Impact Wrestling – August 8, 2024: Please Drop It

Impact Wrestling
Date: August 8, 2024
Location: Florida State Fairgrounds, Tampa, Florida
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re back stateside and Nic Nemeth is still the World Champion after dispatching Mustafa Ali last week. The bigger story coming out of last week’s show though was the return of Matt Cardona, who actually didn’t get to leave with Steph de Lander. That could open up a few interesting doors, with PCO knocking on several of them. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Steph de Lander says she’s married, even though it didn’t go the way she was planning. Tonight, we’re welcome to join us on her honeymoon. Now, does PCO want her in black or red?

Here is the System for a chat. Alisha Edwards is sick of the stupid fans running down the System but she also isn’t happy with those fans booing her. Eddie Edwards says the team losing their titles was nothing more than a fluke and they will do anything to get those titles back. Brian Myers says nothing has changed and they are still the greatest faction in wrestling today. Moose promises that Nic Nemeth is never going to be the face of the franchise and he’ll get the World Title back. For now though, Moose wants to challenge Mike Santana for next week.

Jonathan Gresham, looking rather normal, says he is here and ready to go. Kushida comes in but won’t shake his hand.

Santino Marella is with Mike Bailey, who is ready to defend the X-Division Title in Ultimate X at Emergence. He’s so ready that he wants to win a qualifying match.

Trent Seven vs. Jake Something vs. Mike Bailey

Non-title Ultimate X Qualifying Match, though if Bailey loses he isn’t in the title match at Emergence anyway. They all lock up to start with Something powering the other two away. Bailey backslides Seven for two but Something sends Seven outside. Bailey’s moonsault hits Seven by mistake but Something counters a diving hurricanrana to swing Bailey around.

Bailey dives back in to take both of them down and fires away the kicks at Something. A running shooting star press gives Bailey two on Something but Seven grabs a DDT for two. Back up and Something clotheslines both of them down, only to get caught with Bailey’s poisonrana. Seven grabs the swinging slam for two on Bailey, who is back up with a choke on Something. That’s broken up and Into The Void plants Seven, with Bailey making a save. The Ultimate Weapon gives Bailey the pin on Something at 7:04.

Rating: B-. It was fast pace while it lasted and thankfully they didn’t bother doing anything zany with the title. Just let Bailey move on to the title match and go where it needs to from there. With the second reign starting fairly well, Bailey is turning into more of a special champion and that is a good sign for the future of the title.

We look at Tasha Steelz cheating to beat Gisele Shaw on Xplosion.

Steelz wants the title back but Shaw comes in and wants a rematch. Santino Marella makes a rematch for next week with extra referees.

Hammerstone wants in on the X-Division Title match so Santino gives him a qualifying match. Eric Young comes in to say he and Hammerstone have unfinished business.

Kushida vs. Jonathan Gresham

Kushida is still not interested in a handshake to start (fair enough) so he grabs a headlock to start instead. That’s broken up and neither of them can get very far on the mat. Another headlock lets Kushida grind away again but Gresham fights up and hits an elbow to the face as we take a break. Back with Gresham hitting a dropkick before they trade chops.

Gresham muscles him over with a suplex for two but Kushida dives to the ropes to escape an armbar. A dragon screw legwhip takes Gresham down and Kushida dropkicks him in the arm. Kushida hits a Pele kick and another kick to the arm but Gresham blocks the Hoverboard Lock. The second attempt works a lot better though and Gresham taps at 10:27.

Rating: B-. I’m not usually a fan of just dropping a story out of nowhere, but I wouldn’t be complaining if the whole poison/evil stuff was dropped cold. It was one of the dumbest things in wrestling over the last few months and wasn’t doing anyone any good. Thankfully Gresham wrestled this match totally normal, which gives me hopes that things are turning around for him.

The ABC are proud to be Tag Team Champions when Mike Bailey comes in to ask if they will be in Ultimate X qualifying matches. They’ll think about it.

Steph de Lander is in the hot tub but can’t get hold of PCO.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. ???

Grace is defending in an open challenge and will be facing….Rosemary. Well that’s a big one. Rosemary starts fast and knocks her into the ropes for a basement clothesline, setting up some choking. Back up and Grace grabs a gutwrench suplex into a World’s Strongest Slam into a Vader Bomb for two.

