Ring Of Honor – September 26, 2024: Time Heals Most Bad Shows

Ring Of Honor
Date: September 26, 2024
Location: MassMutual Center, Springfield, Massachusetts
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are back to what should be the run of the mill version of this show, as last week’s edition was taped on the road rather than in the same place for several weeks. As a result, the show was little over an hour rather than double that and it made for a much easier watch. Hopefully that continues this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We run down the card.

Action Andretti vs. Tony Deppen

Lio Rush is here with Andretti. They trade headlocks to take over until Andretti shoulders him down. An arm trap rollup gives Deppen two but Andretti takes him down for a springboard corkscrew splash for two. Deppen hits him in the face so Andretti stomps away in the corner. Back up and Deppen fires off some clotheslines but misses a top rope double stomp. Deppen low bridges him to the floor though and hits a big flip dive. Back in and Andretti kicks away, setting up a shotgun dropkick into the corner. The split legged moonsault finishes Deppen at 5:35.

Rating: B-. Nice opener here as Deppen continues to be a good choice for a spot like this one. He can have a perfectly fine match with just about anyone and Andretti gets a nice win at the same time. They didn’t do anything revolutionary here but they started the show fairly hot and gave the fans something to cheer.

The Iron Savages and Jacked Jameson don’t like the Outrunners and are ready to slow them down.

Jacked Jameson/Boulder vs. Dark Order

Boulder drives Reynolds into the corner without much trouble to start and mocks the Dark Order pose, only to miss a splash. Jameson and Silver come in with Silver grabbing a hiptoss. Silver sends Jameson into Bounder’s chest, which earns Silver a trip to the floor and a lot of yelling.

Back in and Boulder drops down onto Silver but he slips out of a slam and sends him into the corner for some running elbows. A Black Widow has Boulder in trouble but Jameson makes a quick save. Jameson’s spinebuster gets two as everything breaks down. The Order’s run of the mill sequence sets up a jackknife rollup to pin Jameson at 5:53.

Rating: C. So the Order is just good again and can suddenly win matches, as their mini feuds against Dustin Rhodes N Pals are already turned around. That leaves us with the Savages, who are on just about every show and lose as often, so for some reason I should want to see them against the Outrunners. I’m not sure I get the logic there.

Abadon vs. Liviyah

Abadon starts with a bite to the arm but misses a charge into the corner. Liviyah’s Russian legsweep is countered into a backbreaker ad the Black Dahlia finishes for Abadon at 1:40. usual short Abadon match.

Red Velvet is ready to face Diamante, who is in her prime 15-16 years into her career. Velvet has done it in 8 though, which has Diamante ready to fight. She’s ready to take the title from Velvet and the match seems on for some point in the future.

Brian Cage vs. Alec Price

Cage runs him over with a shoulder to start and shrugs off a superkick before sending Price flying by the throat. The corner clotheslines and some beals have Price in more trouble and Cage gorilla presses him over the top. Cage throws him back inside but Price manages a quick dropkick. Some running knees in the corner rock Cage, who German suplexes Price into the corner. Three powerbombs into an F10 finishes Price at 4:42.

Rating: C. You can pretty much guarantee what you’re going to get from a Cage match and it was on full display here. Cage did his stuff, hit his big power moves and, after selling a bit, finished him off. That’s not the worst thing to see, but as is the case with so many people around here, there is little reason to believe Cage is going anywhere.

We look back at the Kingdom vs. Dustin Rhodes/Sammy Guevara last week on Collision, because it wasn’t about to be on this show.

Athena/Billie Starkz vs. LMK/Christina Marie

Starkz and Marie start things off with the latter grabbing an armdrag into a slam but Starkz cuts that off in a hurry. Athena comes in and sends her into the barricade, followed by a suplex from Starkz back inside. Marie kicks her away though and it’s LMK coming in to kick Athena in the head. Everything breaks down and Athena hits a Big Ending/side slam to both of them at the same time. Starkz gives Marie a middle rope DDT and Athena grabs a reverse Koji Clutch to make LMK tap at 4:17.

Rating: C. It was nice to have Athena and Starkz get a win like this as they haven’t been having many matches as of late. Athena has officially set the record for the longest title reign in Ring Of Honor history, which makes me wonder how long she needs to hold the thing. There is no record left for her to break so maybe it’s time to finally go somewhere else with the title already.

Post match the beating stays on until Abadon comes in for the save. Athena leaves Billie alone and Abadon beats the daylights out of her.

Johnny TV. vs. Komander

TV strikes away to start but Komander picks up the pace. A shot to the face drops Komander rather quickly but he snaps off a wristdrag for a breather. Komander sends him outside, only to have TV come back with a running knee for two. The chinlock is broken up so TV steps on his head, followed by a series of kicks. TV grabs another chinlock but Komander fights up and fires off some kicks of his own.

That doesn’t work for TV, who pulls him into a bodyscissors to keep things slow. Komander fights up and breaks out of a superplex attempt, setting up a big springboard dive to the floor. Back in and TV hits his flipping neckbreaker but Starship Pain misses. Cielito Lindo is countered into a super Spanish Fly but Komander is back with a springboard poisonrana (doesn’t quite work). Now Cielito Lindo can give Komander the pin at 8:46.

Rating: B-. This was a way to make Komander look good after his big moment at the end of Dynamite, though one win doesn’t exactly make up for months of him being so middle of the road. As usual, TV is capable of making most people look better without losing much of his own status. That is a valuable thing to have and he made it work here.

Pure Wrestling Title: Preston Vance vs. Lee Moriarty

Moriarty, with Shane Taylor, is defending. Vance powers him down to start and then does it again to prove his point. A running shoulder drops Moriarty again but a right hand is enough to warn Vance a warning. Some corner clotheslines and a German suplex have Moriarty in trouble so Vance takes him outside for some rams into the barricade.

Back in and Moriarty manages a boot to the face, meaning it’s time for some choking in the corner (as the on-screen clock jumps forward about eight minutes for some reason). A suplex gives Moriarty two and the threat of a choke sends Vance to the ropes for the first break. Vance burns through another break a few seconds later but he breaks out of an early Border City Stretch attempt. Moriarty uses the ropes to escape the full nelson slam and goes outside. Back in and a faceplant sets up la majistral to retain the title at 7:03.

Rating: C+. And that’s what we get after two weeks of Vance wins, as he is the latest victim of the lowest level singles title around here. The Pure Title is another one that could be dropped without losing much but in theory it’s the kind of title you can put on the line here to make a show feel more important. In theory at least, as it really doesn’t work out that well.

Overall Rating: C+. It’s amazing how much easier this show is to watch when they cut it down to a manageable length. This show was just over an hour and it made things that much more enjoyable. It felt like they were a lot more focused this week, with a lot less filler and move things being set up for the future. Still not exactly a great or interesting show, but far less annoying than it had been for a stretch there.

Action Andretti b. Tony Deppen – Split legged moonsault
Dark Order b. Jacked Jameson/Boulder – Jackknife rollup to Jameson
Abadon b. Liviyah – Black Dahlia
Brian Cage b. Alec Price – F10
Athena/Billie Starkz b. LMK/Christian Marie – Reverse Koji Clutch to LMK
Komander b. Johnny TV – Cielito Lindo
Lee Moriarty b. Preston Vance – La majistral



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