Royal Rumble 2025: Say It With Him

Royal Rumble 2025
Date: February 1, 2025
Location: Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett, Pat McAfee

It’s time to start the Road To Wrestlemania and that means we have one of the most important shows of the year. As usual, we have the two Royal Rumble matches, which could go in a few directions. Other than that, Cody Rhodes is defending the WWE Championship against Kevin Owens in a ladder match. Let’s get to it.

I was in the stadium for this show, sitting in the upper deck with the entrance on my right.

Commentary welcomes us to the show as people come to work.

Here is Stephanie McMahon in a surprise to welcome us to the show and hype up how big it is.

The opening video is naturally hosted by Pat McAfee, who talks about what a great city this is and how excited he is to have everyone here.

Commentary welcomes us to the show again.

Women’s Royal Rumble

So in a new innovation this year, we have some incredible (yet still simple) graphics, giving stats (how many Rumbles they have been in, their total eliminations etc), as well as how many people are in, how many have been eliminated, the next entrant, who is still in the match, who has been eliminated etc. These are GREAT and make this feel like so much more of a real sporting event while also making it easy for fans to jump in. Outstanding addition here and another sign of how great the changes have been.

Anyway we have two minute intervals and Iyo Sky is in at #1 and Liv Morgan is in at #2. They run the ropes to start until Sky dropkicks her into the corner. Sky misses a springboard but manages to send Morgan to the apron as Roxanne Perez (from NXT) is in at #3. Perez Thesz presses Sky and hammers away before hitting a DDT and Russian legsweep at the same time. Morgan is back up with a Codebreaker to leave everyone down as Lyra Valkyria is in at #4.

Valkyria cleans house to start and hits a tornado DDT on Sky…and we pause as Valkyria’s top starts falling off. Morgan is smart enough to knock her into the corner so things can be repaired. No one is eliminated and it’s Chelsea Green (to a heck of a pop) in at #5. Green comes in with the big over the top slaps, which leaves everyone to surround her for a group beatdown. B-Fab is in at #6 and gets in some shots as little is happening.

Ivy Nile is in at #7 and gets to German suplex people, including two at once. Zoey Stark is in at #8 and fires off some superkicks before sending Sy to the apron. Morgan gets close to eliminating Green butt can’t quite get there. Lash Legend (a big powerhouse from NXT) is in at #9 and gets to throw people around, including swinging Nile at various people. Fab gets in a slugout with Legend but Green throws Fab out for the first elimination.

Bianca Belair is in at #10, giving us Sky, Morgan, Perez, Valkyria, Green, Nile, Stark, Legend and Belair as the ring is rather full. Belair starts fast with a high crossbody to Green but it’s too early for any eliminations. Belair hammers away on Sky in the corner but moonsaults over a charging Sky to hammer away on both of them. Then she does it again with Stark and Legend and Morgan, though the latter gets away from the right hands. That was a great sequence and Belair follows it up with a suplex to Legend. Shayna Baszler is in a #11 and starts working on limbs until Stark slips on a springboard attempt.

Nile throws Valkyria out to set up their teased title match. Bayley is in at #12 and goes after Perez before having the big staredown with Sky. Stark and Baszler break that up but get sent to the apron as Sonya Deville is in at #13 to complete the Pure Fusion Collective. Deville gets to clean house and the Collective starts wrecking everyone. Green takes a time out on the floor as the beating continues.

Maxxine Dupri is in at #14 and forearms Nile down. The fisherman’s suplex drops Nile but the Collective breaks up the reverse Caterpillar. With the Collective down, Dupri can hit the reverse Caterpillar and kicks Nile out. Then the Collective tosses Dupri out as well. Naomi is in at #15 and teams up with Belair to start cleaning house. The Collective is out back to back to back to clear the ring an it’s Jaida Parker (athletic standout with some attitude from NXT) is in at #16.