Back up and Rosemary misses a spear before hitting one, only for Grace to come back with a Death Valley Driver for two more. Grace muscles her up for a delayed superplex but Rosemary fights up for a German suplex to leave them both down. Cue Ash By Elegance with her personal concierge with the latter distracting the referee so Ash can unload on both with a kendo stick. The referee sees the aftermath and throws the match out at 6:10.

Rating: C+. In a way I’m glad they went with that ending as this is a big enough showdown to warrant a bigger spot. There is a good chance that we’ll see them do this again, which is not the worst idea in the world. For now, I can go with a nice tease of a match before Ash gets involved. Ash almost has to win the title at some point, and this could be helping to set that up.

Bound For Glory is in Detroit on October 26.

Here is Josh Alexander with another chance to explain his actions at Slammiversary. The reality is that the people are the ones who changed, because now they believe in Joe Hendry. The reality is that Hendry is a meme who can’t lace Alexander’s boots. Alexander talks about the things he has done around here and now he wants the World Title back. Nic Nemeth said he’s a fighting champion so get out here right now so he can make Nemeth what he was in WWE: a transitional champion. Cue Nemeth to drop Alexander with a poke to the eye and a superkick. The title match is on for next week.

Post break Frankie Kazarian says he wants a World Title shot and says he’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Zachary Wentz vs. KC Navarro vs. Dante Chen

Ultimate X Qualifying Match and Trey Miguel is here with Wentz. The three of them (including NXT’s Chen) trade armdrags to start until Navarro sends Wentz outside for the dive. Back in and a DDT gets two on Chen but he’s back up to sent both of them together for two on Navarro. A Blockbuster to Navarro makes Navarro DDT Chen but Wentz is back up with the UFO Cutter to pin Navarro at 4:50.

Rating: C+. This was fun while it lasted but there is almost nothing that can be done in a three way match that has less than five minutes. Navarro or Chen going over wouldn’t have been the biggest shock as a match like that often has a surprise entrant, though Wentz going in as the Rascalz representative works well. Nice match, but dang they didn’t have much time.

Steph de Lander opens the door for PCO but finds Matt Cardona, who she throws out. We cut to PCO being held down so Cardona can tell him to stay away from his property. Cardona stomps his head.

We look at Joe Hendry beating Joe Coffey on NXT.

Wolfgang vs. Joe Hendry

Wolfgang is from NXT where he teams with Joe Coffey (and Mark Coffey) as Gallus, but the Coffey’s aren’t here. Hendry does his usual entry and then stomps away at Wolfgang in the corner to start. We take an early break and come back with Hendry fighting up to strike away. Wolfgang gets in a shot to the back though and they go outside, where Hendry is dropped back first onto the apron.

Hendry’s back is fine enough to muscle him up for a suplex into the fall away slam and a nip up. The Standing Ovation is countered though and Wolfgang hits a Widowmaker into a Vader Bomb to the back for two. The Howling (Swanton) misses for Wolfgang and Hendry hits the Standing Ovation for the pin at 9:09.

Rating: C+. This worked perfectly well as a match designed to give Hendry a win on TNA TV. It shows him beating an NXT star, even if Wolfgang isn’t that high level up on the totem pole. Hendry still feels like the hottest thing in TNA but he doesn’t have anything going on at the moment. That needs to change before Emergence and thankfully they have time to get there before the show in a few weeks.

Mike Santana and the System are fighting in the back to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was another show where it was more about setting things up for later. You had the Ultimate X qualifying matches, Grace/Ash/Rosemary being set up and Mike Santana becoming the System’s next target. It’s not really a show you needed to see, but the wrestling was ok enough and it wasn’t boring, which isn’t bad for a show that is there to set things up rather than do (almost) anything major.

Mike Bailey b. Jake Something and Trent Seven – Ultimate Weapon to Something
Kushida b. Jonathan Gresham – Hoverboard Lock
Jordynne Grace vs. Rosemary went to a no contest when Ash Elegance interfered
Zachary Wentz b. KC Navarro and Dante Chen – UFO Cutter to Navarro
Joe Hendry b. Wolfgang – Standing Ovation



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