NXT – October 15, 2024: Keep Going Women

Date: October 15, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re back at the home base after a few weeks on the road, meaning it’s time for something big for the home crowd. In this case that means we’ll be seeing the in-ring debut of Stephanie Vaquer as she faces Wren Sinclair. On top of that, the Wheel is back and we get to see some stipulations for next weekend’s Halloween Havoc. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

The commentators are in front of the entrance to hype up the show. Nothing wrong with that.

We recap last week.

Here is new North American Champion Tony D’Angelo in the ring at a table with a glass of wine to celebrate his new title. He toasts former champion Oba Femi, who was the longest reigning champion in history, but D’Angelo used Femi’s greatest strength against him. Part of him wants to think this is over, but since it probably isn’t, to Femi, who is here to interrupt. Femi says we’re not done and next time, the Family won’t be around. As he leaves he spins the wheel, which is apparently for their rematch at Halloween Havoc, which will be Tables, Ladders And Scares. Ok then.

We go over the rules of the Gentlemen’s Duel (breaking any of these is a DQ):

• Can’t strike opponent when they have our points of contact on the ground.
• Can’t throw someone over the top and out to the floor.
• 3 count on a rope break instead of 5
• Absolutely no fighting on the floor

Oro Mensah doesn’t know what’s up with Lexis King wanting this match. King comes in and says it’s going to be fair, with Mensah not buying it.

Stephanie Vaquer vs. Wren Sinclair

They go to the mat to start with Vaquer getting some early rollups for two each. Sinclair flips over for some Cattle Mutilation, which is quickly broken up. Vaquer kicks her down and hits a running legdrop for two as Sinclair can’t get much going. A dragon screw legwhip out of the corner has Sinclair down again and a double underhook backbreaker finishes her off at 4:41.

Rating: C+. They were mainly going technical here and that’s a fine way to go for the debuting Vaquer. She looked like a killer out there and ran through Sinclair, who is just good enough of a star that she has some value in defeat. Vaquer is going to be something big around here and this was a smart way to start her off.

Post match Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade run in for the beatdown but Giulia makes the save. Vaquer issues the challenge for Halloween Havoc.

Trick Williams is in the back with Kelani Jordan and they’re both ready to find out their next challenges. Fatal Influence watches from the shadows as Jordan still can’t talk.

Karmen Petrovic and Brinley Reece are in the back when Ashante Thee Adonis comes in to try and make amends. Shawn Spears and Brooks Jensen don’t approve and they have to be separated. Petrovic seems interested in the torn up flower.

Lexis King vs. Oro Mensah

Gentlemen’s Duel. They go to the mat to start before locking up to little avail. Mensah slugs away so King drops to all fours, with Mensah having to stop to avoid the DQ. King’s middle rope spinning high crossbody gets two but Mensah is back with his own running crossbody as we take a break.

Back with King hitting a Swanton for two but Mensah sweeps the leg and starts the comeback. They trade uppercuts until Mensah hits a rolling Liger Kick. King tries to go up but gets kicked down again, setting up a springboard kick to the face for two. The running spinwheel kick in the corner misses but Mensah reverses the Coronation into a small package for another near fall. The trade rollups until King bridges back on one for the pin at 10:57.

Rating: C+. Well it was different, but this feud is still not that interesting and yet it just keeps going. King winning clean is a bit of a twist as his face turn continues to be teased, though he’s not quite there yet. I’m not sure where this is going, though I’d hope it’s in some different directions for them as this hasn’t been getting either of them very far.

Cedric Alexander and Je’Von Evans are talking to Axiom and Nathan Frazier when Wes Lee interrupts. Lee doesn’t wan Evans to think that he matters just because he’s in a #1 contenders match. Just stay out of Lee’s way tonight, but Evans doesn’t think much of that one. They argue and have to be separated.

Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend want to take out Damage CTRL and then get the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Video on Nikkita Lyons.

Lola Vice vs. Nikkita Lyons

Vice kicks her down and dances a bit before Lyons does the same. Lyons powers Vice into the corner but misses a charge into the post. Vice takes it to the mat and hammers away, setting up the running hip attack in the corner. Cue Jaida Parker for a distraction, and a running knee, allowing Lyons to hit a Vader Bomb for the pin at 3:50.

Rating: C. I know she has star power and the fans seem to like her but I can’t get interested in Lyons. Maybe it’s that she keeps getting injured and disappearing but there is something about her that is a bit offputting. Parker vs. Vince continuing is fine as they can have a big showdown at Halloween Havoc, though I’m not sure what is next for Lyons.