Parker uses her hip based offense before staring it down with Legend. Belair and Naomi join in but Green gets in the middle of the four of them and is promptly destroyed. Green gets rid of Legend but runs into Naomi and Belair, who scare her off. Piper Niven is in at #17 and Green is rather happy, though it takes Niven forever to get to the ring, leaving Green frustrated. Niven comes in and cleans house….and accidentally eliminates Green. Panic ensues (even Cole knows that’s not good) and it’s Natalya in at #18 to a rather limited reaction.

Natalya starts fast and almost powerbombs Sky out, only for Perez to make the save. Jordynne Grace (officially part of the company and now with straight hair) is in at #19 and the fans are VERY happy. Grace gets to throw people around and tosses Parker, setting up a Parker style dance. A Death Valley Driver plants Niven and McAfee/Cole jump up in shock. Grace hugs old friend Naomi but Belair pulls them apart.

Michin is in at #20 to clean a bit of the house before getting planted by Niven. That gives us Sky, Morgan, Perez, Belair, Bayley, Naomi, Niven, Natalya, Grace and Michin. Alexa Bliss, with the Lily Doll, is back at #21 and so much for the contract issues. Even commentary gets in on the joke about the internet saying she wasn’t coming back. Bliss goes after Bayley for the old staredown and it’s Zelina Vega in at #22. The pace picks up, including a Code Red to Grace.

Candice LeRae is in at #23 and goes after Perez to limited avail. Belair has to hug the post to avoid being eliminated and it’s NXT’s Stephanie Vaquer in at #24. She gets to pick up the pace but charges into Bayley’s raised boot in the corner. Bayley gets her leg taken out and it’s Trish Stratus for the big surprise legend spot at #25. Stratus goes after Natalya, who Cole says is her “longtime rival.” They have never had a singles match or even been on opposite sides of a tag match.

Niven drops Stratus and things slow down as Raquel Rodriguez is in at #26. Rodriguez powerbombs Morgan onto Natalya and then dumps Natalya out. Bliss goes after Morgan and gets Codebreakered out for her efforts. Charlotte is back at #27 and, after taking her sweet time getting to the ring, chops quite a few people. Charlotte gets caught in a delayed double suplex but reverses it into a double DDT. Niven is out so Morgan and Rodriguez go after Charlotte as NXT Women’s Champion Giulia is in at #28.

Sky is waiting on her and they knock each other down as Charlotte fights off Morgan and Rodriguez. Giulia knees Grace out (that’s a bit of a surprise) but gets to face off with Vaquer. We get something of a current NXT vs. old school NXT brawl (cool) until Nia Jax is in at #29 (McAfee: “Oh no is what everybody is saying.”). Jax eliminates Vega and goes after Stratus, who doesn’t seem impressed. LeRae tries to break that up and gets tossed by Stratus, who tries the Stratusphere on Jax.

A hurricanrana just annoys Jax and Stratus is out and Jax runs over various people. Nikki Bella is back at #30, giving us a final grouping of Sky, Morgan, Perez, Belair, Naomi, Vaquer, Rodriguez, Charlotte, Giulia, Jax and Bella. Everyone circles Jax, who shoves them all away because she’s a monster and all. A bunch of strikes have Jax in trouble and Bella stops to do pushups, with Perez doing the same. In a totally not planned sequence, Vaquer, Sky, Belair, Naomi, Rodriguez and Morgan are sent to the apron and eliminated by Jax in the span of about fifteen seconds.

Giulia and Perez get Charlotte to the apron, only for Perez to eliminate Giulia instead. Bella knocks Bayley out but gets eliminated by Jax, laving us with Charlotte, Jax and Perez. Charlotte chops away at Jax but gets her leg twisted by Perez for a knockdown. Back up and Charlotte knocks out Jax, followed by a boot to eliminate Perez for the win at 1:10:16.

Rating: B-. I did like it, but there were WAY too many instances of people laying around and just killing time. On top of that, there is the “yes, it’s Charlotte, again” factor, as she’s gone for a year but comes back and wins the whole thing. That’s a bit of a lot to take, but it was the most likely option because, you know, Charlotte.

Other than that though, there were several great performances in here, with Grace, Perez, and especially Green coming off as absolute stars. That is quite the lineup but the bigger problem the long stretch of time without eliminations, leaving so may people laying around. Jax eliminating about six people almost at once was a bit much to take and large portions felt rushed, which says a lot when it was already long.

