NXT LVL Up – September 6, 2024: Not Even Bruno

Date: September 6, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

We’re done with No Mercy and that means we should be back to full strength around here. Granted that means going with three matches rather than two, which isn’t exactly a big upgrade but it feels better than the norm. Hopefully there are some bigger names around here this week though, as it was only so good over the last few weeks. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Izzi Dame vs. Layla Diggs

Dame powers her into the corner to start but Diggs is right back with a running hurricanrana. Diggs works on the arm but slips on the ropes, allowing Dame to drop an elbow. Commentary actually talks about Main Event, reminding us that the show actually exists. A powerbomb onto the knee keeps Diggs in trouble and a regular backbreaker gets two. Dame bents the back over her knee, setting up a Sky High for two more. Back up and Diggs gets in a few shots, only to miss a dropkick. That lets Dame kick her in the face and hit a swinging Side Effect for the pin at 5:45.

Rating: C. This was little more than a squash as Diggs barely had anything going for the most part. Instead it was Dame working on her back and then going to the finish. Dame’s size alone should get her a chance, though she hasn’t exactly stood out yet. That is even more the case for Diggs, who hasn’t done anything to make her feel different.

Earlier this week, Dani Palmer came up to Lainey Reid for a rather badly recited interaction. Either way they’re having a match this week. This was at least different than the standard interview, but that doesn’t mean it was better.

Dani Palmer vs. Lainey Reid

Reid knocks her down to start but Palmer flips out of a headscissors. Palmer’s rollup sends Reid outside, which has her so angry that she grabs a dragon screw legwhip on the apron. Back in and Reid hits a belly to back faceplant for two before grabbing a half crab. That’s broken up and Palmer knocks her down, setting up a Low Down (not Sky High Byron) for two. Palmer goes back up and hits a moonsault for the pin at 5:53.

Rating: C+. Well, they did stand out a bit more, though I’m not sure how well they pulled it off. Palmer is suddenly a daredevil and I’m not sure if just using a moonsault makes that accurate. On the other hand, Reid is the southern belle who snaps when slightly pushed. That is something that could go somewhere, but Palmer is further along right now, despite having a more generic persona.

Drake Morreaux is ready to climb to the top.

Drake Morreaux vs. Dante Chen

They fight over wrist control to start until the much bigger Morreaux grabs a front facelock. A gator roll has Chen in more trouble and his takedown attempt is easily cut off. Morreaux hits a nice dropkick and we hit the seated full nelson. Chen fights up but gets pulled right back down into the same hold. Another comeback works a bit better as Chen hits an enziguri before knocking Morreaux outside for a dive. Back in and Morreaux gets kicked down again, setting up the double chop to finish for Chen at 7:40.

Rating: B-. Bruno Sammartino in his prime would go down to that double chop if it was on this show. Anyway, this was far better than I was expecting as Chen had to deal with the monster but could only get so far against someone that size. At the same time, they have something with Morreaux, but he needs a lot more polishing and experience to really get there. For now though, surprisingly good match and I’ll always take that.

Overall Rating: C+. This show got better as it sent on and that is not a bad way to go. What matters is making this show feel like it is different enough week to week, which is a rather difficult task given how it is set up. For a thirty minute show featuring the lowest people on the NXT roster, this was an entertaining way to go and I liked what I got out of it, so call this one a win.



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