Ava makes Giulia/Stephanie Vaquer vs. Roxanne Perez/Cora Jade for Halloween Havoc but Fatal Influence interrupts. They don’t like matches being handed out like that so Ava makes a tag match for next week instead.

Riley Osborne vs. Ridge Holland

Thea Hail is here with Osborne, who knocks him off the apron before the bell and hits a big running flip dive to the floor. They get inside to officially start with Holland fighting back and hitting a running knee to take over. Osborne fights off the announcers’ table though and hits a running DDT to the floor. Back in and Holland grabs a head and arms superplex to put Osborne right back down. The lifting DDT finishes or Holland at 3:43.

Rating: C+. They started fast here and it made for a good enough match, with Osborne fighting for Chase U but coming up short in the end. This is pretty clearly just Holland clearing out the rest of the team until Andre Chase is back and that’s a logical story to tell. Halloween Havoc would make for a good spot for Chase vs. Holland, and there are no more roadblocks before Chase can come back.

Post match Holland keeps up the beating but Andre Chase is back for the save. Holland is cleared out and Hail is VERY pleased as we get a MR. CHASE chant. So there’s another Havoc match.

We look at Tatum Paxley saving Sol Ruca from Wendy Choo in a dark match last week.

Paxley, with her dolls, isn’t happy with Choo for stabbing her in the back and playing with said dolls. Jaida Parker and OTM (hey they’re still here) interrupt but Paxley actually argues with them for interrupting. Parker says she doesn’t play.

Ashante Thee Adonis vs. Brooks Jensen

Jensen powers him into the corner to start but Adonis is back with a running clothesline. Adonis rakes the eyes and scores with some forearms, only for Jensen to knock him right back down. A missed charge sends Jensen outside, where Adonis takes him down again. Back in and a dropkick hits Jensen but here is Karmen Petrovic to pour out the rose petals from earlier. Oddly that fires Adonis up, at least until Jensen catches him on top and hits a hanging DDT for the pin at 4:36.

Rating: C. Not much time for this one and it was only so much of a story in the first place. Adonis’ ladies man deal is finally starting to go somewhere but it’s still not the most interesting stuff. Jensen and Shawn Spears aren’t much ether, but this is better than Jensen being all weird and wrecking things. I think.

The unnamed woman in red is still coming.

Lexis King leaves and says hi to various wrestlers, including the D’Angelo Family. The family wants to soften up Oba Femi next week.

Wes Lee vs. Ethan Page vs. Je’Von Evans

For the NXT Title shot at Halloween Havoc. Lee gets superkicked at the bell and Evans sunset flips Page for two. Evans kicks Lee out to the floor and hurricanranas Page in a snazzy sequence. Page drops Evans for a near fall of his own but Lee is back in to take them both down again. They go outside, where Page throws Lee over the announcers’ table, only to get taken out by Evans as we take a break.

Back with Evans missing a charge in the crowd and all three are down. Lee and Evans slug it out until Page hits a powerslam for two on Evans, with Lee making the save. We get the circle strike off and everyone is down again. Page knocks Lee off the top but Evans is right there with a running super Spanish Fly for two more. Ego’s Edge is broken up and Evans’ top rope cutter gets another near fall. Something like a Tower Of Doom is broken up so Evans hits the spinning top rope splash, only for Page to steal the pin at 15:28.

Rating: B-. Yes Page vs. Williams is continuing and I’m not sure I get why either. It’s a feud that has come and gone with Williams getting the definitive win. I guess the idea here is that Williams doesn’t have anyone else to face so they’ll do some gimmick match where Williams can get another win, but dang that’s not exactly exciting.

Post match Page calls out Trick Williams to spin the wheel and it’s….Devil’s Playground. Page drops Williams to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. NXT hasn’t been doing much for me lately, as while it’s technically sound, it’s not exactly intriguing. As has been the case for a good while, the women’s division is far outshining their male counterparts, but even that is only taking them so far. The main event was just decent this week and there was nothing on here that you need to see. Maybe Halloween Havoc boosts it up, but this hasn’t been the most exciting run over the last few months.

Stephanie Vaquer b. Wren Sinclair – Butterfly backbreaker
Lexis King b. Oro Mensah – Bridging rollup
Nikkita Lyons b. Lola Vice – Vader Bomb
Ridge Holland b. Riley Osborne – Lifting DDT
Brooks Jensen b. Ashante Thee Adonis – Hanging DDT
Ethan Page b. Je’Von Evans and Wes Lee – Rollup to Evans



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