Things Might Be A Bit Weird For A Bit

So the wife and I were in Indianapolis for the Rumble this weekend, with my mom watching our son.  On the way home, we got a call from my mom, saying she fell and broke her leg.  She’s set for surgery today and the wife and I are going to be taking care of her.  As a result, I have no idea what my schedule is going to be looking like as I’ll probably be at the hospital with her for a good while.  I can take my laptop with me, but it’s not exactly great for reviewing.  I’ll be getting the shows done as fast as I can, but there is pretty much no chance that everything will be up as usual.  I’m so sorry but this is something that is going to be put ahead of anything I do with wrestling.


Thank you for your patience



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10 Responses

  1. Sebastian Howard says:

    Sorry dude hope she’s ok.

  2. The Nazi is truly sorry to hear this, and offers you and your family his sympathies and prayers for your mother’s recovery.

  3. Acuzzam says:

    Take care of your mom, the reviews can wait. Hope things work out.

  4. Stuart says:

    Sending you love bro

  5. Harry UK wrestling fan from Orlando says:

    All the best to you and the family mate.

  6. Jack says:

    Reviewing matches is less important than a family member. Hoping your mom heals fast

  7. Stuart Gipp says:

    Best wishes to you and your family, the review can wait! Been reading your stuff for years. Take care.

  8. Sean Duffy says:

    Thoughts and prayers for your Mother, that’s what comes first. Look forward to seeing the review.

  9. Liam Fenech says:

    That’s life man all the best to your mum you just concentrate on taking care of her and we’ll see the reviews when we see them

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