NXT – November 19, 2024: They Did It

Date: November 19, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We have some major stakes tonight as Chase U’s future is on the line when Andre Chase faces Ridge Holland. The #1 contendership to the NXT Title is on the line too but that doesn’t seem to be as important. Other than that, we have more Iron Survivor Challenge qualifying matches. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Axiom and Nathan Frazier still can’t get along over Frazier wanting single success and Axiom wanting to focus on the tag teams.

Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifying Match: Nathan Frazier vs. Eddy Thorpe

Axiom is here with Frazier, who is wrestled down to the mat but Frazier is up with a leg lariat. Various tag teams pop up to watch as Thorpe kicks away in the corner but misses a charge into the buckle. A reverse Hennig necksnap gives Frazier two and they collide for a double knockdown as we take a break. Back with even more teams coming out to distract Frazier, allowing Thorpe to belly to back superplex him down for two. The teams get in a big brawl on the floor so Frazier dives onto them, followed by a swinging suplex to Thorpe. The Phoenix splash gives Frazier the pin at 10:34.

Rating: C+. This was more about the tag stuff, which still isn’t really going anywhere other than a bunch of wild brawling. Frazier getting a spot is fine way to go as he can fly around the ring and do his stuff, which is rather good. The match itself wasn’t the point here and that’s ok, as Thorpe wasn’t likely getting the Challenge spot anyway.

Andre Chase talks to Chase U and goes over some of their accomplishments and how it’s time to put it all on the line to stop Ridge Holland.

Giulia talks about bringing her Beautiful Madness to NXT and promises to win the Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge.

Robert Stone and Stevie Turner are with Kelani Jordan, who wants Giulia in a qualifying match next week.

Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifying Match: Jaida Parker vs. Stephanie Vaquer

Parker shoulders her own a few times to start so Vaquer goes after the arm. Some cranking has Parker in trouble until she sends Vaquer into the corner for the sitdown splash as we take a break. Back with Parker hitting a reverse suplex for two and cranking on both arms. Vaquer fights up and hits a running Meteora in the corner, followed by the figure four necklock faceplants onto the mat. Parker is back up with a Falcon Arrow for two but cue Lola Vice to break up the Hipnotic. Vaquer hits a superkick into the package backbreaker for the pin at 10:54.

Rating: C+. This was another match where the result wasn’t quite in question, as Vaquer wasn’t going to lose a singles match so soon into her NXT run. That being said, I’m not wild on having Parker lose again, even with the distraction. Parker is starting to turn into something around here and I could go for having her move up a bit, though she shouldn’t have beaten Vaquer. Put someone else in the spot instead.

Dion Lennox and Brinley Reece fire each other up.

Roxanne Perez is on vacation until after Deadline but Sol Ruca pops up to say she’s coming for the title.

Tony D’Angelo vs. Brooks Jensen

Non-title with Riz and Shawn Spears here as well. D’Angelo forearms him own to start and hammers away in the corner but Jensen gets in a hot shot for a breather. The chinlock goes on with Jensen switching it into a rear naked choke but D’Angelo is back up. D’Angelo bangs up his knee on the ropes and Jensen’s Codebreaker gets two. Back up and the spinebuster finishes Jensen in a hurry at 4:24.

Rating: C. This felt like a way to set up Shawn Spears as the next challenger to D’Angelo, as he can get Jensen to soften D’Angelo up for the title match. D’Angelo as a smashing machine is a little weird but he’s doing well enough. He needs a more interesting challenger than Jensen and Spears though, as I’m not sure how well the latter would go in a big time title match.

Post match Jensen takes out the bad knee again.

Ashante Thee Adonis and Karmen Petrovic are ready for their mixed tag. Flirting is included.

Lexis King is trying to be the best version of himself that he can be and people are starting to take notice. Yoshiki Inamura says he understands and King leaves. Josh Briggs comes in to ask what that was about and Inamura says he doesn’t know because this is a crazy place. We pan over to the tag teams still brawling. Inamura: “My kind of crazy!”

Ashante Thee Adonis/Karmen Petrovic vs. Dion Lennox/Brinley Reece

They come to the ring in Washington State/Oregon State gear for a college football tie-in. The women are set to start but a pair of tags…mean the women are going to start. Or not as more tags mean it’s the men. Or maybe the women. Reece finally rolls Petrovic up for two before Petrovic goes after the arm. Adonis tags himself in and gets hiptossed by Lennox but comes back with some dropkicks. Lennox is sent throat first into the top rope to slow him down again but manages to get over for the tag anyway. Reece cleans house until Adonis offers a flirty distraction, allowing Petrovic to kick her in the face for the pin at 3:54.

