Monday Night Raw – September 16, 2024: Best Raw Match In A Bit

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 16, 2024
Location: Moda Center, Portland, Oregon
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Joe Tessitore

We’re closing in on Bad Blood with the big story being the announcement of Drew McIntyre vs. CM Punk inside the Cell. Other than that we have Damian Priest vs. Dominik Mysterio this week, plus Braun Strowman vs. Bronson Reed II and the Tag Team Titles are on the line. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

A bunch of people arrive, including CM Punk, who leaves his car door open and doesn’t take the key with him. Even if he has no contact starting and has the key in his pocket, that’s rather risky.

We follow Punk from the back to the ring (where he takes off his Bret Hart shirt in the process) for a chat. Punk, with what sounds like a rather weak voice, talks about people wondering how much he has left in those old bones. No matter what you think, the answer will disappoint you, because it’s more than you think. Punk recaps how we got here and of course it wasn’t going to be over because he touched a bunch of turnbuckles.

The question is how many Cell matches he has left, and the correct answer is zero. His sister, his wife and the angel on his shoulder have asked him not to do this, but let him tell you why he is going to do this. The last time they were in Portland, he told McIntyre that if he kept pushing, things would get bad.

It has to end inside the Cell and while Punk can’t promise he’ll kill McIntyre, he promises to make McIntyre bleed (the fans like that) and he’ll have to kill Punk because he is prepared to die. If McIntyre is prepared to do the same, Punk will see him in H***. This was a deadly serious Punk with no sarcasm or humor and it makes the Cell feel that much bigger.

Sheamus is sick of Pete Dunne and brings up how much Dunne hates being called Butch, while saying Butch multiple times.

Sheamus vs. Pete Dunne

They slug it out to start with Sheamus getting the better of things. The fight goes out to the floor with Dunne being dropped onto the announcers’ table as we take an early break. Back with Dunne countering a super White Noise into a sitout powerbomb for two. Dunne fires off elbows to the head but Sheamus is back up with a powerslam.

A middle rope knee to the head gives Sheamus two so he takes Dunne up and hits a super powerslam for the same. Dunne reaches over for the shillelagh but Sheamus knocks it out of his owns. Dunne knows he’s in trouble but the referee takes it away. The distraction is enough for Dunne to whip out a cricket bat and knock Sheamus silly. A pump kick (rather Brogueish) finishes Sheamus at 11:07.

Rating: C+. Sheamus is a very valuable thing to have for WWE as you can put him out there in any kind of a spot and he winds up giving you a good match while making everyone else look good. That was the case here, with Dunne getting one of the biggest wins of his career and certainly his most recent. If nothing else, the cricket bat was a nice touch and we’ll probably see it again later.

We look back at Judgment Day taking out the Terror Twins last week until Jey Uso makes the save.

The Twins run into Uso, who says he’ll be watching Damian Priest against Dominik Mysterio. Xavier Woods comes in and is told to get the Tag Team Titles away from Judgment Day.

Miz hypes Braun Strowman up for his rematch with Bronson Reed but doesn’t like Strowman suggesting that Miz is no match for Reed. Strowman tells him that’s not what it meant, though Miz isn’t overly convinced. That was definitely teasing a Miz heel turn.

Natalya vs. Zoey Stark

All of their friends are here too. Natalya takes her down to start but Stark is right back with a springboard missile dropkick (and a nice one at that) as we take a break. We come back with Natalya blocking another springboard missile dropkick but Stark snapmares her down. The basement superkick gets two and frustration is setting in. A quick Sharpshooter attempt is countered into a pinfall reversal sequence, with Natalya rolling her up for the pin at 7:01.

Rating: C. Natalya is back and while I’m not sure if last week’s return was some big, epic moment like commentary was talking, it’s nice to have her back as she’s still quality in the ring. I’m not sure where this is going, but the Pure Fusion Collective is starting to look weak. That’s not a far fall in the first place as they weren’t looking strong coming in, but another loss isn’t helping them.

Finn Balor interrupts Rhea Ripley and says she is just as bad as Damian Priest. Balor is sick of her blaming him for everything that happened. Ripley says she isn’t going to be lied to because the team was supposed to be a family. Ripley put u with everything because she loved her family. At Bad Blood we’ll see how bad the Terror Twins can be.

That’s fine with Balor, who was the devil on Dominik Mysterio’s shoulder who told him to leave Rhea for Morgan. Jey Uso comes in to ask if they have a problem, but Balor says focus on the Intercontinental Title because Ripley is out of his league. Balor leaves and Ripley says Balor has a point. Jey: “What, that you’re out of my league?” Ripley: “No, about the title.” Uso seems happy and is off to the ring. I’m not sure I can see it happening, but the roof is going to come off if Uso and Ripley get together on screen.