Big E. shills Slim Jim’s.

The Godfather, Mickie James and Kurt Angle are here, with Angle’s daughter wearing his gold medal.

Smackdown Tag Team Titles: Motor City Machine Guns vs. DIY

The Guns are challenging in a 2/3 falls match. The recap video (which shows the Guns debuting and winning the titles, only for Johnny Gargano to turn on his longtime friend Alex Shelley to steal them away) isn’t showed on the broadcast. Sabin and Ciampa chop it out to start until Shelley comes in for a double kick to the chest. The champs are sent outside for stereo dives from the Guns, setting up a suicide double clothesline from Sabin.

Gargano gets in a cheap shot on the floor though and DIY takes over back inside. That means some alternating double teaming can ensue, only for Shelley to fight back. Sabin finally gets in an enziguri and brings in Shelley but Ciampa…doesn’t tag. Gargano comes in for a distraction though, allowing Ciampa to come in with a jumping knee for the first fall at 3:16 (that was brilliant).

The second fall begins with Ciampa stomping away to set up the chinlock on Shelley. With that broken up, it’s a powerbomb/belly to back suplex combination for two as Shelley is in trouble. Back up and Shelley hits a Downward Spiral/DDT combination, only for Ciampa to offer a distraction. The referee doesn’t see the tag (that always works) and Sabin is caught in the wrong corner again.

A Shatter Machine gets two on Shelley but the slingshot spear is cut off. That’s enough for the tag back to Sabin and house is quickly cleaned. Ciampa is bleeding from the mouth as Sabin hits a huge dive to the floor for the double knockdown. Back in and a tornado DDT sets up Skull & Bones to tie the score at 9:04.

The third fall starts with Gargano getting in a shot to Sabin, allowing Ciampa to come in for a Fairy Tale Ending/superkick combination for two. Project Ciampa gets the same on Sabin and everyone is down. Ciampa takes Sabin up top but gets dropped face onto the post to knock him silly. With Ciampa in the Tree of Woe, Gargano gets suplexed into him to send Gargano outside.

A Sliced Bread/sitout powerbomb combination gets two on Ciampa, with Gargano making a last second save. Back up and Gargano accidentally kicks Ciampa, setting up the Dream Sequence. The referee is distracted though, allowing the Street Profits to come in with a crutch to knock Shelley silly. Meet In The Middle gives Ciampa the pin to retain at 13:59.

Rating: B. It was a good match, but it could not have been more filler to a card and it showed badly. The problem here is that it just didn’t feel that important and there was little way around that fact. That being said, it was good, back and forth action with DIY getting an assist to retain the titles, which works out just fine. Heck of a match here, with the Profits being added right back into the title mix.

Post match the Profits beat the champs down and pose with the titles.

And now, we look at Pat McAfee’s best NFL plays. But we don’t have time to recap the Tag Team Title match?

Some fans met Bianca Belair and Chelsea Green and got to come to the show.

Ron Simmons, Rick Steiner and Rob Van Dam (the latter of whom looks better than he did during parts of his career) are here.

We recap Kevin Owens vs. Cody Rhodes. Owens was livid about Rhodes teaming with Roman Reigns after Owens fought the team for years. Then Owens snapped and stole the Winged Eagle belt, setting up this ladder match for the title and a lot of revenge. Note that Cole says that we’re going to see a recap set to a Papa Roach song but it’s cut from Peacock.

Smackdown World Title: Cody Rhodes vs. Kevin Owens

Rhodes is defending in a ladder match and for some reason they both have their belts despite making such a big deal about them being hung up over a week ago. They stare at each other to start before going to the floor. The ladder is turned on its side so Owens slams him through the rungs in the middle. Said rungs are raked over Rhodes’ face and they fight into the crowd as this is quite the brawl so far.

