NXT LVL Up – December 13, 2024: Circling The Drain

Date: December 13, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

The very slow road to the end of this show continues as we have three episodes left. Last week saw what passes for a long story being paid off around here, though that isn’t likely to happen again as we don’t really have anymore of them to go. Maybe the action will make up for it though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Wendy Choo vs. Dani Palmer

Choo takes her down by the leg to start but Palmer handstands out in a hurry. Palmer flips around again and hits a basement crossbody for two, only to get sent hard into the corner. A neck twist has Palmer in more trouble and a basement dropkick gets two. Choo hits some running shots in the corner and we hit the neck crank. Palmer is put in the Tree of Woe for some stomping but she slips out and makes the clothesline comeback. Choo catches her in the corner though and a cobra clutch finishes Palmer at 5:07.

Rating: C. Choo continues to be someone I cannot bring myself to care about, though thankfully she seems to just be weird now rather than the whole sleep themed woman. Palmer is athletic, but that is only going to get you so far with the talent around here. Not much of a match, with the bigger star winning.

Oro Mensah is ready for Niko Vance, who is a bit crazy for wanting to listen to Shawn Spears.

Dani Palmer is tired of losing and is ready to change something.

Oro Mensah vs. Niko Vance

Brooks Jensen and Shawn Spears is here with Vance, who starts fast with some rapid fires shoulders in the corner. Mensah fights back but misses a charge to crash out to the floor. Back in and Vance gets some near falls before he switches to choking in the corner. A powerbomb gives Vance two and we hit the reverse chinlock. That’s broken up and Mensah flips away, setting up a kick to the back to rock Vance for a change. A neck snap over the top staggers Mensah and a top rope headbutt finishes him off at 6:43.

Rating: C. Vance is someone who is getting more of a shot lately and that was the case here. Beating Mensah isn’t a huge deal but it’s as big of a thing as Vance has done so far. For now, I could go for seeing more of Vance, who has done well enough in his rather limited appearances.

Overall Rating: C-. Not much to see this week as they were going short and didn’t exactly offer a ton of star power. That makes for a pretty dull show, which granted makes sense with so little time left in the series. Choo was her usual uninteresting self and Vance only got to do so much. Skippable show this week as we start to circle the drain.

Wendy Choo b. Dani Palmer – Cobra clutch
Niko Vance b. Oro Mensah – Top rope headbutt



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