NXT – October 8, 2024: That’s A Bold Move

Date: October 8, 2024
Location: The Factory At The District, Chesterfield, Missouri
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

It’s the second straight week on the road as we are close enough to St. Louis for a pretty big show. There are two title matches this week, plus Randy Orton will be facing Je’Von Evans, which feels like a way to have the biggest RKO imaginable. Well at least the biggest involving Evans. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a long recap of last week’s debut on the CW, including Trick Williams regaining the NXT Title.

Here is Trick Williams to get things going. He’s excited to become Tricky Two Times (nope) but there are sharks coming for the title. Cue Wes Lee in the crowd, saying he is coming to become a triple crown champion. Williams isn’t impressed, but Lee promises to leave him in the dust “like his father did”. Cue Jey Uso to interrupt and the place goes coconuts. Williams is rather pleased and doesn’t think anyone is coming for them.

Kelani Jordan/Bianca Belair/Jade Cargill vs. Fatal Influence

Everything breaks down fast and Fatal Influence is triple slammed out to the floor so the heroes can pose. Back in and Belair hammers on Henley in the corner before cutting off an interfering Jayne. Cargill comes in for a double hiptoss before press slamming Jordan onto Henley for two. A cheap shot cuts Jordan off though and we take a break.

Back with Jayne missing a Cannonball to Jordan. A belly to back suplex doesn’t work either and it’s Cargill coming in to clean house. House is quickly cleaned and a chokeslam plants Nyx. Cargill hits a Dominator to drop Belair onto Nyx for two as Jayne makes the save. Everything breaks down and Jordan kind of hits a moonsault to take out Henley and Jayne. Belair blocks a running knee from Nyx and faceplants her down. The assisted wheelbarrow suplex sets up One Of A Kind to give Jordan the pin at 12:07.

Rating: C+. This was little more than a way to get Jordan in the ring with some bigger stars and that worked out rather well. What matters the most here is getting Jordan over as a bigger star and having her rub elbows with top names. Fatal Influence is still going to be around and still won’t feel important, but they’re still fine in their current roles.

Nathan Frazier and Axiom argue over whether Je’Von Evans s faster than Frazier, with Randy Orton not caring. Orton says Frazier being kind of a hot head isn’t a bad thing.

Giulia is interrupted by someone we don’t see, but Giulia refers to them as “my old friend”.

Here is Roxanne Perez to laugh about how she is still the Women’s Champion while everyone else is disappointed. Then someone else will be built up and Perez can drink their tears again. Now one of her old friends is back so cue Cora Jade to join her. Jade did not like being forgotten while she was gone so now it’s time to make everyone pay for forgetting her. Even Perez was surprised last week and now it’s time to take care of everyone. Cue Giulia to interrupt, with Stephanie Vaquer joining her. The fight is on and the villains are cleared out, with Vaquer and Giulia holding up the title.

The No Quarter Catch Crew is ready for Vaquer next week and then run into Lexis King, who says Oro Mensah stole a win from him last week. King is thinking of a match where Mensah can’t cheat and wonders if the Crew has an idea. They settle on the idea of a Gentleman’s Duel, with specifics to be specified.

North American Title: Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo

D’Angelo, with the Family, is challenging. Femi powers him around to start and grabs a headlock to grind away. D’Angelo fights up and hits a clothesline to the floor, where Femi plants him hard onto the apron as we take a break. Back with Femi bending D’Angelo’s back over his knee but D’Angelo powers his way out.

A Cactus Clothesline puts both of the on the floor, where Femi goes after the family. That doesn’t work for D’Angelo, who suplexes Femi onto the ramp for the big crash. Back in and D’Angelo plants him down for two, only to walk into a chokeslam for an even nearer two. Some clotheslines miss for Femi though and D’Angelo rolls some German suplexes.

Femi throws him right back down though and they both need a breather. A middle rope elbow sends D’Angelo outside again, where he spinebusters Femi through the announcers’ table. Back in and another spinebuster gives D’Angelo a very near fall so Femi grabs him by the throat. Another chokeslam is countered into a sunset flip to give D’Angelo the pin and the title at 13:59.

Rating: B. These two have chemistry together but dang that’s a bold move to have anyone go over Femi clean. D’Angelo got a big reaction for the win and I like the idea of him having a big moment, but Femi has felt like an absolute beast and then he loses here. It wouldn’t surprise me to see Femi on the main roster sooner than later, but him coming after the NXT Title would certainly be in the cards as well.

