NXT LVL Up – August 9, 2024: Work With Me Here

Date: August 9, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Blake Howard

I’m still trying to get my head around the idea that this show is building up stories week to week. No they aren’t big and no they are nothing noteworthy, but after years of the same stuff, I’ll absolutely take what I can get. Last week’s show was decent enough so hopefully this week can improve on that. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Dante Chen vs. Keanu Carver

Carver has been gone for about six months due to an injury. Chen grabs a headlock to start and manages a takeover on the much larger Carver. Back up and they run the ropes until Carver hits a Pounce (which commentary had hyped up) to send Chen outside in a crash. Carver grabs a bearhug and gets two off a backbreaker as things slow down a good bit. A waistlock stays on the ribs before a Sky high gives Carver two. We keep going with the power as Carver grabs a torture rack, only for Chen to fight out and hit some running forearms. Some kicks to the face and the double chop finish Carver at 4:59.

Rating: C+. This was designed to make Carver look like a star and it worked fairly well before he fell to Chen and…..sweet goodness his finisher is a chop. It wasn’t the place for Carver to get a big win but at least he got to look dominant on the way there. Not a great match, but a rather good way to showcase the up and coming Carver.

Lainey Reid is ready for Wendy Choo, no matter how weird she is.

Lainey Reid vs. Wendy Choo

Choo takes her down by the hair to start but Reid gets two off a quick rollup. A missed charge sends Reid into the corner and it’s already time to choke on the ropes. Choo hits a clothesline for two and hammers away, setting up a running dropkick in the Tree of Woe. Choo’s neck crank is broken up and Reid strikes away, including a neckbreaker. A belly to back faceplant sets up a rollup for two on Choo but she’s right back with the Million Dollar Dream for the tap at 5:04.

Rating: C. This wasn’t exactly a great showcase for Reid, who does have something with the Modern Southern Belle deal, but hasn’t had the chance to showcase herself just yet. The match was more about Choo being weird and creepy, which is all she’s done since her return. Not much here, though Reid is somewhat intriguing.

Kale Dixon is glad to be back because it’s awful to be on the bench for so long.

Edris Enofe vs. Kale Dixon

Malik Blade is here with Enofe. They fight over arm control to start until Dixon hits him in the face and hits a chop to the back. That just fires Enofe up for a dropkick and dancing into a jumping elbow. Dixon is sent outside and gets in a cheap shot, setting up a belly to back suplex for two back inside.

Some snap suplexes get two more and we hit the chinlock with a knee in Enofe’s back. The half crab is broken up and Enofe grabs a monkey flip of all things for a breather. A spinebuster sets up a half crab on Dixon for a change but he’s right at the rope. Dixon pulls him out of the air for a lifting Downward Spiral but Enofe hits a wind up DDT. A top rope elbow finishes Dixon at 7:44.

Rating: C+. The extra time helped a bit here and Dixon is treated as a big deal, but it is still hard to get invested in him when his name is that terrible. It’s still weird to see Enofe (and Blade last week) in a singles match but it’s better than having him sit on the sidelines. The skill is there and if he can get a chance to showcase it, he might just get somewhere.

Overall Rating: C+. And just like that they take away some of the continuity and story building and give us a more more old school (work with me here) LVL Up. While I do like the extra promo time, there wasn’t much to get interested in here, though Carver did look like a monster. Rather standard show from around here though and that’s disappointing after the last few weeks.



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