Owens sends him face first into a camera for a great visual and they get back to the barricade, where Rhodes is dropped ribs first onto the barricade. Owens loads up a ladder inside but Rhodes is right there to cut him off. Another ladder is set up as a bridge between the apron and the announcers’ table but Owens takes too long. That lets Rhodes sends him into the steps…but Owens is back with a four foot step ladder and throws it at Rhodes to take over again.

A frog splash of the mini ladder doesn’t launch so Owens hits him with said ladder. Rhodes is dropped onto the mini ladder but he’s fine enough to send Owens into the really tall ladder. That lets Rhodes climb up but he winds up hanging from the belts. Owens pulls him down for a huge powerbomb, followed by a less huge ram into the standing ladder. Rhodes is fine enough to push the ladder over again and let’s tear off a rung to swing at Owens.

That lasts all of a few seconds as Owens kicks him in the face, setting up a Flip Flop And Fly for a nice chuckle. Instead of a Bionic Elbow though, it’s a rung to the head. Yet another ladder is brought in (even Cole thinks it’s excessive) but the package piledriver is broken up, with Rhodes backdropping him onto the side of a ladder for a NASTY landing. Rhodes goes up again, earning himself a powerbomb onto a ladder bridged over the bottom rope in the corner. Another ladder is bridged into the big standing ladder in the middle and Owens goes up.

For some reason Rhodes tries a superplex, which is as stupid as it seems as Owens superplexes him onto the bridged ladder. We pause for the medics and Nick Aldis to check on both of them….and Sami Zayn is here. With the two of them back up, Rhodes reverses a Stunner into the Cross Rhodes but it’s too early to climb. Rhodes takes it to the floor for a posting and Owens is busted open. That means a bunch of right hands to the cuts, but a low blow cuts Rhodes off. Another package piledriver is loaded up but Rhodes reverses into an Alabama Slam through the ladder. Owens is DONE and Rhodes retains at 25:05.

Rating: B. It’s a rather violent brawl and the ending spot looked great as Owens was destroyed. There were several cringe worthy moments and it felt like two people wanted to destroy each other. The problem here is the length, as it felt like they were killing tie more than once. Cut this down by five to eight minutes and it’s WAY better, but as it is, it’s basically just a violent ladder match with some good spots.

Evolve is coming in March. On Tubi.

Joe Tessitore and Big E. talk about the ladder match. For some reason only the audio was played in the stadium with no video.

Rumble By The Numbers video…which is also cut from Peacock.

Men’s Royal Rumble

2 minute intervals with Rey Mysterio in at #1 and Penta in at #2 for a nice start. We get a rather lengthy show of respect, which surprising as Penta has probably been a fan for decades. They start a bit slowly before going to the apron, where Penta’s feet certainly seem to hit the ground. The referee says it’s only one (the fans are REALLY not sure on that) butt Penta gets back in.

They knock each other down again and it’s Chad Gable in at #3. Gable fires off some suplexes but gets double teamed, with Mysterio climbing onto Penta’s shoulders to crash down onto Gable in a nice spot. Carmelo Hayes is in at #4 and hits the springboard reverse DDT on Mysterio before forming an alliance with Gable. That lasts all of ten seconds before they split up and pair off in the corners as Santos Escobar is in at #5.

Penta and Escobar have their showdown, with Escobar hitting a Canadian Destroyer butt getting caught with a 619 from Mysterio. We get a parade of people going to the apron and it’s Otis in at #6 as Gable (who can’t handle luchadors) keeps getting in trouble. Otis hits the Caterpillar before slugging it out with Gable, who plants him with a German suplex. Bron Breakker is in at #7 and a spear gets rid of Hayes (Breakker’s old NXT rival), followed by a backdrop to Otis.

Another spear drops Escobar (who was holding Penta) and Escobar is out. Akira Tozawa of all people is in at #8 but Hayes jumps him in the entrance. Since one forearm is enough to knock Tozawa silly, Adam Pearce comes out and carries him to the back, where HHH sends IShowSpeed (a streamer) in for his spot instead. Speed runs in and helps Breakker get rid of Otis before getting absolutely crushed by a Breakker spear (that looked GREAT). Breakker throws Speed over the top and onto Otis, who throws him over the announcers’ table for the elimination. Cole: “Are you ok so?” McAfee: “NO HE’S NOT OK!”