The big celebration is on as Femi looks rather surprised.

Last week, Lola Vice and Jaida Parker argued after their tag match.

Vice demands Ava give Parker a match but Nikkita Lyons interrupts. Vice isn’t impressed and a match seems likely.

Tag Team Titles: A-Town Down Under vs. Axiom/Nathan Frazier

Axiom and Frazier are defending. Frazier and Waller start things off with the champs taking over early on. Everything breaks down and Waller is sent outside, only for Theory to knock Axiom outside as well. We take a break and come back with Axiom in trouble but Frazier gets in a forearm to Waller on the outside. Axiom knocks Theory down though and hits a top rope splash, allowing the tag back to Frazier. The pace picks up and a double DDT plants the challenges.

Everything breaks down and Theory hits a spinning faceplant for two on Frazier. Axiom pulls Waller into a rear naked choke and Frazier guillotines Theory at the same time. Theory muscles his way out and drops Frazier onto the other two for the save. The villains almost collide but Axiom hits the Golden Ratio on Theory. A Canadian Destroyer knocks Waller silly, setting up the phoenix splash to retain the titles at 11:18.

Rating: B-. Another nice match here, even with Frazier and Axiom’s issues continuing. I’m not sure if or when they’re going to split but it’s kind of gotten to the point where it wouldn’t make sense for them to break up. They still need some new challengers from NXT though, as this was a pretty short term set of imports.

Video on Ridge Holland being ready to destroy Chase U.

Holland is glad about what he has done but Riley Osborne runs in for the brawl.

Sexxy Red performs until Ethan Page interrupts. This place has fallen apart since he lost the title, including a wannabe concert. Cue Je’Von Evans to clear Page out.

A woman in red is coming, with something of a Walking Dead style vignette.

Randy Orton vs. Je’Von Evans

Feeling out process to start as the fans are rather pleased to have Orton here. Orton works on the arm before knocking Evans’ springboard out of the air (with a little finger wag for some flavor). Evans gets in a shot of his own though and Orton is knocked outside as we take a break.

Back with Evans’ dive being cut off, setting up a heck of a drop onto the announcers’ table. Orton does stop to fix the table and offers an apology…then drops Evans three more times. Back in and Evans manages to hit a springboard clothesline and strikes Orton down for two. A springboard cutter is blocked though and Orton snaps off the powerslam (more a belly to belly this time) for two.

Evans kicks him down again and now the huge top rope cutter gets two. Evans goes up and tries something, only to dive…well not into but next to the RKO, which didn’t come close (to be fair, it was a hard one to pull off). Thankfully Orton hits a regular one for the pin at 10:56.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t a match built around who was going to win, but rather about what kind of things Evans could do before losing to the RKO. They did botch the ending sequence, but it was a rather complicated setup and thankfully they didn’t panic and just did something simple to end it. Evans got in some good stuff here before the only realistic ending and that’s fine.

Orton shows respect.

Ava makes a #1 contenders match between Ethan Page, Wes Lee and Je’Von Evans, with the winner getting the title shot at Halloween Havoc.

Overall Rating: C+. NXT has only done so much since coming over to the CW, as the shows have been built as a big deal but have only done so much. This week felt a bit less interesting than last week, but now things can start getting going towards Halloween Havoc as they head back to Full Sail. Good enough show this week, but only Femi vs. D’Angelo is worth a look.

Bianca Belair/Jade Cargill/Kelani Jordan b. Fatal Influence – One Of A Kind to Nyx
Tony D’Angelo b. Oba Femi – Rollup
Nathan Frazier/Axiom b. A-Town Down Under – Phoenix splash to Waller
Randy Orton b. Je’Von Evans – RKO



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4 Responses

  1. Nick Vera says:

    What happened to A-Town Down Under not getting along? Last I saw of them they seemed to be on the verge of breaking up.

  2. “A Cactus Clothesline puts both of the on the floor”

    Both of the who?

    Also, I must deplore WWE’s “Meta AI Name Generator” approach to women’s stables. Toxic Attraction, Fatal Influence…was the AI specifically told: “Hey Meta, generate stable names that sound like 90’s neo-noir movies”?

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