Monday Night Raw – August 26, 2024: Splat

Monday Night Raw
Date: August 26, 2024
Location: Amica Mutual Pavilion, Providence, Rhode Island
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

It’s the last Raw before Bash In Berlin and the show could use a nice push. Last week’s show wasn’t as strong as the previous few weeks but maybe it was just a one off. This week will also see the start of a tournament to crown a new #1 contender to the Intercontinental Title so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

In Memory Of Sid. That’s still a shocker.

Here is the Judgment Day for a chat. They brag about last week’s beatdown of Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley and then promise to do even worse to them in Berlin. Dominik is booed out of the building and tries to say that Liv Morgan helps him do things he has never done before (Cole: “TMI!”).

That’s why he is entering the Intercontinental Title #1 contenders tournament but here is the LWO to interrupt. Rey Mysterio calls Dominik a lost soul and says someone needs to put Dominik in his place. Dominik brings up Rey leaving for weeks, with Rey saying Dominik is even more of a jackass than usual. The brawl is on and the LWO clears the ring rather quickly.

Judgment Day vs. LWO

Joined in progress with Rey coming in to hammer away on Balor, setting up the sitout bulldog for two. Carlito comes in so del Toro comes in off the ropes to work on the arm. Wilde gets springboarded into a moonsault for two on Carlito, who easily takes him into the wrong corner. It’s back to Del Toro, who has to dropkick his way out of the wrong corner, allowing the tag to Wilde. Everything breaks down and Wilde does his insane springboard dive to take them out in the aisle as we take a break.

Back with Wilde in trouble in the wrong corner but managing to send Balor outside. A rolling tag brings in Rey to take over on Dominik, including a kick to the head for two. Dominik catches him on top but it’s a sunset bomb to give Rey two with Judgment Day making the save. Rey sends Dominik outside and the LWO hit a quadruple dive, setting up the 619 to Dominik. Liv Morgan pulls Dominik away from the frog splash though and la majistral gives Dominik the pin at 13:31.

Rating: B-. The LWO can do the high flying fast paced stuff rather well and it worked well here. The Judgment Day on the other hand is more a bunch of people who do whatever they need to win and make it work, which was the case again here. Dominik pinning Rey again with Liv’s help is a nice point in making him seem right, but punishment is coming.

Post match Judgment Day keeps up the beatdown but Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan make the save. Dominik and Liv bail, leaving JD McDonagh to get Riptided while Carlito gets South Of Heavened.

Miz talks about how everything has been going bad for him lately while he tries to do the right thing. Bronson Reed comes in to say Miz came after him because of R-Truth, who came after him in the first place. After Reed takes care of Braun Strowman, he’ll be back for Miz.

Xavier Woods, now in black gear rather than Kofi Kingston’s lime green (Woods calls it adding his own flavor) but they’re cool because they can talk about things. They’re both in the tournament for the Intercontinental Title shot and everything seems cool.

The Pure Fusion Collective brags about hurting various people.

Damage CTRL vs. Pure Fusion Collective

Sonya Deville is here with the Collective. Sky and Stark start things off until Baszler tags herself in and low bridges Sky to the floor. Deville gets in a cheap shot and we take an early break. Back with Sane getting the tag to clean house, including some spinning backfists. Sane hits the sliding lariat to Baszler in the corner, setting up a top rope forearm for two. A choke is reversed into Baszler’s ankle lock and Stark adds a missile dropkick for two. Cue the returning Zelina Vega to take out Deville, leaving Sane to knock Stark down. Sky dives onto Baszler as Sane hits the Insane Elbow to pin Stark at 7:19.

Rating: C+. The teams both work well together and Damage CTRL gets a win to put them back on the right path. The women’s division has some depth at the moment and it is nice to see things picking up a bit. Vega being back should add a bit more, which could take them into a more in-depth feud that isn’t about a title for once.

Uncle Howdy doesn’t like Chad Gable being a false leader who sends his family into danger. The Wyatt Sicks are ready to take him out to prevent things from getting worse. This is a purge.

