Ring Of Honor – July 25, 2024: Time To “Care”

Ring Of Honor
Date: July 25, 2024
Location: Esports Stadium Arlington, Arlington, Texas
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re a day away from Death Before Dishonor and a few more matches have been announced since last week’s show. Normally I would suggest that some more might be announced during this show, but that’s not how Ring Of Honor tends to go. Hopefully we at least get a nice preview for tomorrow so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We run down the card.

We look at Mark Briscoe’s recent efforts, including in Blood & Guts.

Last night after Blood & Guts, a bloody Briscoe was jumped by Roderick Strong.

The Kingdom hasn’t heard from Tony Khan so they must have Death Before Dishonor off. Paul Wight of all people comes in to say he has been named to the ROH Board Of Directors so they will be defending against Tomohiro Ishii and Kyle O’Reilly. This would stem from Rampage when the two of them and Orange Cassidy beat the Undisputed Kingdom (Cassidy got the pin). Ishii has not wrestled in Ring Of Honor since 2019 and O’Reilly has not wrestled in Ring Of Honor since 2016.

They have teamed together once as a two man tea, losing a four way match at this year’s Forbidden Door, meaning they have never won a two on two tag match. Now with that out of the way, let’s make sure to watch any tag matches tonight, because they will obviously be VERY important to the title picture.

Shane Taylor Promotions vs. Blackpool Combat Club

Moriarty and Yuta start things off in a preview of tomorrow’s Pure Rules Title match. They go with the grappling to tart with Yuta working on the arm. Moriarty fights up and is promptly armdragged back into another armbar. It’s off to Castagnoli vs. Ogogo for the power lockup with Ogogo hitting him in the ribs. That doesn’t work for Castagnoli, who knocks Ogogo down and hands it back to Yuta. A big boot drops Yuta in a hurry but he’s back with a dropkick for a breather.

Moriarty comes in and gets armbarred right over to the ropes for the break. Back up and Yuta dives over for the tag to Castagnoli, who gets to clean house. Castagnoli knocks Moriarty for a running uppercut against the barricade and a double stomp gets two back inside. Ogogo comes back in for a running clothesline in the corner but Castagnoli is back with Swiss Death. Yuta sends Moriarty outside for a suicide dive, leaving Castagnoli to Swing Ogogo into a heck of a lariat for the pin at 11:24.

Rating: B-. This was a good, back and forth match which was longer than most matches get around here. That’s a nice thing to see and the star power helped, though I’m not sure how much it did to boost up Moriarty vs. Yuta at the pay per view. Given that the title hasn’t been defended in almost seven months, one might thing it could get more of the focus here.

Post match Yuta and Moriarty have to be separated and Shane Taylor drops Yuta with the big right hand.

Here are Queen Aminata and Red Velvet for a chat. Lexi Nair won’t let Velvet talk and, after asking Aminata about attacking the one legged Athena, won’t let her talk either. Aminata takes the mic and says the b**** got what she deserved. Cue Athena, who hitches a ride on the back of a security guard, before leaning on Nair to say the other two are too uncultured for an interview.

They have even called her and Billie Starkz names, including THE B WORD a second ago. Athena calls them “raggedy a** lot lizards” and here is Starkz (in matching gear to Athena), who starts walking around just fine. The beatdown is on and Athena swears to retain the title. One of them has to lose right?

Spanish Announce Project vs. Gates Of Agony

Serpentico gets pulled into the wrong corner to start but manages to dodge out to the apron. Angelico comes in and pulls Kaun down into a choke, sending Kaun over to the ropes. The Project takes turns working on Kaun’s arm until Kaun just blasts Angelico down to take over. Liona’s backsplash gets two and he steps on Angelico’s head.

Angelico gets stomped down in the corner and we hit the chinlock. Back up and Kaun trips him down, setting up a quick splash to the back to give Liona two. Angelico manages to kick them together though and it’s back to Serpentico as the pace picks up. Not that it matters as Open The Gates finishes Serpentico at 7:04.

Rating: C. This was exactly what you would expect from these four as the Gates continue to be right in the same place they feel like they have been in for the better part of ever. There is no reason to get excited about them and the same is true for the Project. Granted I’ll take this over another match with Cole Karter and Griff Garrison.

EJ Nduka vs. Jon Cruz

Nduka, who is in great shape, powers Cruz into the corner to start and walks him around the ring for a delayed toss suplex. It works so well that he does it again, setting up one heck of a running shoulder. The most casual big boot you’ll ever see sets up a belly to back slam for the pin on Cruz at 2:55. Short match but Nduka looked impressive with the power stuff.

The MxM Collection is ready to debut at Death Before Dishonor.

Johnny TV/Shane Taylor vs. Lio Rush/Atlantis Jr.

TV Title match preview and Taya Valkyrie is here with the villains. TV and Rush start things off but TV drops to the floor for some personal time with Valkyrie. The distraction lets Rush take TV down but Taylor drops Rush as well. Back in and Rush tries to dodge away from Taylor, who pulls a middle rope crossbody out of the air. That’s escaped as well and Atlantis comes in for a headscissors to TV. Rush and Atlantis take turns striking away on Taylor until Valkyrie trips Rush up.