Here is Uso in the ring. He talks about what he has been doing lately and now it is time to get his first singles title so he can really be Main Event Jey Uso. Cue Bron Breakker, who says that he has done some homework on Jey. While Jey has been around for fourteen years and is looking for his first singles title, Breakker has done more than he has in just six months.

Breakker didn’t need his family or their name to get here, while Uso is nothing without his family. Uso is ready to fight next week, saying he can make this as short as Breakker’s NFL career. That has Breakker ready to go but Uso spears him down. Good enough here, but my goodness it’s hard to imagine Uso’s spear keeping Breakker down.

Iyo Sky yells at Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill, with Belair saying that she was booked to face Kairi Sane, but Belair agrees to face Sky instead. That’s a weird change but the match should be better.

Tag Team Titles: New Day vs. Judgment Day

New Day is challenging. Kofi hurricanranas McDonagh down to start and hits the slingshot splash, setting up Woods’ jumping elbow for two. Everything breaks down and a double bulldog puts Balor down. The champs are sent outside and we take an early break. Back with Kofi and Balor knocking each other down, allowing Woods to come in and take over on McDonagh.

Kofi comes in and hits a big running flip dive onto Balor, leaving Woods to sitout powerbomb McDonagh for two. Cue Judgment Day for a distraction but the LWO comes out to cut them off, leaving Woods very confused. Kofi dives onto everyone at ringside and Woods hits the Limit Break but there is no referee. Balor comes in off a blind tag and hits the Coup de Grace to retain the titles at 8:29.

Rating: B-. This is a weird story but I’m still not sure I can actually imagine them pulling the trigger on the New Day splitting. Big E. showing up again is about the only thing that can save the team and that’s a very reasonable option. I’m not sure if I’m liking that we’re seeing here, but dang they have me interested.

We get a weird Wyatt Sicks video, ending with a graphic saying “You speak, we follow” and another QR cope.

Post break Xavier Woods is yelling at the LWO when Kofi Kingston comes up to thank them for having his back as requested. Woods asks when they ever needed help again but Kofi says they had Big E. before. That sets Woods off, because it means he isn’t good enough, but more importantly, WHY DID THE LWO KNOW THE PLAN WHEN HE DIDN’T? That’s a totally fair question.

Bronson Reed talks about everyone he has smashed.

Bronson Reed vs. Braun Strowman

Hold on though as Strowman sends him into the corner, where Reed breaks the top rope. A chokeslam sends Reed rolling out to the floor, where Strowman loads up the freight train. That’s fine with Reed, who grabs a person from the crowd and throws him at Strowman. Back up and Strowman tackles him through the barricade as Reed leaves through the crowd. Strowman isn’t done and chases after him with a tackle into an anvil case. They go to the back where Reed puts him through some tables, only for Strowman to get up and tackle him through a wall. No match.

Ludwig Kaiser comes in to see Adam Pearce, who wants to talk about Gunther’s next challenger. Adam Pearce thinks Sami Zayn is making a good case for the shot, but Kaiser wanted a quality opponent. As they are talking, Zayn comes into the arena, with Pearce telling Gunther to deal with Zayn in person.

In the arena, Zayn comes to the ring to talk about how he was in the ring last week, hearing Bret Hart talk about what it means to be champion. That is what Zayn needs and he needs it more than anyone can believe. Unfortunately, Gunther has declined the challenges and it’s because Zayn isn’t on his level.

Instead, Zayn thinks he’s in Gunther’s head because Gunther knows Zayn can beat him again, just like he did at Wrestlemania. Cue Ludwig Kaiser, who says this is not going to happen because Zayn is not good enough. Zayn doesn’t think Gunther needs Kaiser, but also that Kaiser does not need Gunther. Kaiser is so talented but maybe he just doesn’t have the guts to do it.

Cue Gunther to interrupt, saying he’ll get to Zayn in a minute. First though, is there anything Kaiser needs to tell him? Kaiser says there is something he has wanted to get off his chest for a long time…and he decks Zayn to hammer away. With Kaiser holding Zayn back, Gunther turns down the challenge again and hugs Kaiser. Gunther leaves but Zayn is back up with a German suplex and the Helluva Kick to Kaiser. The title match taking place is all but guaranteed, but I’m not sure what Zayn can do to push Gunther over the edge.

Liv Morgan interrupts Damian Priest and feels sorry that the Terror Twins are still so obsessed with the one time in their careers when they were actually on top. Priest is amazed that someone in Judgment Day has a set, but promises to hurt Dominik Mysterio when he gets his hands on him.

Bianca Belair vs. Iyo Sky

Jade Cargill and Kairi Sane are both here too. Belair powers her around to start before they trade waistlocks. Sky flips away with some cartwheels but Belair gets in a flip of her own. Sky’s hurricanrana is countered into a sunset flip for two, followed by a rather delayed vertical suplex. Back up and Sky grabs a springboard armdrag but Belair sticks the landing as we take a break.