Rating: C. This story has been going on for a few months now and I’m still not sure I get the appeal. Petrovic falling for Adonis, who doesn’t seem to have any kind of similar feelings, isn’t making her look bright but it’s giving her something to do. Lennox and Reece still aren’t doing much but they’re good for opponents in a spot like this.

Ridge Holland is ready to end Chase U.

Video on the Iron Survivor Challenge.

Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifying Match: Wren Sinclair vs. Zaria

Charlie Dempsey is here with Sinclair. Zaria stalks her to start and blocks a rollup without much effort. Some suplexes have Sinclair down and her dropkick attempt goes badly. Sinclair gets two off a rollup but Zaria knocks her to the floor without much effort. Dempsey offers a distraction so Sinclair can get in a dive, followed by a rollup for two back inside. Zaria has had it with this and hits a spear into the F5 for the pin at 4:04.

Rating: C+. Sinclair got in some offense here but Zaria is all about enacting beast mode and running through anyone in front of her. That’s a good role for her as there is always a place for that kind of a powerhouse. The match was a fine way to get another top name into the challenge, as putting these new names into some kind of a competition is the right way to go.

Tony D’Angelo is banged up but ready to fight Shawn Spears on one leg. Ava agrees and then tells Eddy Thorpe that the tag tams getting involved in his match isn’t enough of a reason to reverse the decision. Thorpe doesn’t like the double standard with D’Angelo and leaves.

Fatal Influence still doesn’t like all of the newcomers but want to fight. Fallon Henley is ready for an open challenge for next week…and here is Meta Four to interrupt. They’re ready to accept but a bunch of other women come in for a brawl. Tatum Paxley jumps Henley and lays her out to hold up the title.

Shawn Spears is pleased with Brooks Jensen.

Karmen Petrovic is happy with Ashante Thee Adonis…but Nikkita Lyons comes in to say she’s still waiting on that text back from Adonis. Petrovic isn’t pleased but Adonis says he never texted Lyons.

Ethan Page is ready to win the Iron Survivor Challenge and he’ll qualify next week.

Nathan Frazier isn’t impressed with Page but Axiom is ready to stop him from winning. Frazier isn’t pleased with Axiom being in but if Frazier can do it, why not him too?

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Andre Chase acknowledges being hard on a bunch of his students….but he wouldn’t apologize for a thing. It’s time to become NXT Champion.

Ridge Holland vs. Andre Chase

For the #1 contendership (Trick Williams is on commentary) and Chase U is basically done if Chase loses. Chase sends him into the corner to start but gets run over with a hard shot. Holland goes outside and pulls up the floor mats but takes too long, allowing Chase to hit a flip dive off the apron. We take a break and come back with Holland muscling him up into a spinning DDT for two.

A low blow takes Chase down again but here is Duke Hudson to pull the referee out and brawl with Holland. That’s broken up so Holland goes after Thea Hail, with Riley Osborne making the save this time. Holland gorilla presses Osborne onto the exposed concrete but Chase is back up for the brawl. Chase’s Russian legsweep into the spelling stomps gets two before a powerbomb out of the corner connects for the same. Holland rolls through a high crossbody though and the lifting DDT finishes Chase at 11:57.

Rating: B. Dang they actually did it. Chase U isn’t likely going away but it’s going to be completely changed in some way, whatever that means. Holland getting to be the one to slay the school is certainly a big step, though I wasn’t quite expecting it to come in a clean win. Holland is ready for a title shot now, and based on this, I’d be surprised if he didn’t win the thing.

Chase and the school are devastated to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This was all about the main event and it worked well, with most of the rest being about setting up the Iron Survivor Challenges. That makes for a focused show with a theme to it, but stuff liked the mixed tag and the D’Angelo vs. Spears/Jensen parts weren’t so good. Deadline is coming together, but dang tonight’s main event was a punch to the gut.

Nathan Frazier b. Eddy Thorpe – Phoenix splash
Stephanie Vaquer b. Jaida Parker – Package backbreaker
Tony D’Angelo b. Brooks Jensen – Spinebuster
Karmen Petrovic/Ashante Thee Adonis b. Dion Lennox/Brinley Reece – Kick to Reece
Zaria b. Wren Sinclair – F5
Ridge Holland b. Andre Chase – Lifting DDT



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