Collision – November 30, 2024: How AEW Can Be Really Good

Date: November 30, 2024
Location: Wintrust Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

It’s the first half of an AEW double shot this weekend, with Rampage set to follow. Thankfully this week is going to be focused on the Continental Classic, which all but guarantees that we have some good action. Other than that, we’re still dealing with the fallout from Full Gear so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

Continental Classic Gold League: Will Ospreay vs. Juice Robinson

They take turns flipping away from each other until Ospreay snaps off a hurricanrana. A dropkick in the Tree of Woe takes Robinson down but the Octopus is blocked. Robinson’s backsplash hits knees but he drops Ospreay to slow things down again though. Another hurricanrana is countered into a powerbomb to drop Ospreay and we take a break.

Back with Ospreay hitting a forearm to the floor and adding a slingshot dive. A standing corkscrew splash gives Ospreay two more but Robinson is back up with a leg lariat. Ospreay manages a Stundog Millionaire but walks into a left hand for two. A question mark kick into the Styles Clash gives Ospreay two more and the Hidden Blade finishes Robinson at 12:35.

Rating: B. Robinson got a chance to showcase his abilities here, which he doesn’t get to do on his own very often. That’s kind of a shame too as he’s rather good at this kind of match. On the other hand, Ospreay needed a win after his clean loss to Kyle Fletcher, which still doesn’t make a ton of sense but here we are anyway. Good opener here.

Gold League Standings

Claudio Castagnoli – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Will Osprey – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Brody King – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Darby Allin – 0 points (4 matches remaining)
Ricochet – 0 points (4 matches remaining)
Juice Robinson – 0 points (4 matches remaining

Mariah May says she and Mina Shirakawa are closer than ever because Mina loves America and wants to be champion. If that’s what she wants, come take the title. Mina can bleed and cry, but she can’t say May didn’t love her.

MxM Collection/Johnny TV vs. Private Party/Mistico

Mistico runs the ropes to start and snaps off a hurricanrana into the La Mistica faceplant to TV. Private Party comes in to double team Mansoor down but it’s back to TV to stomp away. Mansoor and TV tie up Quen’s legs for Madden’s running kick, which Nigel finds rather amusing. Quen flips out of a belly to back suplex and rolls over for the much needed tag to Kassidy.

Everything breaks down and Kassidy hits a big running flip dive to take out TV on the floor. Back in and Kassidy misses a Swanton as everything breaks down. Madden plants Quen for two but the Centerfold is broken up. TV gets crotched on top and Mistico hits a dive, leaving Private Party to hit Gin & Juice for the pin on TV at 8:18.

Rating: B-. This was the fast paced match you were probably expecting, though it continues the tradition of AEW not doing much to advertise Mistico. He’s one of the biggest stars in the world but you would never know it given that he gets all of three days’ notice for these appearances. As usual, the match went well and everyone was getting to do their thing, though it’s kind of an odd pairing of good guys.

Anna Jay talks about her career going up and down but she lost everything against Mariah May. There are other titles though and she can take the big swing. Maybe it’s time to try someone else.

Continental Classic Blue League: Kyle Fletcher vs. The Beast Mortos

Don Callis is on commentary. They trade shoulders to start until Mortos hits a hard clothesline to put him down. A monkey flip and a powerslam give Mortos two but Fletcher puts him on top for a big right hand to the floor. We take a break and come back with the Michinoku Driver giving Fletcher two but Mortos hits a running flipping DDT. The big corkscrew dive to the floor takes Fletcher down again, only to have him avoid a moonsault back inside. Mortos gets creative with a top rope crucifix driver but Fletcher forearms him in the face. A hard clothesline drops Mortos and a brainbuster finishes for Fletcher at 9:53.

Rating: B. These two beat the fire out of each other and while it seems that we are on the way to Ospreay vs. Fletcher II in a major tournament match, Fletcher needs some more wins to get ready for something that big. That means beating Mortos for a start, though that isn’t exactly the most unique accomplishment. For now though, it’s a nice first step as Fletcher’s push continues.

Blue League Standings

Kyle Fletcher – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Shelton Benjamin – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Daniel Garcia – 0 points (5 matches remaining)
Kazuchika Okada – 0 points (5 matches remaining)
Mark Briscoe – 0 points (4 matches remaining)
The Beast Mortos – 0 points (4 matches remaining)

We recap Kyle O’Reilly and Adam Cole entering the battle royal to get a chance at MJF

The Undisputed Kingdom ask O’Reilly to respect them and let them finish this. O’Reilly says he respects the plan, which they don’t understand.

We look back at Konosuke Takeshita retaining the International Title against Ricochet at Full Gear.

Don Callis is proud of Takeshita, but he’s even more excited about the coming year.

Outrunners vs. Iron Savages

Jacked Jameson is here with the Savages. Boulder throws Magnum into the corner to start and the Savages mock the Outrunners spin. A corner splash sets up some hip thrusting but Bronson slips off the middle rope. Floyd comes in for a big wind up punch and a slam to Bronson. An assisted slam puts Boulder down and Total Recall finishes Bronson at 2:57. Exactly what it should have been, maybe without the Savages.