We come back with Belair hitting a shoulder in the corner, setting up some right hands. A palm strike drops Belair, who comes back up with a gutbuster. Sky’s missile dropkick gets two and Belair wins a slugout. A quick rollup gives Sky two but Belair launches her face first into the buckle.

Belair’s spinebuster sets up a handspring moonsault for two but Sky slips out of a gorilla press. A German suplex gives Sky two and she sends Belair outside for a big suicide dive. Belair is back up and grabs a vertical suplex, which she walks up the steps to throw Sky back inside. The 450 hits raised knees but Over The Moonsault takes too long, allowing Belair to load up the KOD. That’s reversed into a small package to give Sky the pin at 12:24.

Rating: B+. This was REALLY good and I was watching every second at the end to see just where they were going to go. Belair is a major star in the women’s division and a bigger deal than Sky, but it doesn’t feel like a completely ridiculous result. They were having a pretty outstanding match and I was pulled all the way into it. Best match I’ve seen on Raw in a good while.

American Made is happy to be done with the Wyatt Sicks. They’re ready to bring honor back to the ring and make history. This was more corny than anything else.

Ludwig Kaiser doesn’t care what Sami Zayn was saying, because they’re going one on one next week. Sami Zayn wants to talk about loyalty but how many times have he and Kevin Owens turned on each other? Next week, Zayn is getting exposed.

Ilja Dragunov wishes Jey Uso luck against Bron Breakker and even says Yeet. With Uso gone, the Judgment Day comes in to say Dragunov is making some bad choices for friends. Dragunov respects the Terror Twins and Jey, which is more than he can say for the team. Finn Balor says this was just a friendly warning, but next time won’t be so nice.

We actually look at some fan signs, which is usually done off air.

Bad Blood rundown.

Damian Priest vs. Dominik Mysterio

Rhea Ripley (off crutches but still limping) and the rest o Judgment Day are here too. Priest throws Dominik into the corner to start and hits him in the face. Arm cranking has Dominik in more trouble but Dominik flips out of a belly to back suplex and dropkicks the knee. Priest flapjacks him down (Ripley laughs a lot) and Dominik’s comeback attempt is cut off with a single shot.

Finn Balor offers a distraction to break up the Razor’s Edge though and Priest goes outside. This time Carlito offers a distraction, allowing Dominik to send Priest into the post. We take a break and come back with Priest in more trouble but Ripley’s taunting starts to get into Dominik’s head. A slap to the face wakes Priest up and he slugs away, including some big right hands to put Dominik down.

Balor offers another distraction and Dominik gets two off a rollup, only for Priest to kick him in the head. The Broken Arrow gets two, with Liv Morgan putting the foot on the ropes. Ripley spears Morgan over the announcers’ table (wiping out Wade Barrett in the process) and Priest drops Carlito and glares at Balor before throwing Dominik at him as well. Back in and Dominik hits a 619 (not a great one) but the frog splash misses. Priest blasts Dominik with a clothesline and the South Of Heaven finishes at 12:11.

Rating: B-. The big thing I saw coming out of this was that Priest looks like a monster. He’s big, he’s strong, he has good facials and the fans respond to him. That is something that can go a long way and it worked here. There is no reason for Dominik to be able to hang with him in a straight up match and that was on display. It went as it should have and Priest looked great, which I’ll certainly take.

Post match Judgment Day jumps Priest, with Morgan sending Ripley into the steps. Cue Jey Uso…taking his sweet time, and then stopping outside, where Bron Breakker cuts him off with a spear. Morgan gives Ripley Oblivion and Balor hits multiple Coup de Graces on Priest. The villains pose to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. The best thing I can say about a show is that it left me wanting more and that is what we had here. I want to see where things are going for Bad Blood and next week’s show has potential as well. WWE is feeling some things lately and there is still a bunch of big things to come. Another solid show here, with the important show on the way.

Pete Dunne b. Sheamus – Brogue Kick
Natalya b. Zoey Stark – Rollup
Judgment Day b. New Day – Coup de Grace to Woods
Iyo Sky b. Bianca Belair – Small package
Damian Priest b. Dominik Mysterio – South Of Heaven



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4 Responses

  1. Liam Fenech says:

    The thing you have to remember about Sky is she was Smackdown women’s champion for a year so of course her beating Bianca Belair isn’t completely insane

  2. Liam Fenech says:

    Seamus hasn’t signed for aew I think you meant WWE where he is extremely valuable you could put them anywhere on the card and he wouldn’t look out of place and in terms of the club that you can’t spell have you tried typing it forneticly? Sha lay lee

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