Here is Drew McIntyre for a chat. He mocks CM Punk’s line about it being great to be alive here in Providence before moving on to how Punk had nothing to do with all of this success. McIntyre sits down cross legged and says this is what he does: he always tells the truth. The reason this keeps happening (standing back up now) is because the fans chant Punk’s name to enable him.

That’s why there is going to be a strap match on Saturday and each lashing is going to be on the fans. McIntyre brings up the bracelet but cue Punk to interrupt from behind and the fight is on. McIntyre grabs the strap but Punk backdrops him onto the announcers’ table. A few shots with the strap send McIntyre running so Punk beats up some security.

Braun Strowman isn’t going to be bullied by Bronson Reed.

Jey Uso does his walk through the concourse to start his entrance.

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Jey Uso vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Karrion Kross

The winner goes on to a four way final. Kross gets knocked down into the corner to start for some alternating stomping, only for Uso to roll Kingston up for two. Back up and Uso gets sent outside as well, meaning it’s a big Kingston dive to take both of them down. We take a break and come back with Uso’s dancing punches putting Kross down. A running Umaga Attack hits Kingston but Kross cuts Uso off with a superkick for two. Kingston drops both of them for a double Boom Drop, only to have Trouble In Paradise broken up. With Kingston sent outside, Uso hits a spear on Kross, setting up the Superfly Splash for the pin at 8:44.

Rating: B-. I was hoping for singles matches in the tournament but I guess we covered those well enough for the King/Queen of the Ring tournaments earlier this year. Uso going over is the right way to go as he would make a great first challenger for Bron Breakker and that seems to be a possible way they’re going. Other than that, Xavier Woods might be happy with Kingston’s loss and that very well could be an issue if Woods makes the finals.

Earlier today, Gunther talks about being focused on Randy Orton at Bash In Berlin.

Here is Randy Orton for a chat. Orton talks about listening to voices in his head but lately he has been listening to the voices of the people. He loves listening to the fans singing his music, even if it took 15 years to happen. Orton wants the World Heavyweight Title back because he was the youngest champion ever and the final champion when the titles were unified ten years ago. Last year the title was brought back but he wasn’t sure if he would ever be back in the ring.

This weekend, Orton gets his chance to get the title back, even though he is in enemy territory against a living legend in Europe. Orton talks about the fans watching him grow up in front of their eyes but they have also seen him getting humbled. When Gunther came to WWE, he was a 30-something egotistical jerk who has never been put in his place. Orton has had to beat his own demons and those were a lot more dangerous than anyone Gunther has ever beaten. This weekend, Gunther gets the RKO. Good promo here as it made Orton winning the title feel that much more important.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn are ready to beat Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill to retain the Women’s Tag Team Titles on Saturday.

Braun Strowman vs. Bronson Reed

Strowman dropkicks him at the bell and hammers away in the corner, only to get dropped with a running clothesline. Back up and Strowman hits a crossbody but Reed hits one of his own to send Strowman outside. Reed’s suicide dive hits Strowman hard and we take an early break.

We come back with Reed hitting a DDT but a Tsunami attempt is countered with a slam off the top. Reed blocks a chokeslam with a neck snap over the top and goes to leave, which is not going to work for Strowman. They fight up to the entrance with Reed sending him into the video screen. Reed heads through the curtain and we’ll say this is thrown out at about 8:00.

Rating: B-. I’m not sure what to say about something like this as it was more about two people beating each other up rather than trying to go for a win most of the time. There is a good chance that we’ll be seeing this again, possibly with a special stipulation, and that is not a bad idea. Reed needs to get over as a monster and beating Strowman can help him do that, but they can wait a bit for the big win.

Strowman goes after him but Reed is waiting with a big trashcan shot. Strowman gets up and beats up security before Reed beats him out to the parking lot. A chokeslam puts Reed onto the hood of a car though and a running shoulder knocks him over the hood of another. Reed knocks him onto the top of a car though and Tsunamis Strowman off a wall for an awesome visual.

