code Red out of the corner gets two but Paxley starts in on the leg to take over. A running crossbody in the corner gives Paxley two and she grabs something like a Stump Puller, albeit with all four limbs tied up (it’s a weird one). Diggs fights up but her knee is hurt…so badly that she cartwheels into a moonsault for two. Possibly offended by the lack of selling, Paxley is back up with the Psycho Trap for the pin at 4:48.

Rating: C. Diggs showed some promise but there are all kinds of women around here with some kind of gymnastics background who are in great shape. That is only going to get her so far and you’re only going to get so much out of that in a four minute match. Paxley is starting to get some more ring time too and if she gets elevated a bit as a result, cool.

Dion Lennox and Uriah Connors are ready for the main event, even against better competition. You usually only get one of the main event’s participants commenting so this is a nice change of pace.

Uriah Connors/Dion Lennox vs. Hank Walker/Tank Ledger

Walker and Lennox start things off with the former hitting a running shoulder and grabbing a quickly broken chinlock. Back up and Lennox shoulders him down, setting up a backsplash from Connors. Ledger comes in to run Connors over for two and a double running body block crushes him again.

Lennox knocks Walker outside to take over, setting up a belly to back suplex for two back inside. Connors stomps away before Walker hits Lennox, which just annoys him. Walker fights out of the corner though and hands it back to Ledger to pick up the pace. A spinebuster gives Lennox two but Walker and Ledger are right back with the Collision Course for the pin on Lennox at 7:27.

Rating: C+. Lennox and Connors got more in here than I would have expected and that was nice to see. This could have been little more than a squash but they put in some more effort to make it better. Walker and Ledger are treated as a much bigger deal than most acts around here so having them in the main event made the show feel better.

Overall Rating: C. This was as all over the place as LVL Up is going to be as you had a lame opener, a mediocre middle match and a good enough main event. You can only break a show like this down so much as it isn’t like there is anything worth seeing most of the time. I could go for more development of personalities and talking segments though, with the second interview being nice to see.



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