Impact Wrestling – September 26, 2024: Time To Believe

Impact Wrestling
Date: September 26, 2024
Location: Boeing Center At Tech Point, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We are about a month away from Bound For Glory and this week will see the announcement of the show’s main event. Frankie Kazarian and Joe Hendry will face off in a #1 contenders match for the pay per view title shot against Nic Nemeth. Other than that, we’ll need to find out what else is happening at the show and the build should start here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Jordynne Grace/??? vs. Wendy Choo/Rosemary

The mystery partner is….NXT’s Sol Ruca, a surfer with an insane finisher. It’s a brawl before the bell to start and the villains are sent into each other, setting up a pair of dives to the floor. Back in and Rosemary takes Ruca down to choke away on the ropes before stomping away in the corner.

Ruca reverses a double suplex into a double neckbreaker though and it’s Grace coming in to clean house. Everything breaks down and the Sol Snatcher (Ruca runs the corner and does an inverted flip into a cutter. You kind of have to see it to see how impressive it is.) sets up the Juggernaut Driver but Tasha Steelz runs in to jump Grace for the DQ at 4:20.

Rating: C. The match was pretty much nothing but a way to get Ruca in the ring and show the fans her awesome finisher. Other than that, it would seem that Steelz is the next challenger to Grace, which is better than nothing as Grace is so far ahead of almost everyone else in the division. There wasn’t much time for action here but it did check two boxes in that short of a match.

Post match the beatdown stays on but Masha Slamovich runs in for the save.

Frankie Kazarian is ready for Joe Hendry tonight.

Laredo Kid vs. Jonathan Gresham

Gresham powers him into the corner to start and armdrags him back out of the corner. Another armdrag into a rollup gets two before they flip up into a standoff. Gresham actually goes for the mask but gets knocked outside for an anklescissors. Kid takes him down again and hits a running forearm in the corner back inside.

The middle rope moonsault hits raised knees though and Gresham grabs a Boston crab. For some reason Gresham switches that to a half crab but Kid makes the rope for a break. Kid’s back is good enough for Two Amigos into a brainbuster but Gresham is back up with a springboard moonsault. Gresham stomps on the leg and drives it into the mat until Kid taps at 6:58.

Rating: C+. In recent weeks, Gresham has been getting some wins in surprise ways and that’s a good way to go. It sets up the idea that Gresham can win with something other than a signature move and that makes things all the more interesting. As usual, Kid looked good in defeat, which is about all you can expect from him at this point.

Mike Santana storms the System’s locker room and noise is heard.

ABC/Zachary Wentz vs. Kushida/Leon Slater/Mike Bailey

Bailey and Wentz start things off but everything breaks down and we get the big six way staredown. We take a break and come back with Slater fighting out of a chinlock, allowing the tag to Kushida. The double tag brings in Bailey and Wentz for the face to face staredown. Wentz hits a dropkick and everything breaks down again with all six brawling. Slater hits a high crossbody to take out the ABC, setting up the big lip dive over the corner. Back in and the Swanton 450 misses, allowing Wentz to hit the UFO to pin Slater at 8:29.

Rating: B-. The more I see from Bailey, the less I understand why he is the champion again. Wentz was at least something fresh in the title picture but he just lost it back to Bailey a few weeks later. Odds are we get some kind of a showdown for the title at Bound For Glory, but it’s kind of hard to take Wentz seriously as a challenger when he lost clean in his first major title defense.

Cody Deaner interrupts Jake Something’s workout and tells him to not listen to Hammerstone, who is here too. Hammerstone offers to shut Deaner up.

Mike Santana wants Moose.

Lei Ying Lee vs. Hyan

Lee is better known as Xia Li. Hyan gets knocked down to start but rolls outside before Lee can dive off the top. Back in and Hyan fires off some kicks but Lee isn’t pleased. A spinning torture rack faceplant sets up a running spinning kick (Thunderstruck) to finish Hyan at 4:04.

Rating: C. This was your get to know you match for Lee, who looked fine enough in her debut. The striking and the kicking will always be worth at least a look as she knows how to do them, with the big spinning kick working fine as a finisher. Another short match, but it did what it needed to do.