Post break Strowman says he can’t feel his fingers. Adam Pearce: “HE’S TALKING ABOUT HIS FINGERS!”

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Miz vs. Xavier Woods vs. Pete Dunne

Woods does some Sid fist bumps in a nice moment. They start fast with some rollups for two each until Dunne is knocked out to the floor. Back in and Dunne stomps on both of their hands at once but Miz fights up. Another double knockdown leaves Miz standing as we take a break. We come back with Woods hitting a Russian legsweep on Dunne, followed by some running elbows in the corner. Woods swings Dunne but Miz is back in to grab a DDT. A double DDT gives Miz two on each and he alternates with the YES Kicks.

Dunne is sent to the apron where he enziguris Woods, only to be knocked out to the floor. Woods hits a suplex gutbuster on Miz before powerbombing Dunne onto him (there’s another Sid tribute) for two. Dunne gets kicked outside again and Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Woods, only for Dunne and Miz to get in a fight over who can cover him. Instead Dunne pulls Miz into a crossface, but Miz gets his hand onto Woods’ chest for a cover (that’s a new one) and a near fall. That’s broken up so Woods hits the Limit Break on Miz but Dunne pulls the referee out. The Bitter End gives Dunne the pin on Miz at 11:13.

Rating: B. That’s an interesting way to go as Woods is not going to be happy but he wasn’t involved in the pin. Maybe he’s annoyed at Kingston for not being there to help him, but Dunne going forward works as well. The Sid tributes were sweet, the cover in the crossface was clever and the action was good enough to make this a lot better than I was expecting.

Bron Breakker isn’t overly impressed but wants Jey Uso to keep his name out of his mouth. He’ll beat up anyone who wins the tournament.

Chad Gable is ready to show that Uncle Howdy is just an ordinary guy.

We look at Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest wrecking Judgment Day earlier.

Priest and Ripley say yeah of course they’re the bad guys. Pain is promised for Judgment Day.

Bash In Berlin rundown.

Commentary talks about Sid Vicious and we get the tribute video. They had to have this ready in advance or that’s incredibly impressive.

Chad Gable vs. Uncle Howdy

They’re on their own here. Howdy fires off some knees to start and hits some running shots to the face to send Gable outside. We take an early break and come back with Gable sending him outside, only to be tossed over the announcers’ table. Gable comes back with an Angle Slam onto the announcers’ table but Howdy beats the count back in.

Howdy gets planted with a high collar superplex, followed by the rolling German suplexes. Back up and Howdy hits a quick release Rock Bottom for two of his own, setting up a hanging swinging neckbreaker. Cue Ivy Nile for a distraction so Gable can grab the ankle lock, which is broken up into a ref bump. The Mandible Claw has Gable in trouble but the Creeds run in for the save. Cue the Wyatt Sicks for the brawl so everyone else heads off. Gable misses the moonsault and Sister Abigail finishes for Howdy at 13:58.

Rating: B-. Yeah this was pretty good. That’s one of the best things that can be said about it, as there was always a worry that anything Wyatt related was going to be total insanity. It helps that Howdy is a perfectly passable wrestler so this wasn’t ever going to be a disaster unless they went totally over the top. Instead we got a pretty straightforward match and it went well. I’ll absolutely take that over ridiculous nonsense so all this a success.

Overall Rating: B. This show did well with almost everything it had included, from the tournament stuff to building interest towards Bash In Berlin to a main event which could have been a lot worse. It was a rather enjoyable three hour show and while the only thing really worth seeing is the Reed beatdown, there was nothing on here that was bad. Good show here, and Saturday could be even better.

Judgment Day b. LWO – La majistral to Rey
Damage CTRL b. Pure Fusion Collective – Insane Elbow to Stark
Jey Uso b. Kofi Kingston and Karrion Kross – Superfly Splash to Kross
Braun Strowman vs. Bronson Reed went to a no contest
Pete Dunne b. Xavier Woods and the Miz – Bitter End to Miz
Uncle Howdy b. Chad Gable – Sister Abigail



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