Post match here is FTR

Max Caster, with his ripped jacket, wants Swerve Strickland at Dynamite. As the leader of the Acclaimed, he gave the rest of the team the week off after Bowens lost at Full Gear.

Hangman Page vs. Wheeler Yuta

Page easily takes him down to start and Yuta rethinks things a bit. A slam puts Yuta down again and Page rams him into the corner over and over. They go to the floor where Yuta is dropped face first onto the apron and a toss into the barricade has him in more trouble. Back in and a springboard clothesline misses for Page, allowing Yuta to take out the leg. Some twisting of the leg has Page in more trouble as commentary talks about this being “classic Death Rider strategy.” Thankfully Nigel goes with what “work on a limb” is by dubbing it “wrestling 101”.

We take a break and come back with Page throwing him off the top and kneeing Yuta out to the floor. Yuta is sent into the barricade a few times, followed by a Death Valley Driver for two back inside. Cue the Death Riders through the crowd and the distraction lets Yuta get two off a small package. The Buckshot Lariat doesn’t work due to the knee but the seatbelt only gives Yuta two. The Deadeye finishes for Page at 12:11.

Rating: B-. I can go for Page getting back into the main event scene, though it makes his losses to Jay White all the odder of a choice. Other than that, he’s going to need some help and as long as that isn’t in the form of the Elite, it could be interesting. For now though, more Page is a good thing, though he wasn’t quite as insane here.

Post match Page glares at the Death Riders and wraps a chair around Yuta. Cue Jay White to give Yuta a Blade Runner and say he’s coming for the World Title.

Thunder Rosa plugs tonight’s lucha libre Rampage and suggests she wants the Women’s Title match at Winter Is Coming.

Christopher Daniels talks to Hangman Page and tells him to be the man that AEW needs. Page doesn’t want to hear it from an old man like Daniels.

Mina Shirakawa vs. Leila Grey

Grey grabs a headlock to start but Shirakawa is quickly out for some dancing. They slug it out until Shirakawa kicks her in the face. A running clothesline gives Shirakawa two and a spinning backfist gets the same. The Glamorous Driver is broken up but the second attempt finishes for Shirakawa at 3:23.

Rating: C. This was short and to the point as it should have been as there was no reason to have someone of Grey’s status giving Shirakawa a real run for her money. Grey has improved a lot but she was in over her head here. Shirakawa is ready for the Women’s Title shot against Mariah May and she needed to win here.

Willow Nightingale is ready to put in the work and win the Women’s International Cup at Wrestle Dynasty.

Continental Classic Blue League: Kazuchika Okada vs. Daniel Garcia

Non-title. Feeling out process to start with Garcia’s running shoulder not having much effect. An exchange of rollups wakes Garcia up and he knocks Okada outside as we take an early break. Back with Okada missing a backsplash and a slingshot hilo but Garcia has to fight out of a cobra clutch.

Some running clotheslines in the corner connect for Garcia and he grabs a sleeper. The running kick to the chest (ala Katsuyori Shibata) gets two and they head outside with Okada being sent into the barricade. The running dropkick (with double middle fingers) hits Okada but he suckers the referee in, allowing a chair shot to Garcia.

We take another break and come back again with Garcia hitting a superplex for a delayed two. Okada is back up with an Air Raid Crash onto the knee for two but Okada spends too much time posing and gets his ankle locked. That’s broken up and Garcia fires off the chops until a double knockdown gives them a breather. The Rainmaker is loaded up but Garcia reverses into the Sharpshooter. The hold stays on for over a minute and the time limit expires at 20:00.

Rating: B. It was long, but it never really came close to that next level. Okada has only gotten into that higher gear a few times in AEW and he didn’t do it again here. That being said, I was worried about how this match was going to go as neither of them should be taking a fall, especially Garcia. The draw was the right way to go and thankfully they didn’t do anything insane here.

Blue League Standings

Kyle Fletcher – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Shelton Benjamin – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Daniel Garcia – 1 point (4 matches remaining)
Kazuchika Okada – 1 point (4 matches remaining)
Mark Briscoe – 0 points (4 matches remaining)
The Beast Mortos – 0 points (4 matches remaining)

Okada flips him off and leaves rather than shake hands to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. Two hours of solid action with results that actually matter and some storylines being advanced. You don’t get that kind of a show very often and I will absolutely take it over some of the things AEW has been doing lately. The tournament stuff helps these shows a lot and that was on display here, as things instantly felt more important. I’m not sure how long that is going to last, but I’ll take it even as a one off show.

Will Ospreay b. Juice Robinson – Hidden Blade
Mistico/Private Party b. Johnny TV/MxM Collection – Gin & Juice to TV
Kyle Fletcher b. The Beast Mortos – Brainbuster
Outrunners b. Iron Savages – Total Recall to Bronson
Hangman Page b. Wheeler Yuta – Deadeye
Mina Shirakawa b. Leila Grey – Glamorous Driver



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