Leon Slater apologizes to Mike Bailey for the loss but Bailey gives him a pep talk.

ABC wants the Tag Team Titles back. The Hardys come in and say they want the titles as well. Finger gestures and noises ensue.

Here is Josh Alexander for a chat. Alexander admits he deserves to be booed but now he believes in Joe Hendry. Alexander gave him the toughest fight he could and then went out on his shield. When Alexander was saying some stupid things, Eric Young tried to talk some sense into him so he would like Young to come out here right now.

Cue Young to say this is the real Walking Weapon, which Young seems to appreciate. Young is glad to have the real one back and he is glad that Alexander can admit that Hendry was the better man. Everything seems ok…and then Alexander suplexes him. Steve Maclin runs in for the save but Sinner & Saint helps beat the good guys down.

Santino Marella talks to Steph de Lander when Matt Cardona interrupts. Santino doesn’t care for this and puts Cardona in a Monster’s Ball match against PCO at Bound For Glory.

Heather Reckless vs. Xia Brookside

Brookside has a cowgirl theme this week. Reckless starts fast and chokes on the ropes as here is Ash By Elegance, also in cowgirl attire, to watch. Brookside fights out of a double arm crank and makes the clothesline comeback for two. The running knees connect in the corner so Reckless bails out to the floor. A snap suplex on the floor has Reckless in more trouble and they head back inside, where Reckless gets in a neck snap over the ropes. Rarefied Air finishes Brookside at 6:02.

Rating: C+. Reckless is someone who is becoming a bigger deal in a hurry and that is a good thing for the division. She is still relatively brand new and is already feeling like someone who could wind up becoming something. At the same time, Brookside losing again isn’t a great sign, as she hasn’t felt important in a good while.

Post break Reckless comes in to see Ash, whose concierge wants to give Reckless elegance.

Joe Hendry vs. Frankie Kazarian

For the Bound For Glory shot against Nic Nemeth, who is on commentary. Before the match, Hendry says Kazarian looks like the dad from Spy Kids and the brawl is on. Hendry fights out of the early beating and we take an early break. Back with Hendry slamming him down, setting up a springboard spinning legdrop for two.

Kazarian grabs a mic and shouts about how he DOES NOT believe in Joe Hendry while stomping away. Hendry is right back up with the fall away slam but the Standing Ovation is blocked. Kazarian’s chickenwing is broken up so Hendry grabs the ankle lock. That’s broken up as well, with Kazarian’s Fade To Black not working either. Hendry goes to the ankle lock, with Kazarian making the rope.

Back up and Kazarian hits the slingshot DDT, only to be sent outside in a heap. A suplex on the floor hits Kazarian but he gets in a cheap shot with…something for the quick pin at 9:50. Hold on though as Nemeth protests and Santino Marella comes out to say restart it. Kazarian knocks him down again but walks into a quick Standing Ovation to give Hendry the pin and the title shot at 12:43.

Rating: B-. Despite the fact that Kazarian has been pushed, it was hard to believe that Hendry was in any real danger of losing here, even when he did. Hendry has been the hottest thing in TNA for a long time now and it makes all the sense in the world for him to get the World Title shot. That’s the money match and this wasn’t so much about would he get here, but rather how he got there.

Nemeth applauds Hendry to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This show was all about setting up the main event of Bound For Glory and it worked out well enough. The rest of the show was perfectly acceptable but there was almost nothing that you needed to see. It was a rather run of the mill show, but what matters is setting things up for next month and this show took care of the biggest piece of that puzzle.

Jordynne Grace/Sol Ruca b. Rosemary/Wendy Choo via DQ when Tasha Steelz interfered
Jonathan Gresham b. Laredo Kid – Gresham rammed Kid’s knee into the mat
ABC/Zachary Wentz b. Kushida/Leon Slater/Mike Bailey – UFO to Slater
Lei Ying Lee b. Hyan – Thunderstruck
Heather Reckless b. Xia Brookside – Rarefied Air
Joe Hendry b. Frankie Kazarian – Standing Ovation



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