Dynamite – December 25, 2025: Wrapping It Up
Date: December 25, 2024
Location: Hammerstein Ballroom, New York City, New York
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz
It’s time for the end of the Continental Classic and that means we have a bunch of matches to wrap up the whole thing. In this case we have to get ready for Saturday’s Worlds End pay per view, so the rest of the show is going to need some more time as well. Granted nothing has come close to receiving the focus of the tournament so there is a lot to cover here. Let’s get to it.
Here is Collision if you need a recap.
Continental Classic Gold League: Will Ospreay (6 points) vs. Brody King (6 points)
The loser is eliminated. King powers him into the corner to start and easily blocks a hurricanrana attempt. A shoulder drops Ospreay but he gets the knees up to stop a backsplash. The Ganso Bomb is blocked as well and they head outside, with King hammering away to take back over. Back in and we hit the neck crank for a bit before they slug it out. Ospreay goes down again and we take a break.
Back with King grabbing a release fisherman’s suplex but getting knocked to the floor for a corkscrew moonsault. Back in and King backdrops his way out of something before shrugging off some chops. The Cannonball in the corner gets two but Ospreay gets up to chop it out again. Shockingly this goes to King but Ospreay scores with a headbutt. Some Kawada Kicks into a Styles Clash get two on King but he blasts Ospreay with a clothesline for two of his own. Ospreay forearms him into the Hidden Blade for two, followed by Stormbreaker for the win at 15:29.
Rating: B+. These guys beat the heck out of each other and that’s what you need in a match like this one. Ospreay was wrestling more like a superhero again instead of whatever he’s been doing recently and that was great to see. It’s a shame to see King lose again, but dang I’ve missed this Ospreay and hopefully he can make a deep run in the tournament, if not outright win it, to get out of his up and down stretch. Heck of a match here.
Gold League Standings
Claudio Castagnoli – 9 points (1 match remaining)
Ricochet – 9 points (1 match remaining)
Will Ospreay – 9 points (0 matches remaining)
Darby Allin – 6 points (1 match remaining)
Brody King – 6 points (0 matches remaining)
Komander – 0 points (1 match remaining)
The Hurt Syndicate is banned from the building, as per Christopher Daniels, for Shelton Benjamin’s match. Oddly they agree out of respect for…Renee Paquette?
Continental Classic Gold League: Darby Allin (6 points) vs. Ricochet (9 points)
Allin chills in the corner to start and Ricochet gets annoyed before they grapple around for a bit. Allin’s shoulder puts him down but Ricochet nips up, where Allin grabs a headlock. They go into the corner where Ricochet hits a right hand and we take a break. Back with Ricochet messing with the toilet paper and dropping Allin again.
A springboard clothesline into a Lionsault hits Allin but it’s too early for the 450. Allin rolls him up for two and sends him outside, where it’s time for a table, despite a table having nothing to do with this match. Ricochet’s 630 seconds Allin through the table and the referee is just fine with this happening.
We take another break and come back with Ricochet hitting a springboard double stomp. Allin forearms him on the top and hits a super Code Red, followed by a regular Code Red for two of his own. Ricochet sends the bad ribs into the ropes but misses a springboard 450. Allin grabs a Fujiwara armbar and cranks o the other arm as well but Ricochet makes the rope. A Scorpion Death Drop hits Ricochet and Allin adds the Coffin Drop but time expires at 19:57 (close enough), which is enough for Ricochet to advance to the semifinals.
Rating: B-. So one of the whole points of the tournament is not having interference so there is no way to have the referee distracted for the table spot. Well then maybe don’t do the table spot. Shocking idea I know but anyway, the rest of the match was fine enough, with Allin surviving against the crazy athlete despite the bad ribs. Just cut out the unnecessary table deal, which didn’t really make a significant impact.
