NXT LVL Up – November 29, 2024: They Did Well?
Date: November 29, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton
We’re coming up on Survivor Series and that means very little about what is going on with this show. Instead, we have the usual efforts around here, which means seeing a bunch of people who have no reason to be in any kind of a story but need ring time. That can make for some nice surprises and maybe they will again here. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Opening sequence.
Drake Morreaux vs. Harlem Lewis
The much bigger Morreaux powers him up against the ropes to start before they fight over a front facelock. Lewis gets in a shot of his own and hammers away before working on the arm. A running boot to the face and clothesline give Lewis two each but Morreaux is quickly out of a chinlock. They go up to the corner, where Morreaux knocks him off the top and drops a top rope splash for the pin at 5:38.
Rating: C. Morreaux is someone who is going to get a chance because he is athletic and huge, but at the same time, he hasn’t done anything that makes me interested in what he is doing. Lewis is someone who could be a nice lackey for someone, but on his own, I’m not sure I see what is going to work, at least without a new character. Not much to see here, which is kind of the point.
Lainey Reid doesn’t have a tag partner for later but she’ll find one. Kali Armstrong comes in to say she’ll do it, but they are NOT friends.
Lainey Reid/Kali Armstrong vs. Layla Diggs/Tyra Mae Steele
Diggs starts with Reid, who immediately hands it off to Armstrong, like any heel should. Diggs works on the arm as you might have expected before Steele comes in to wrestle Reid down. Armstrong comes back in for a heck of a clothesline to take over, with Reid’s double elbow getting two. The chinlock goes on but Steele fights out and hands it off to Diggs for a rather fired up comeback. Everything breaks own and Armstrong hits a powerslam on Diggs. Back up and Diggs scores with an ax kick to finish Armstrong at 5:47.
Rating: C+. This actually got cooking at the end and I’ll take that for a nice surprise. You don’t really expect much out of four stars who are rather inexperienced but they had a nice match and a good melee segment to wrap it up. Diggs vs. Reid isn’t much of a story but it’s more than most people get around here and I’ll take that for a bonus.
Cutler James and Dion Lennox are fired up over their recent win but Uriah Connors and Kale Dixon interrupt, setting up the main event.
Lainey Reid jumps Layla Diggs in the back with Tyra Mae Steele chasing her off.
Cutler James/Dion Lennox vs. Uriah Connors/Kale Dixon
Dixon whips James into the corner to start and that doesn’t work well, with James sending him into another corner with a bit more force. Lennox comes in with a fall away slam to Connors but Dixon sneaks in with a hot shot to take over. An assisted elbow in the corner gets two on Lennox but it’s a double knockdown for a needed breather. Everything breaks down again and Connors kicks Lenox into a rollup to give Dixon the pin at 4:38.
Rating: C. Well that was short and they didn’t have time to go anywhere. That’s a bit surprising as these four have been around a bit longer than most of the other people on this show and should be able to have something of a better match. The match wasn’t bad but there is only so much you can do with that little time.
Dixon and Connors are very happy with their first win to wrap things up.
Overall Rating: C+. Who would have thought that the women’s tag match in the middle of the show would have been the best part? The Diggs vs. Reid feud isn’t anything great but at least it is something that they are setting up for a payoff down the road. It’s still not a show you need to watch, but what we got here was good enough for another week.
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