Sheamus is in at #9 (the booking for this has been great so far, as it’s one logical step after another, with Sheamus having issues with Breakker) and hits the forearms to Gable’s chest. Breakker gets the forearms as well and Sheamus hits Penta with a slingshot spear. The Brogue Kick cuts off Breakker’s spear and they chop it out until Jimmy Uso is in at #10. That gives us Mysterio, Penta, Gable, Breakker, Sheamus and Uso, the latter of whom hits a Whisper In The Wind to Penta.

Andrade is in at #11 and runs over Sheamus, followed by some running knee in the corner. Penta superplexes Escobar and most everyone is down…as Jacob Fatu is in at #12. Fatu Samoan drops Mysterio and Penta at the same time before throwing out Mysterio and Gable. There goes Andrade as well but Breakker is waiting on Fatu. Ludwig Kaiser is in at #13 and he’s not thrilled with getting in there immediately. The rest of the match slows down and Kaiser gets in, only to be tossed out by Penta two seconds later. Breakker saves himself from an elimination attempt and it’s the Miz in at #14.

Miz almost throws Breakker out and hits a Skull Crushing finale on Uso. A middle rope hurricanrana takes Penta down but Miz makes the mistake of going after Fatu, which goes as well as you would expect. The Samoan drop plants Miz and Fatu stands around….as TNA World Champion Joe Hendry is in at #15. The stadium sings his song and he gets to clean some house including the Standing Ovation (chokeslam) to Miz. Sheamus and Fatu have a standoff and Roman Reigns is in at #16 to a ROAR.

The spear hits Miz and he’s out, with Sheamus following him rather quickly. There’s a spear to Hendry who is out as well (to be fair, he was only there for the song) but Breakker spears Reigns for a change. Reigns is right back up to toss Breakker but Reigns needs a breather. Fatu dumps Uso and we have the big showdown with Reigns, which has to be a preview for something. The slugout is on and Reigns hits a spear but Drew McIntyre is in at #17. Fatu and McIntyre double team Reigns down and Finn Balor is in a #18.

The Sling Blade hits Penta but it’s not enough to get rid of him. Penta is back up with some slingshot dropkicks in the corner as Shinsuke Nakamura is in at #19. Penta’s Canadian Destroyer hits Fatu so he tries another on Balor, who tosses Penta out. Jey Uso is in at #20, giving us Uso, Balor, Fatu, McIntyre, Nakamura and Reigns. Uso hits a spear on McIntyre and a poisonrana on Fatu before trading kicks with Nakamura. Uso tosses Nakamura (and waves goodbye) and AJ Styles is back at #21.

House is cleaned before Styles gets in a staredown with Fatu. Braun Strowman is in at #22 (only a week after being smashed by Fatu, which is quite the turnaround) and goes straight after Fatu with a crossbody of all things. That’s enough for Strowman to power Fatu out, leaving Fatu to clear the announcers’ table and throw a chair. A bunch of people go after Strowman but none of that matters as John Cena is here at #23 (getting a not so subtle glare from Fatu). Cena gets rid of Strowman and Balor before getting in a staredown with Reigns. Since this isn’t big enough, CM Punk is in at #24 and we get a three way staredown, with Cena looking rather excited.

This goes on so long that Seth Rollins is in at #25 to make things all the more interesting. Rollins wastes no time in going after Punk as Cena brawls with Reigns. McIntyre is back up so Rollins goes after him as Styles chops Cena in the corner. Dominik Mysterio is in at #26 and comes in with a frog splash. For some reason Mysterio tries a suplex on Reigns, which goes as badly as you would expect. Sami Zayn is in at lucky #27 and starts firing off the Helluva Kicks. Nothing goes on for a bit until Damian Priest is in at #28.

Priest comes in with the Old School crossbody to McIntyre an a chokeslam is enough to get rid of Mysterio. Things slow down again and it’s LA Knight in at #29 to quite the reaction. The top rope spelling elbow hits Cena and there’s the jumping neckbreaker to Styles. Zayn gets sent to the apron and Uso’s superkick knocks him out by mistake. Logan Paul is in at #30, giving us a final group of Uso, Cena, Paul, Styles, McIntyre, Knight, Priest, Punk, Rollins and Reigns.