Gold League Standing
Ricochet – 10 points (0 matches remaining)
Claudio Castagnoli – 9 points (1 match remaining)
Will Ospreay – 9 points (0 matches remaining)
Darby Allin – 7 points (0 matches remaining)
Brody King – 6 points (0 matches remaining)
Komander – 0 points (1 match remaining)
Jay White is ready to win the AEW World Title.
Continental Classic Gold League: Komander (0 points) vs. Claudio Castagnoli (9 points)
Komander’s newly won ROH TV Title isn’t on the line. Castagnoli strikes away to start and grabs a delayed suplex. The neck crank goes on as Schiavone rapid fires upcoming shows and on-sale dates. A super gutbuster gives Castagnoli two and a jumping double stomp gets the same. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Komander switches up into an electric chair, where they crash over the top and out to the floor.
Komander stays on his shoulders, at least until Castagnoli sends him face first into the apron. Back up and Komander hits a running flip dive to the floor, followed by a running faceplant back inside. Castagnoli crotches him on top and hits a big boot out to the floor, where Komander finds some brass knuckles. A right hand knocks Castagnoli silly and Cielito Lindo pins him at 7:37.
Rating: C+. What a heroic way to win! As usual, the Death Riders look strong even in defeat, with Komander doing quite the random heinous act of violence to win a match that means very little to him. I do like Komander winning his first match since becoming champion, but he couldn’t win with a rollup here to actually make him look good as opposed to a cheater?
Gold League Standings
Ricochet – 10 points (0 matches remaining)
Claudio Castagnoli – 9 points (0 matches remaining)
Will Ospreay – 9 points (0 matches remaining)
Darby Allin – 7 points (0 matches remaining)
Brody King – 6 points (0 matches remaining)
Komander – 3 points (0 matches remaining)
Post match the Death Riders run out to wreck Komander but Orange Cassidy and Jay White come in for the save. Then Jon Moxley beats them both down and says neither of them will get close to the World Title. Hangman Page comes in and Moxley is finally beaten down, leaving the other three to argue over the briefcase.
Video on Mercedes Mone vs. Kris Statlander.
Continental Classic: Kazuchika Okada (7 points) vs. Shelton Benjamin (6 points)
They start slowly with Okada taking him up against the ropes for the slaps to the chest. Benjamin is back up and Okada bails out to the floor, where he catches Benjamin with a DDT. Back in and a super hiptoss gives Benjamin two and we take a break. We come back with Benjamin winning an exchange of forearms but getting caught with a DDT.
An ankle lock slows Okada down but he escapes into the cobra clutch. With that broken up, Okada hits the White Noise onto the knee before they exchange rolling German suplexes. The Rainmaker is countered into Paydirt but the exploder is countered into the Rainmaker to give Okada the pin at 12:35.
Rating: B-. Another good match here with Okada getting his win and likely going on to the next round. It’s nice to see Okada having some bigger and better matches, though that is going to have to continue long term. Benjamin continues to be rather excellent in AEW as a much more serious star who can work with anyone. That’s better than he had been used in WWE and it’s hard to fathom how they couldn’t find a better use for him.
Blue League Standings
Kazuchika Okada – 10 points (0 matches remaining)
Kyle Fletcher – 9 points (1 match remaining)
Mark Briscoe – 9 points (0 matches remaining)
Daniel Garcia – 7 points (1 match remaining)
Shelton Benjamin – 6 points (0 matches remaining)
The Beast Mortos – 0 points (0 matches remaining)
Post match Okada teases flipping him off but shakes his hand.
Swerve Strickland wants to step up in 2025 but Ricochet interrupts, saying he’s going on to Worlds End. Strickland tells him to not screw it up.
We get a New York Minute with Chris Jericho and the Learning Tree, where he accepts Anthony Bowens’ challenge for Rampage.