Taylor hits a heck of a spinebuster to take over and it’s TV getting to stomp him down into the corner. TV knocks Rush outside before handing it back to Taylor to stay on the ribs. Rush finally gets in a shot on TV and it’s a double knockdown for a needed breather. The tag brings Atlantis back in for a missile dropkick but Taylor pulls his high crossbody out of the air as well. Rush high crossbodies into both of them for the double knockdown but Atlantis superkicks Rush by mistake. The Marcus Garvey Driver pins Atlantis at 9:53.

Rating: C+. Completely run of the mill tag match here which did little to change the fact that was know almost nothing about Atlantis. He had that one match with Chris Jericho a few months ago, worked in some tag matches, and then hey he’s the TV Champion. It isn’t about a lack of talent, but he’s the definition of a guy who is just thrown out there with nothing to make him stand out, which isn’t going to work most of the time.

Abadon vs. Dulce Tormenta

Abadon wastes no time in stomping away in the corner but gets hit in the face for a quick two. Back up and a cutter drops Tormenta, setting up the Black Dahlia for the pin at 1:58. Close enough to a squash.

Action Andretti/Fuego del Sol/Komander/Top Flight vs. Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson/Nick Comoroto/Anthony Henry

Andretti and Jameson start things off with Andretti busting out some clap pushups. Henry comes in and gets taken into the corner, only to kick Dante in the ribs to take over. Komander comes in and has to kick his way out of Boulder’s powerbomb, setting up a springboard missile dropkick to Bronson. It’s off to Fuego for a springboard hurricanrana but Henry takes over without much trouble. Comoroto’s running elbow gets two as commentary asks about the whereabouts of Jacoby Watts.

Bronson sits on Fuego’s chest for two and the villains take turns doing the same. Boulder’s Vader Bomb misses though and an enziguri allows the tag to Dante. A springboard Downward Spiral gets two on Comoroto as everything breaks down. Comoroto misses a charge into the corner and we get the triple dives from Top Flight and Komander. Fuego hits a tornado DDT and a series of top rope splashes sets up Dante’s frog splash to pin Comoroto (because the IRON SAVAGES must be protected) at 9:24.

Rating: B-. This was the “get a bunch of people on the show” match and they did well enough with all of the dives and flips near the end. I’m not sure if Fuego being back for the first time in about a year and a half is as big of a deal as commentary made it out to be but I’ve seen worse ideas. Fun match here, as you knew it would be.

Red Velvet and Queen Aminata are ready to win the titles tomorrow.

Death Before Dishonor rundown.

Dark Order vs. Von Erichs

Oh yeah we’re near Dallas and yes Kevin is here too. Ross and Silver start things off but it’s quickly off to Marshall for a dropkick. Silver’s running dropkick takes Marshall down though and it’s already time for some stomping in the corner. That’s broken up and it’s back to Ross for some big boots, plus a suplex for two. A grab of the leg from the floor slows Ross down though and Silver powerbombs him onto Reynolds’ raised knees.

The chinlock doesn’t last long as it’s back to Reynolds for a cheap shot to Marshall. Choking seems to fire Ross up but he gets pulled down into a front facelock. Ross fights up and hands it off to Marshall for the hot tag. The Claw is broken up but Reynolds stops to yell at Kevin, allowing Marshall to hit a lariat for the pin at 7:52.

Rating: C. They’re still the Von Erichs and they’re still not that interesting. They’re just such a generic, basic tag team and it shows every time they’re out there. I’m sure we’ll see more of them so their dad can make his special appearances and all that, but I was glad this was as short as it was. The team just isn’t very fun to watch and this match didn’t change that feeling.

Post match the Dark Order goes for the beatdown but Dustin Rhodes makes the save in a preview for their Death Before Dishonor match. That would be the match to decide who faces the Undisputed Kingdom at Battle Of The Belts for the ROH Six Man Tag Team Titles. That’s because A, the title match is happening on an AEW show because of course it is, and B, THE SIX MAN TAG TEAM TITLES ARE BACK BECAUSE OF COURSE THEY ARE! Anyway Iron Clawing sends the Order running to end the show. Yeah that’s it. No hype package, no one last promo, nothing else. Just the Von Erichs and Rhodes celebrating.

Overall Rating: C+. As completely good (at worst) that Death Before Dishonor will be, the more astounded I am at how little effort there is going into it. The World Champion can’t even appear on the show to hype it up? The Tag Team Title match is announced backstage with a new team getting the shot? Some matches getting no build whatsoever? But not that it matters anyway, as in a week or two we’ll be back to the same lack of attention that it always gets, because that’s how Ring Of Honor works.

Blackpool Combat Club b. Shane Taylor Promotions – Lariat to Ogogo
Gates Of Agony b. Spanish Announce Project – Open The Gates to Serpentico
EJ Nduka b. Jon Cruz – Belly to back slam
Shane Taylor/Johnny TV b. Atlantis Jr./Lio Rush – Marcus Garvey Driver to Atlantis Jr.
Abadon b. Dulce Tormenta – Black Dahlia
Action Andretti/Fuego del Sol/Komander/Top Flight b. Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson/Nick Comoroto/Anthony Henry – Frog splash to Comoroto
Von Erichs b. Dark Order – Lariat to Reynolds


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