Paul comes in with a double Buckshot Lariat before Priest dumps McIntyre, who is aghast (again). Knight knocks Paul to the apron but Paul jumps to the announcers’ table (you sir are no Kofi Kingston). Knight clotheslines Priest out instead but gets tossed by Styles, leaving Paul to jump from the apron to the steps so he can get back in. As a bonus, he pulls Styles of the top for an elimination and we’re down to six. They all get up for a hexagon staredown and the pairing off begins.

The parade of knockdowns is on until Reigns glare at Rollins, We get the big showdown before both of them miss their big strikes. Reigns hits a clothesline against the ropes but can’t get rid of Rollins, so Punk is right there to dump both of them. Paul dumps Punk and Rollins is so mad that he takes out Reigns. Rollins brawls with Punk but once that’s broken up, he Stomps Reigns into the steps. Rollins FINALLY leaves as the other three are still down inside with the match basically having stopped. Uso and Paul get up to slug it out until Cena fireman’s carries them both at the same time.

With that broken up, Cena clotheslines Paul out and we’re own to two. They stare each other down and lug it out until Uso hits some superkicks. The spear cuts Cena down and we get a double breather. Back up and Cena throws him over the top but Uso holds on, with Cena joining him on the apron. Both are smart enough to try to get back inside before they slug it out but Uso slips out and knocks him to the floor for the win at 1:20:08.

Rating: A. I’m sorry what now? Uso winning is about as out of nowhere as you can get, but you cannot deny how over he is right now. Uso is as hot as anyone in WWE at the moment and while there is a LONG time left for the Wrestlemania title picture to be shaken up, this is the kind of win that can change someone’s career. I kept thinking they were making it too obvious in the final two and above all else, this was not boring. We’ll have to see where it goes, but dang points for a surprise.

As for the rest of the match, it was one of the best put together Rumbles I’ve ever seen, with the stories connecting throughout the match to make things that much better. Breakker and Fatu had another star making performance each and there were some stories set up for later. Heck of a match here and I had a great time with it. I’ll need some time to get my head around the ending, but the match was great.

Post match Cena is aggressive but shows respect before leaving. Uso gets to celebrate for a long time as the announcers’ YEET on the table to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. As usual, the Royal Rumble is going to be built around the two namesake matches because what else was it going to be about? They took up over two and a half hours of ring time and that is more than half of the entire show. The women’s edition was ok enough and the men’s edition was excellent, which is more than enough for a strong showing. The Tag Team Title match was good enough and the ladder match was a fight, making this one heck of an overall show.

Charlotte won the Women’s Royal Rumble last eliminating Roxanne Perez
DIY b. Motor City Machine Guns 2-1
Cody Rhodes b. Kevin Owens – Rhodes pulled down the titles
Jey Uso won the Men’s Royal Rumble last eliminating John Cena



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3 Responses

  1. Liam Fenech says:

    Would you say this is the most shocking rumble win of all time?

    • Thomas Hall says:

      I would put Cena’s 2008 win above it, just because Cena being back was such a surprise. Uso winning beats pretty much anything else though.

  2. james gracie says:

    Oh man how bad was that probably? Did I read that correctly? JEY USO???? One half of the Uso’s tag team just won the Royal Rumble???? I obviously don’t watch anymore but there is no way this guy is as over as you say he is. And why are TNA wrestlers appearing on WWE shows? Is that how bad its gotten? They need to be bailed out by TNA? Who is even Joe Hendry? Did I say his name right? I’m not even going to comment on the Diva’s rumble match. Give it up WWE. The Diva’s will never get over. Still waiting for that Diva’s revolution. Might come with that rocket push for Neville lol. Awful show probably and I’m glad I don’t watch anymore. I feel bad for anyone who went and saw this live….actually I don’t. If you went to this show, you are AN IDIOT! #LOLWWE

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