Toni Storm vs. Taya Valkyrie
Deonna Purrazzo is here with Valkyrie, who strikes away to start as the fans declare Storm a rookie. Valkyrie’s running knees in the corner get two but Storm fights up with a clothesline. That earns her a leg wrap around the ring to put Valkyrie in control again as we take a break. Back with Valkyrie kneeing her way out of the corner and hitting a clothesline. Storm hammers away and scores with a hip attack but Storm Zero is blocked. Valkyrie yells at her a lot but gets small packaged to give Storm the pin at 7:05.
Rating: C. It’s still weird to see Storm as a rookie who can’t remember knowing anyone in her history. I’m not sure where that is going to lead, but there is still the chance that it is little more than a big mind game. That would make more sense, though I could go for more of the traditional Storm for a long time.
Video on MJF vs. Adam Cole.
Christopher Daniels interrupts Hangman Page, who isn’t interested in Daniels’ offers of help. Daniels knows what it’s like to be alone, but if Page needs a friend at Worlds End, he’ll be there.
Continental Classic Blue League: Daniel Garcia (7 points) vs. Kyle Fletcher (9 points)
Non-title, Garcia advances with a win, Fletcher advances with a win or a draw. They fight over a lockup to start with Fletcher powering him into the corner. Garcia slips out of a slam attempt though and hammers away, only to be sent outside. Fletcher follows him out and hammers away before powerbombing Garcia onto the apron.
We take a break and come back with Garcia hitting some clotheslines and sending Fletcher crashing out to the floor. Back in and Garcia hits a hanging swinging neckbreaker but Fletcher hits a running boot in the corner. They go out to the apron where Fletcher hits a DDT, followed by a sitout powerbomb for two. A brainbuster gets two more and Fletcher takes them up top, where Garcia reverses into….something for a double crash. Garcia’s Sharpshooter is broken up and Fletcher takes him into the corner for the brainbuster onto the buckle for the pin at 15:06.
Rating: B-. The mega push of Fletcher continues and this should set him up for a rematch with Will Ospreay at Worlds End. I’m not sure that is going to mean for Fletcher, but he is certainly getting a chance to show what he can do. Other than that, Garcia loses again and hopefully that means he’ll have some title defenses coming up, as he’s lost a few matches as champion in the tournament.
Blue League Standings
Kyle Fletcher – 12 points (0 matches remaining)
Kyle Fletcher – 9 points (1 match remaining)
Mark Briscoe – 9 points (0 matches remaining)
Daniel Garcia – 7 points (0 matches remaining)
Shelton Benjamin – 6 points (0 matches remaining)
The Beast Mortos – 0 points (0 matches remaining)
So the semifinals are Will Ospreay vs. Kyle Fletcher and Ricochet vs. Kazuchika Okada. Therefore, Ospreay comes out for the staredown.
Worlds End rundown.
Jon Moxley is ready to end things at Worlds End and if you are not willing to sacrifice when he will sacrifice you. And he’s a king.
Overall Rating: B. This show is going to depend on what you think of the Continental Classic, because the vast majority of the show was focused on the tournament. Other than the Death Riders/Page and company segment, the first hour and fifteen minutes was almost entirely built around the Continental Classic. It does help that the show was on Christmas night, but dang that is a lot of focus on a tournament for a midcard title while some things on the pay per view were entirely ignored. I’m not sure what AEW is going to have planned for the shows after the tournament is over, but we’ll be finding out rather quickly.
Will Ospreay b. Brody King – Stormbreaker
Darby Allin vs. Ricochet went to a time limit draw
Komander b. Claudio Castagnoli – Cielito Lindo
Kazuchika Okada b. Shelton Benjamin – Rainmaker
Toni Storm b. Taya Valkyrie – Small package
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You totally missed the entire Darby/Komander setup and payoff at the end of the match.
It was actually my favorite thing they did in a while as they actually changed it up, called back to Darby’s last match with Claudio, and told a story.
Yeah apparently I did and fair enough.
That being said, it made Komander look like a heel and didn’t feel right even with all of the details.