NXT LVL Up – October 4, 2024: Short And LVL Up

Date: October 4, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

NXT has officially moved over to the CW and, well, things didn’t really change that much. I’m not sure what it is going to mean around here, but last week’s show was pretty fun so it would be nice to replicate that this week. Then again you never know what you’re getting around here so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Adrianna Rizzo vs. Lainey Reid

The rest of the D’Angelo Family (minus Tony) is on commentary as Riz hits a Thesz press and hammers away. Some left hands in the corner don’t do much to Reid though, as she slips away and pulls Riz onto the turnbuckle. A hammerlock slam works on Riz’s arm but she sends Reid into the corner for two. Riz fights out of the armbar and snaps off a northern lights suplex to start the comeback. A springboard elbow sends Reid out to the apron but she’s back with a springboard kick to the face. Reid’s twisting suplex gets two but Riz is back with A Taste Of Risotto for the pin at 5:41.

Rating: C. Riz continues to look better and better each week and is becoming something other than the woman of the Family. If she can keep growing at this rate, she could be something in the title picture one day. On the other side you have Reid, who WWE certainly sees something in given how often she’s out there these days.

Harlem Lewis is a former college football player and is ready for Dante Chen. Well so much for his career.

Lainey Reid is upset at another loss but Riz says she’ll get her next time. This doesn’t seem to go well.

Harlem Lewis vs. Dante Chen

Chen works on the arm to start as the fans are already in his corner. Back up and Lewis runs him over and mocks the fans for their fandom. A running neck snap across the middle rope has Chen down again and Lewis hits some shoulders in the corner for two. Lewis’ big boot gets two more and we hit the neck crank. Chen fights up but gets suplexed back down for two more. They fight over a suplex until Chen gets the better of things and the comeback is on. A superkick sends Lewis outside for a bit, only for Chen to run him over back inside. The Gentle Touch finishes for Chen at 6:56.

Rating: C. It was a Dante Chen math, meaning it was all about giving Lewis his first chance. I’m not sure what they have with Lewis here, but at least he got the chance to get out there. He was antagonizing the crowd a bit and could easily be seen as unlikable, so maybe there is something there, though you can only get so much out of that with such a short match. In other words, what else are you supposed to get out of about seven minutes?

Overall Rating: C. Not much to see here with the shorter version of the show. Riz continues to look like she could be something in the future but there wasn’t much else of note this week. As usual, it’s such a guessing game of what you’re going to see around here and that was on full display here.



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